Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ---------------------------------------------- Simon Baron-Cohen/Helen Tager-Flusberg/Donald Cohen (ed.): Understanding other minds: Perspectives from autism. Oxford UP 1993. A. Des Lauriers/C. Carlson: Your child is asleep. Early infantile autism. Dorsey Press 1969. 4895 Uta Frith: Autismus. Spektrum 1993/8, 48-55. Uta Frith: Autismus. Spektrum 1992, 220p. DM 48. Von 100000 Kindern leiden etwa 50 an Autismus. Viele autistische Kinder sind geistig retardiert, etwa 75% erreicht nur einen IQ von unter 70. Jungen sind etwa 5 mal so oft betroffen wie Maedchen. Uta Frith (ed.): Autism and Asperger syndrome. Cambridge UP 1992. B. Furneaux/B. Roberts (ed.): Autistic children. Teaching, community and research approaches. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977. 5811 Catherine Milcent: A tu per tu con l'autismo. Sansoni 1993. G. O'Gorman: The nature of childhood autism. Butterworth 1970. E. Ornitz: Childhood autism. A review of the clinical and experimental literature. Medical progress. California Medicine 118 (1973), 21-47. B. Rimland: Infantile autism. Methuen 1965. E. Ritvo a.o. (ed.): Autism. Diagnosis, current research and management. Spectrum 1976. 13459 Patricia Rodier: Autismus. Spektrum 2000/5, 56-62. Beruht Autismus auf einem Defekt im Stammhirn? M. Rutter/E. Schopler: Autism. A reappraisal of concepts and treatment. Plenum Press 1978. O. Sacks: The man who mistook his wife for a hat. Picador, London 1986 [or Duckworth, London 1985?]. Probably a book on autistic persons. Contains the story of autistic twins John and Michael, who were able to recognize large primes (of 6 to 10 digits) simply by looking at them. Reference found in Peter Giblin's book "Primes and programming" (Cambridge UP 1993). L. Selfe: Nadia. A case of extraordinary drawing ability in an autistic child. Academic Press 1977. A. Shah/Uta Frith: An islet of ability in autistic children. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 24/4. Jane Taylor McDonnell: Notizie dal confine. Rizzoli circa 1994, 380p. Lire 30.000. Elisabeth Tinbergen/Niko Tinbergen: Early childhood autism. An ethological approach. Parey 1972. Niko Tinbergen: Ethology and stress diseases. Science 185 (1974), 20-27. 5796 Niko Tinbergen/Elisabeth Tinbergen: Bambini autistici. Adelphi 1989. S. Wiltshire: Drawings. Selected and with an introduction by Sir Hugh Casson Dent & Sons, London 1987. S. Wiltshire: Cities. Dent, London 1989. L. Wing (ed.): Early childhood autism. Pergamon Press 1976. 5799 Michele Zappella: I bambini autistici, l'holding e la famiglia. NIS 1990.