12178 Peter Aitken/Bradley Jones: Programmare in C. Apogeo 1997, 700p. Lire 64.000. L. Ammeraal: ANSI C. Wiley 1991. Siegmund Baumann/Ullrich Lueschow: Die Programmiersprache C. Bibl. Inst. 1990, 464p. 3-411-14501-3. DM 54. A. Bellini/A. Guidi: Linguaggio C. McGraw-Hill 2003. Eur 28. 4486 P. Borenstein/Jeff Mattson: Think C. User manual. Symantec 1991. 809 Angela Bozzini: Concetti di algebra generale e di programmazione. Tesi, Ferrara 1989. 6693 David Curry: Using C on the Unix system. O'Reilly 1989. 0-937175-23-4. $25. P. Darnell/P. Margolis: C - a software engineering approach. Springer 1996, 500p. 3-540-94675-6. DM 89. 6899 Bernard Davignon: UNIX-C-Programmierung. Das Kompendium. Te-Wi 1991, 430p. 3-89362-087-7. DM 79. Harvey Deitel/Paul Deitel: C - corso completo di programmazione. Apogeo 2001, 640p. Eur 34. 16655 Arne Dür: Programmieren für Mathematiker in C und C++. Skriptum Sommersemester 2003, 124p. 4837 Bernd Eichinger-Wieschmann: Tabellenkalkulation in C. Vieweg 1989. Wilfried Gawehn: ANSI C - Borland C. Bibl. Inst. 1994, 560p. 3-411-17141-3. Vollstaendige Einfaehrung einschliesslich der C-Bibliothek, der Borland-C-Grafik und der Beschreibung der Benutzeroberflaeche. 5994 Massimo Gentilini: Il vero programmatore. Minds & Bits 2 (1992), 18-24. 13013 Torbjo''rn Granlund: GNU MP. The GNU multiple precision arithmetic library. Internet 1996, 46p. Ralf Kirsch/Uwe Schmitt: Programmieren in C. Eine mathematikorientierte Einführung. Springer 2007, 300p. Eur 25. L.Hancock M. Krieger: Il linguaggio C. McGraw-Hill 1986. 16138 David Hanson: C interfaces and implementations. Addison-Wesley 1997, 520p. $41. 12911 Samuel Harbison/Guy Steele: C. A reference manual. Prentice Hall 1995, 450p. 0-13-326224-3. DM 88. 16139 Samuel Harbison/Guy Steele: C. A reference manual. 5th edition. Prentice Hall 2002, 530p. $32. 13311 Pieter Hartel/Henk Muller: Functional C. Addison-Wesley 1997, 400p. DM 82. This is a very beautiful book. The title is somewhat misleading, it is about teaching imperative programming using C as a second language to students who had a functional language as the first programming language. But the algorithms start from a functional way of thinking and the authors give a very transparent presentation of the differences between C and functional programming and how their paradigms can be combined, for example in the chapter on lists, where append, filter and map are programmed in C. The book is exceptionally clear, on a good and interesting level and didactically I think very efficient, and nice and comfortable to read. Good appendices (a brief review of SML and the C standard libraries) and many interesting examples. 17446 Pieter Hartel/Henk Muller/Hugh Glaser: The functional C experience. J. Functional Progr. 14/2 (2004), 129-135. 15824 Hartmut Helmke/Rolf Isernahgen: Softwaretechnik in C und C++. Das Lehrbuch. Hanser 2001, 440p. Eur 30. 20823 Rolf Isernhagen/Hartmut Helmke: Softwaretechnik in C und C++. Das Kompendium. Hanser 2004, 940p. Eur 49. 16940 Helmut Herold: C-Kompaktreferenz. Addison-Wesley 2002, 460p. Eur 26. 15527 Helmut Herold/Jo''rg Arndt: C-Programmierung unter Linux. Suse 2002, 1080p. Eur 51. 6052 Klaus Kannemann: C unter UNIX. Vieweg 1992. 3618 Brian Kernighan/Dennis Ritchie: Linguaggio C. Jackson 1989. Andrew Koenig: C traps and pitfalls. Addison-Wesley 1989. R. Leach: Using C in software design. Academic Press 1993, 410p. DM 85. John Levine: Programming for graphics files in C and C++. Wiley. Don Libes: Obfuscated C and other mysteries. Wiley 1993. $40. Peter van der Linden: Expert C programming. SunSoft Press 1994, 380p. 0-13177429-8. DM 78. D. Masters: C. An introduction with advanced applications. Prentice-Hall 1991. 5701 Kurt Matthies/Thom Hogan: Macintosh programming by example. MicroSoft Press 1991. 6098 Jeff Mattson: Think C. Standard Libraries Reference. Symantec 1991. Michael Mock: C. Bibl. Inst. 1990, 190p. 3-411-14581-1. DM 34. Nakamura: Applied numerical methods in C. Prentice Hall 1993, 620p. DM 72. B. Nance: Network programming in C. Que 1990, 650p. $50. M. Papazoglou/W. Valder: Entwurf relationaler Datenbanken in C. Hanser 1992, 418. DM 86. 6175 P. Plauger: Standard C Library. Jackson Libri. Lire 65000. "Plauger ha collaborato, e collabora, alla stesura dell' ANSI C/C++. E' mostrato l' uso di tutte le funzioni delle librerie: asserr, ctype, errno, float, limits, locale, math, setjmp, signal, stdarg, stddef, stdio, stdlib, string, time. Il tutto e' corredato da ben 9000 (si' novemila) linee di codice." (Ezio Ricca). Thomas Plum: C programming guidelines. Plum Hall 1989. Un manuale di stile eccellente per la scrittura di programmi in C. 6051 William Press/Saul Teukolsky/William Vetterling/Brian Flannery: Numerical recipes in C. Cambridge UP 1992. 16047 Steve Qualline: Practical C programming. O'Reilly 1997, 420p. $25. Not bad, but rather elementary. Claus Schirmer: Die Programmiersprache C. Hanser 1992, 300p. 3-446-16561-4. DM 44. 2098 Herbert Schildt: C-Befehlsbibliothek. McGraw-Hill 1988. [Edizione italiana: C. Ansi C e C++. McGraw-Hill 1991. Lire 75.000.] Klaus Schmaranz: Softwareentwicklung in C. Springer 2001, 410p. Eur 45. 4707 R. Sedgwick: Algoritmi in C. Addison-Wesley 1990. R. Stevens: Learning C with fractals. Academic Press 1993, 340p. Pds. 33. R. Stevens: The C graphics handbook. Academic Press 1992, 800p. DM 79. W. Vetterling/S. Teukolsky/W. Press/B. Flannery: Numerical recipes in C. Example book. Cambridge UP 1992, 470p. Pds. 20. A companion to 6051. Juergen Wolff von Gudenberg: Objektorientiertes Programmieren von Anfang an. Bibl. Inst. 1993, 340p. 3-411-16241-4. DM 38. 6062 X. Turbo C. Guida all'apprendimento. Borland 1988. Una delle migliori guide alla programmazione in C.