Guido Cossard: Nove strade per la luna. Musumeci 1994, 90p. Lire 25.000. 13010 Timothy Culler/Timothy Becker/Richard Muller/Paul Rennej: Lunar impact history from 40Ar/39Ar dating of glass spherules. Science 10 March 2000, 1785-1788. 8701 Giancarlo Favero: Cerchiamo faglie e graben sulla luna. Il Cielo Novembre 1996, 58-59. 5293 Jacques Laskar: Der Mond und die Stabilita''t des Erdklimas. Spektrum 1993/9, 48-55. 6702 Antonin Ru''kl: Stelle e pianeti. Fabbri 1991, 230p. Lire 26.000. Bellissime immagini, accompagnate dal testo in modo ottimale. Ben organizzato e piacevole da leggere. 13007 Graham Ryder: Glass beads tell a tale of lunar bombardement. Science 10 March 2000, 1768-1769. 6577 G. Jeffrey Taylor: Ursprung und Entwicklung des Mondes. Spektrum 1994/9, 58-65. Don Wilhelms: To a rocky moon: A geologists history of lunar exploration. Univ. of Arizona Press 1993, 480p. 0-8165-1065-2. $ 30. "Gives a clearly readable, largely accurate, and eminently human portrayal of the events and players that established our current understanding of the moon's evolution," says Harrison Schmitt, the only civilian scientist among the Apollo astronauts to explore the moon.