Richard Allen: Star names: Their lore and meaning. Sky Publishing, 560p. $ 9. Anthony Aveni: Stair ways to the stars. Skywatching in three great ancient cultures. Wiley 1997. 0-471-15942-5. $25. 12954 Ulrich Bastian: Die Eroberung der dritten Dimension. Spektrum 2000/2, 50-57. Eine kleine Geschichte der Astronomie. 1273 Peter Lancaster Brown: Il libro delle stelle. Mursia 1971. Allan Chapman: The Victorian amateur astronomer. Independent astronomical research in Britain 1820-1920. Wiley 1997. 0-471-96257-0. $60. Gale Christianson: Edwin Hubble - mariner of the nebulae. IOP 1997. 0-75030423-5. 6684 Guido Cossard: Il mistero delle spirali. Nuovo Orione 1995/2, 44-53. Forse alcune antiche incisioni a spirale rappresentano il movimento del sole nel cielo. Kitty Ferguson: Das Mas'' der Unendlichkeit. Econ 2000, 340p. DM 40. Maurice Finocchiaro (ed.): Galileo on the world system. A new abridged translation and guide. California UP 1997. 0-52020548-0. $55. 12636 Owen Gingerich: Astronomie und Geographie an der Wende zur Neuzeit. Spektrum 1993/1, 82-88. John Lankford: American astronomy. Community, careers, and power 1859-1940. Chicago UP 1997. 0-22646886-0. $65. Christopher Linton: From Eudoxus to Einstein. A history of mathematical astronomy. Cambridge UP 2004, 520p. "Linton hat ein großartiges Buch vorgelegt .. Als ein Kleinod kann ein Kapitel über die Astronomie der Inder und Araber bezeichnet werden ... ein fantastischer Reisebegleiter durch die Astronomiegeschichte ..." (T. Sonar) Stephen McCluskey: Astronomies and cultures in early medieaval Europe. Cambridge UP 1997. 0-521-58361-6. $60. John North: Viewegs Geschichte der Astronomie und Kosmologie. Vieweg 1997, 460p. DM 78. Donald Osterbrock: Pauper and prince: Ritchey, Hale, and big american telescopes. Univ. of Arizona Press 1993, 350p. 0-8165-1199-3. $ 45. Giuseppe Maria Sesti: The glorious constellations: History and mythology. Sky Publishing, 500p. $ 125. Richly illustrated, the centerpiece of the book is the celestial ceiling fresco in the Villa Farnese. Julius Staal: The new patterns in the sky. Sky Publishing, 300p. $ 17. William Stahlman: Ptolemy's handy tables. The astronomical tables of Codex Vaticanus Graecus (1291). Garland 1997. 0-81530216-9. $43. Sally Stephens: Women in astronomy. Astronomical Society of the Pacific 1992, 26 slides with a 36-page booklet. $ 40. F. Richard Stephenson/Zhentao Xu/Yaotiao Jiang: Astronomical observations of ancient East Asia. Wiley 1997. 0-471-96017-9. $70. H. Thurston (ed.): Early astronomy. Springer 1994, 290p. 3-540-94107-x. DM 86. Don Wilhelms: To a rocky moon: A geologists history of lunar exploration. Univ. of Arizona Press 1993, 480p. 0-8165-1065-2. $ 30. Robert Wilson: Astronomy through the ages. Harvard UP 1997. 0-67405027-4. Sun Xiaochun/Jacob Kistemaker: The Chinese sky during the Han - constellating stars and society. Brill 1997. 900410737-1. $89.