13366 Jocelyn Kaiser: Does biodiversity help fend off invaders? Science 5 May 2000, 785-786. 13254 Valeria Negri/Fabio Veronesi: La biodiversita' come risorsa. Le Scienze Febbraio 2000, 72-80. 13406 Hugh Possingham: Preserving diversity - the U.S. way. Science 12 May 2000, 983. Review of the CD "Conserving Earth's biodiversity" by E. Wilson and D. Perlman. 13008 Osvaldo Sala a.o.: Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100. Science 10 March 2000, 1770-1774. Edward Wilson/Dan Perlman: Conserving Earth's biodiversity. A CD. Island Press 2000. $40.