25622 Dennis Curtin/Kim Foley/Kunal Sen/Cathleen Morin: Informatica di base. McGraw-Hill 2012, 350p. 12960 Klaus Dembowski: PC-Hardware-Referenz. Markt & Technik 1999, 990p. 3-82725606-2. DM 90. 20730 Klaus Dembowski: PC-Werkstatt. Markt+Technik 2008, 900p. Eur 39. 6768 Chris Espinosa: It wasn't supposed to be like this. MacTech Magazine January 1995, 66-67. A lot of people in the early days of personal computing had strong anti-government, libertarian, individualist ethics. But the culture of problem-solvers, who revel in complexity that makes them needed, won out over the culture of simplifiers, who try to eliminate complexity and move on to other things. The problem-solvers were institutionalized in the mainframe and minicomputer installations, and originally rejected personal computers because they were toys. The damning trait of toys is not that they're not useful, but that toys don't require system administrators and the rest of multi-billion-dollar decision making infrastructure that was already in place in the mainframe and mini markets. 20732 Rudolf Glos: Das große PC-Schrauberbuch. Franzis 2007, 160p. Eur 39. Intel Corporation. 80386 hardware. Jackson, 470p. 88-7056-910-1. Lire 70.000. Intel Corporation. 80386 per il programmatore. Jackson, 470p. 88-7056-911-X. Lire 55.000. 20733 Horst Jansen (ed.): Informationstechnik und Telekommunikationstechnik. Europa-Lehrmittel 2007, 400p. Eur 32. Koch/Schulz: BIOS. Eur 26. H. Messmer: Pentium. Addison-Wesley 1995. 3-89319-630-7. DM 80. 7878 H. Messmer: PC-Hardwarebuch: Aufbau, Funktionsweise, Programmierung. Addison-Wesley 1995, 1400p. DM 100. 5714 Tom Moran: Making the quantum leap to Power PC. MacWorld 1993/11, 32-34. Scott Mueller: Hardware-Praxis. Addison-Wesley 1995, 920p. 3-89319-891-1. DM 100. 6266 Peter Norton/Peter Aitken/Richard Wilton: La bibbia del programmatore. Mondadori 1994. 12827 Peter Norton/Michael Desmond: La guida di Peter Norton a l'hardware dei PC. Apogeo 1999. 12828 Peter Norton/John Goodman: Inside PC. Jackson 1999, 670p. Oliver Pott: PC-Hardware ganz praktisch. Markt & Technik 2000. DM 20. 13860 Winn Rosch: Hardware - tutto e oltre. 2 volumes. Apogeo 2000, tog. 1320p. Tog. Lire 156.000. [English edition:: Hardware bible. Macmillan, 1999, 1400p. DM 87.] 13922 Peter Wilckens: Computerpraxis - Basiswissen. Europa-Lehrmittel 1997, 210p. DM 35. 20738 Peter Winkler: Computer-Lexikon 2009. Markt+Technik 2008, 1030p. Eur 17. 7650 John Woram: La grande guida hardware. 2 volumi. Apogeo 1992. Una guida molto completa al hardware dei computer con i processori 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486. Armando Zecchi: Manuale dei sistemi 386 e 486. Jackson, 220p. 88-256-0245-6. Lire 36.000.