Computational mathematics
Bibliography Journals Software
Computer algebra
Berlin eLib at Zuse-Zentrum Helsinki Jülich Linz RISC
Jonathan Borwein in Burnaby Richard Fateman in Berkeley Wolfram Koepf in Kassel Bruce Miller in Gaithersburg Arnold Neumaier in Wien William Stein in Seattle
Computer science journals
Experimental Mathematics J. Computational and Applied Math. MapleTech Mathematics of Computation MathVision Technical Journal Publications at CWI in Amsterdam
Mathematical software
Numerical analysis software Netlib Software list at Penn SU Software list at Newton Institute
Karlsruhe Akademische Software Salzburg Softwaretechnologie
Mathbrowser Mathsoft Sage Wolfram Research Roman Mäder in Zürich Christensen Consultants
Intergalactic Reality MacWavelets (free) Galactomatic-1000 (data analysis) Science Software Directory