12327 Bruno Binggeli: Ein Blick in die kosmische Fru''hzeit mit dem Hubble-Weltraumteleskop. Vierteljahresschr. Naturf. Ges. Zu''rich 143/3 (1998), 97-108. 5400 Marcus Chown: The biggest telescope in the world. New Scientist 28 August 1993, 7. The $85 million Very Large Baseline Array (VLBA) will allow radio astronomers to observe details in astronomical object more than 1000 times finer than any that can be seen by optical telescopes, for example the jets fo material coming from the cores of quasars, where gian black holes are believed to lurk. The 10 25-metre radio dishes of the VLBA are scattered across North America with outlying stations in Hawaii and the Virgin Islands. F. Garzon: The impact of large scale near-IR sky surveys. Kluwer 1997. 0-79234434-0. 11879 James Glanz: First light for giant sky survey. Science 29 May 1998, 1337-1338. 14806 Arsen Hajian/J. Thomas Armstrong: Ein scha''rferer Blick auf die Sterne. Spektrum 2001/6, 42-49. Neue optische Interferometer liefern mit ihrem extremem Auflo''sungsvermo''gen sonst unzuga''ngliche Informationen u''ber die physikalischen Eigenschaften von Sternen. John Hardy: Adaptive optics for astronomical telescopes. Oxford UP 1997. 0-19509019-5. 13289 Craig Hogan: An infrared look behind stars. Science 14 April 2000, 281-283. Ludwig Meier: Der Himmel auf Erden. Barth 1992, 160p. 3-335-00279-2. DM 68. Die Welt der Planetarien. 5404 Rosie Mestel: Californian councillors poised to blot out stars. New Scientist 19 June 1993, 5. Light pollution is a growing problem for astronomers. As the night skies grow brighter, the faintest objects in the Universe (very old, distant stars, galaxies and quasars) become increasingly difficult to see. The Mount Palomar Observatory (near to San Diego), which houses the third-largest optical telescope in the world, is just in such a predicament. 13645 Mark Muro: Report finds squirrels survived 3 telescopes. Science 14 July 2000, 228. 12430 Uwe Reichert: Das Very Large Telescope - Europas neue Sternwarte. Spektrum 1999/3, 104-105. 13651 Govert Schilling: The virtual observatory moves closer to reality. Science 14 July 2000, 238-239. 9427 Fred Treasure: NF/Observatory networking with Linux OS. Linux Journal February 1997, 14-17. 13477 Georg Wolschin: Die Teleskope der na''chsten Generation. Spektrum 2000/6, 8-14. 13479 Georg Wolschin: Gros''angriff auf die letzten Geheimnisse des Kosmos. Spektrum 2000/6, 14. Interview mit Massimo Tarenghi. 15083 Georg Wolschin: Quartett komplett - das europa''ische Superteleskop vor dem Vollbetrieb. Spektrum Juli 2000, 14-16. 8514 Robert Zimmerman: The rainbow's not enough. The Sciences September/October 1996, 8-9. A short guide to space telescopes. 13324 ZZ: BeppoSAX slimmed. Science 21 April 2000, 413.