11544 M. Acuna a.o.: Magnetic field and plasma observations at Mars -
initial results of the Mars Global Surveyor mission.
Science 279 (1998), 1676-1680.

11542 A. Albee/F. Palluconi/R. Arvidson: Mars Global Surveyor mission -
overview and status. Science 279 (1998), 1671-1672.

8590 Charlene Anderson: Pluto. New views from the Hubble space telescope.
Planetary Report September/October 1996, 4-9.

9669 Charlene Anderson: Weird and wonderful - Europa keeps her secrets.
Planetary Report March/April 1997, 10-13. Are there ice volcanoes on
Jupiter's second large moon.

J. Kelly Beatty/Andrew Chaikin (ed.): The new solar system.
330p. $25.

8689 Luigi Bignami: Marte - la conquista e' iniziata.
Il Cielo Novembre 1996, 24-32.

5356 Peter Bond: Mars on a shoestring. New Scientist 21 August 1993, 25-29.
"If all goes well, the American Mars Observer spacecraft will enter orbit 
around Mars next week. Its primary mission, to map the planet and study its 
atmospheric and topographic variations, starts in about three months, and 
will last one Martian year or 687 Earth days." It seems that it did not go 
well. Launch opportunities to Mars occur only about once every 780 days. Much 
has been learned about Mars already from the first missions: After the 
American Mariner 9 orbiter (1971), the two Viking probes (1975) sent back 
thousands of pictures from orbit and landed two scientific laboratories on 
the surface. Some of us dream still that Mars may one day be colonised by 

7560 Geoffrey Briggs/Fredric Taylor: Atlante Cambridge dei pianeti.
Zanichelli 1989.

Serge Brunier: Reise durch das Sonnensystem. Westermann 1994, 224p. DM 98.

12515 Mark Bullock/David Grinspoon: Klima und Vulkanismus auf der Venus.
Spektrum 1999/5, 38-46.

Michael Carr: Water on Mars. Oxford UP 1996.

11547 P. Christensen a.o.: Results from the Mars Global Surveyor thermal
emission spectrometer. Science 279 (1998), 1692-1698.

T. Encrenaz/J. Bibring: The solar system.
Springer 1995, 350p. 3-540-58836-1. DM 84.

8693 Giancarlo Favero: E' apparsa la vita sul pianeta Marte?
Il Cielo Novembre 1996, 33-38.

5310 Stephan Fichtner: Viel Staub um Jupiter.
Spektrum 1993/7, 26-28.

11492 W. Folkner a.o.: Interior structure and seasonal mass redistribution
of Mars from radio tracking of Mars Pathfinder.
Science 5 December 1997, 1749-1752.

10767 Olaf Fritsche: Pathfinder auf dem Mars - wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse
einer medienwirksamen Mission. Spektrum 1997/9, 16-21.

10079 James Glanz: Worlds around other stars shake planet birth theory.
Science 30 May 1997, 1336-1339.

11491 Matthew Golombek a.o.: Overview of the Mars Pathfinder mission and
assessment of landing site predictions. Science 5 December 1997, 1743-1748.

12051 Matthew Golombek: Die Pathfinder-Mission. Spektrum 1998/9, 62-73.

David Grinspoon: Venus revealed.
Addison-Wesley 1998. 0-201-32839-9. $17.

Joachim Guertler/Johann Dorschner: Das Sonnensystem. 
Barth 1993, 260p. 3-335-00281-4. DM 98.

13188 Alex Halliday: Angeregte Atome, planetare Zusammensto''sse
und Unterschiede zwischen Erde und Mars. VNGZ 144/4 (1999), 159-168.

5409 Jeff Hecht: Stray body found beyond Saturn.
New Scientist 19 June 1993, 16. Yet another faint body has been discovered 
in the outer Solar System, orbiting just beyond Saturn. It has been named 
"1993 HA2" and has a diameter around 100 km. Two similar objects, called 
"Chiron" (discovered in 1977) and "Pholus" (discovered in 1992), are known 
to lie between the orbits of Saturn and Neptune. Another two bodies have 
been discovered in 1992, orbiting beyond Neptune.

Thomas Henning/Bringfried Stecklum: Molekuelwolken und Sternentstehung.
Barth 1994, 280p. 3-335-00359-4. DM 80. Die Entstehung der Sonne und des 
Planetensystems: Interstellare Materie im Milchstrassensystem, physikalische 
Grundlagen der Linien- und Kontinuumstrahlung, galaktische Molekuelwolken, 
globale Aspekte des Sternentstehungsprozesses, Theorie des 
Sternentstehungsprozesses, junge stellare Objekte.

Holger Heuseler/Ralf Jaumann/Gerhard Neukum: Die Mars-Mission. Pathfinder,
Sojourner und die Eroberung des Roten Planeten. BLV 1998.

11496 S. Hviid a.o.: Magnetic properties experiments on the Mars Pathfinder
lander - preliminary results. Science 5 December 1997, 1768-1770.

13168 Torrence Johnson: Jupiter und seine Monde. Spektrum 2000/4, 40-50.

9381 Jeffrey Kargel/Robert Strom: Die Klimageschichte des Mars.
Spektrum 1997/1, 50-59.

11543 G. Keating a.o.: The structure of the upper atmosphere of Mars -
in situ accelerometer measurements from Mars Global Surveyor.
Science 279 (1998), 1672-1676.

11553 Richard Kerr: Surveyor shows the flat face of Mars.
Science 279 (1998), 1634.

12990 Richard Kerr: Buried channels may have fed Mars ocean.
Science 10 March 2000, 1727-1730.

5398 Vincent Kiernan: All quiet on the Martian front.
New Scientist 28 August 1993, 4. Three days before it was due to drop into 
orbit around Mars, the NASA Mars Observer spacecraft stopped transmitting 
radio signals to Earth.

6674 Robert Kirshner: The Earth's elements. 
Scientific American October 1994, 36-43. The elements that make up the Earth 
and its inhabitants were created by earlier generations of stars.

Horst Koehler: Die Planeten. Vieweg 1983, 200p. 3-528-08467-7. DM 34.

6532 Janet Luhmann/James Pollack/Lawrence Colin: Venus - von Pioneer enthuellt.
Spektrum 1994/6, 48-55. Die Oberflaeche der Venus schwelt unter einer dichten 
Kohlendioxidhuelle, in der Wolken aus aetzender Schwefelsaeure dahintreiben, 
und weil ein magnetisches Feld fehlt, sind die oberen Atmosphaerenschichten 
dem fortwaehrenden Hagel geladener Teilchen von der Sonne ausgesetzt. Atmen 
waere auf der Venus voellig unmoeglich, im Gegensatz zur irdischen Luft, die 
78 Prozent Stickstoff und 21 Prozent Sauerstoff enthaelt, besteht die 
wesentlich dichtere Venus-Atmosphaere fast ausschliesslich aus Kohlendioxid.

9462 Jane Luu/David Jewitt: Der Kuiper-Gu''rtel. Spektrum 1996/7, 56-62.

12852 Renu Malhotra: Schwerkraft-Billard im Sonnensystem.
Spektrum 1999/11, 32-39. Vor Jahrmilliarden sah unser Sonnensystem
anders aus als heute. Vor allem die a''us''eren Planeten vera''nderten
ihre Bahnen.

11545 M. Malin a.o.: Early views of the Martian surface from the Mars
orbiter camera of Mars Global Surveyor. Science 279 (1998), 1681-1685.

11495 J. Matijevic a.o.: Characterization of the Martian surface deposits
by the Mars Pathfinder rover, Sojourner.
Science 5 December 1997, 1765-1768.

11862 T. McCord a.o.: Salts on Europa's surface detected by Galileo's
near infrared mapping spectrometer. Science 22 May 1998, 1242-1245.

David Morrison: Exploring planetary worlds.
Freeman 1993, 240p. 0-7167-5043-0. $20.

11727 Robert Nelson: Merkur - der vergessene Planet. Spektrum 1998/1, 54-61.

12728 Robert Pappalardo/James Head/Ronald Greeley: Der verborgene Ozean
des Jupitermonds Europa. Spektrum 1999/12, 42-53.

6555 Christoph Poeppe: MANNA - eine kleine deutsche Parallelrechnerentwicklung.
Spektrum 1994/8, 16-21.

1293 Ian Ridpath/Wil Tirion: Guida delle stelle e dei pianeti. Muzzio 1988.

11497 R. Rieder a.o.: The chemical composition of Martian soil and
rocks returned by the mobile alpha proton X-ray spectrometer - preliminary
results from the X-ray mode. Science 5 December 1997, 1771-1774.

6702 Antonin Ruekl: Stelle e pianeti. Fabbri 1991, 230p. Lire 26.000.
Bellissime immagini, accompagnate dal testo in modo ottimale. Ben organizzato 
e piacevole da leggere.

11493 J. Schofield a.o.: The Mars Pathfinder atmospheric structure
investigation/meteorology (ASI/MET) experiment.
Science 5 December 1997, 1752-1758.

11546 D. Smith a.o.: Topography of the Northern hemisphere of Mars from
the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter. Science 279 (1998), 1686-1692.

11494 P. Smith a.o.: Results from the Mars Pathfinder camera.
Science 5 December 1997, 1758-1765.

Carol Stoker/Carter Emmart (ed.): Strategies for Mars. A guide to human
exploration. 620p. $38.

Yu. Surkov: Exploration of terrestrial planets from spacecraft.
Wiley 1997. 0-471-96429-8. $120.

6528 Ruediger Vaas: Bestaetigung fuer Pulsar-Planeten.
Spektrum 1994/6, 25-31. Die schon vor zwei Jahren vermutete Existenz von 
Planten um den Pulsar PSR 1257+12 konnte nun bewiesen werden. Wahrscheinlich 
haben sie sich aus Materie eines Nachbarsterns gebildet, die der 
Neutronenstern abgesaugt hat.

Thomas Watters: Planets. Smithsonian guide. 260p. $18.

12214 Paul Weissman: Die Oortsche Wolke. Spektrum 1998/12, 62-70.
Eine riesige Wolke aus eisigen Klumpen umgibt nach einer Vermutung
von Jan Oort das Planetensystem.

8731 Yatsundo Yamamoto/Koichiro Tsuruda: Aiming for the red planet - 
Japan's Planet-B mission.
Planetary Report November/December 1996, 10-11.

8730 Richard Young: The wild ride of the Galileo probe - sampling Jupiter's
atmosphere. Planetary Report November/December 1996, 4-9.

13510 Glenn Zorpette: Menschen statt Roboter. Spektrum 2000/6, 50-53.
Astronauten ko''nnten auf dem Mars nach Leben suchen.

13011 Maria Zuber a.o.: Internal structure and early thermal evolution of Mars
from Mars Global Surveyor topography and gravity.
Science 10 March 2000, 1788-1793.

ZZ: Mars - Aufbruch zum Roten Planeten.
Hu''thig 1998, 130p. 3-87973-501-8. DM 17.