[See also History of Mathematics and History of Engineering] 9384 Ju''rgen Alex: Wege und Irrwege des Konrad Zuse. Spektrum 1997/1, 78-90. William Aspray (ed.): Computing before computers. Iowa State UP 1990. de Beauclair: Rechnen mit Maschinen. Vieweg 1968. L. Bo''szo''rmenyi/J. Gutknecht/G. Pomberger (ed.): The school of Niklaus Wirth - the art of simplicity. dpunkt 2000. Allan Bromley: Difference and analytical engines. In William Aspray (ed.): Computing before computers. Iowa State UP 1990. 15543 Manfred Broy: Edsger Wybe Dijkstra 1930-2002. Informatik-Spektrum Oktober 2002, 368-369. 15544 Manfred Broy: Ole-Johan Dahl 1931-2002, Kristen Nygaard 1926-2002. Informatik-Spektrum Oktober 2002, 367-368. 5415 Clive Davidson: The man who made computers personal. New Scienist 19 June 1993, 32-35. About Alan Kay, one of the inventors of the personal computer. In 1968 he developed a model for a portable computer, called Dynabook, and joined Xerox, where he was one of the founders of PARC (the Palo Alto Research Centers). There he created the prototype of a personal computer with an interactive graphical user interface, a forerunner of the Macintosh. In 1974, such innovations were too revolutionary even for Xerox. Kay stayed with Xerox until 1981, before moving to Atari and then, in 1984, to Apple. James Donnelly: A modern difference engine: Software simulators for Charles Babbage's Difference Engine 2. Armstrong 1992. A. Hyman: Charles Babbage 1791-1871. Klett 1987. 12616 Eugene Eric Kim/Betty Alexandra Toole: Ada und der erste Computer. Spektrum 1999/7, 80-85. 5036 N. Lehmann: Zur Geschichte der mechanischen Rechentechnik. 5028 Chatterji/, 155-166. Michael Lindgren: Glory and failure: The difference engines of Johann Mueller, Charles Babbage and Georg and Edward Scheutz. MIT Press 1990. M. Malone: The microprocessor. A biography. Springer 1995, 240p. 3-540-94342-0. DM 48. 9951 Raul Rojas: Konrad Zuses Rechenmaschinen - sechzig Jahre Computergeschichte. Spektrum 1997/5, 54-62. Dennis Shasha/Cathy Lazere: Out of their minds. Springer 1995, 300p. 3-540-97992-1. DM 38. Lives and work of 15 outstanding computer scientists: John Backus, Fred Brooks, Steve Cook, Edsger Dijkstra, Edward Feigenbaum, Danny Hillis, Alan Kay, Donald Knuth, Leslie Lamport, Doug Lenat, Leonid Levin, John McCarthy, Michael Rabin, Burton Smith, Robert Tarjan. N. Stern: John von Neumann's influence on electronic digital computing, 1944-1946. Annals of the History of Computing 2 (1980), 349-361. 5464 Doron Swade: Der mechanische Computer des Charles Babbage. Spektrum 1993/4, 78-84. Doron Swade: Charles Babbage and his calculating engines. Science Museum, London 1991. 7649 Andrew Tanenbaum: Architettura del computer. Jackson 1991. Richard Wexelblat (ed.): History of programming languages. Academic Press 1981. Konrad Zuse: Der Computer - mein Lebenswerk. Springer 1984. 13495 ZZ: Roots of software. Science 19 May 2000, 1169. Perhaps the first mention of the word software is to be found in an article published by John Tukey in the American Mathematical Monthly.