9465 Pierre Beland: Umweltgifte - der Fall der Weis''wale im Sankt-Lorenz- Strom. Spektrum 1996/7, 84-91. U''ber Jahrzehnte haben die weis''en Zahnwale Chemikalien im Fettgewebe angereichert. 12411 Wolfgang Hachtel: Killerwale dezimieren Seeotter. Spektrum 1999/3, 12-14. Nathaniel Philbrick: In the heart of the sea. Harper Collins 2000, 320p. Pds. 17. A 20 m long furious sperm-whale rammed the whaler "Essex" in 1820 in midst of the Pacific. Only 8 of the 20 men in the crew were saved, after a cruel and long odyssey in their boats. The author, an American historian, used the accounts of survivors. Tim Severin: In search of Moby Dick. Little Brown 2000, 240p. Pds. 19.