Claude Allegre: From stone to star. A view of modern geology. Harvard UP 1992. 6675 Claude Allegre/Stephen Schneider: The evolution of the Earth. Scientific American October 1994, 44-51. 14807 Alexander Braun/Gabriele Marquardt: Die bewegte Geschichte des Nordatlantiks. Spektrum 2001/6, 50-59. 6783 Ian Dalziel: Die Erde vor Panga''a. Spektrum 1995/3, 64-71. Eine halbe Jahrmilliarde, bevor am Ende des Erdaltertums der Superkontinent Panga''a entstand, waren die irdischen Landmassen schon einmal in einem einzigen Kontinent vereinigt. Nordamerika, das damals an die Antarktis grenzte, vollfu''hrte in der Folgezeit eine komplizierte Odyssee, bei der es Su''damerika umrundete und schlies''lich an Nordafrika andockte. 13170 Paul Hoffmann/Daniel Schrag: Als die Erde ein Eisklumpen war. Spektrum 2000/4, 58-66. Paul Hoffman a.o.: [On the "snowball Earth" hypothesis.] Science 28 August 1992, 1342-... James Kasting: Earth's early atmosphere. Science 259 (1993), 920-926. 12993 Richard Kerr: An appealing snowball Earth that's still hard to swallow. Science 10 March 2000, 1734-1736. The claim that Earth has frozen over from pole to pole for millions of years has intrigued many scientists but as yet convinced few. But in addition to tropical glaciation and strange iron deposits, the snowball Earth scenario solves the paradox of the juxtaposition of the low-latitude glacial deposits and hundreds of meters of carbonate rock. 14201 Richard Kerr: An orbital confluence leaves its mark. Science 13 April 2001, 191. A. Kro''ner/P. Layer: Crust formation and plate motion in the early archean. Science 256 (1992), 1405-1411. P. Layer/C. Hall/Derek York: The derivation of Ar{40}/Ar{39} age spectra of single grains of hornblende and biotite by laser step-heating. Geophysical Research Letters 14 (1987), 757-760. P. Layer/A. Kro''ner/M. McWilliams/Derek York: Elements of the archean thermal history and apparent polar wander of the Eastern Kaapvaal Craton, Swaziland, from single grain dating and paleomagnetism. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 93 (1989), 23-24. 5604 Rolf Haugaard Nielsen: Chill warnings from Greenland. New Scientist 28 August 1993, 28-33. Ice cores are unique archives of past climate and atmospheric chemistry. The gases, acids adn dust present everywhere in the atmosphere are also contained in the snow falling on the ise sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. There, the chemical fingerprint of each year is preserved unchanged as the annual layers move gradually downward in the icecap. Even more importantly, the stable isotopic composition of the ice depends on the air temperature at the time when the snow was formed and deposited, so glaciologists can follow temperature changes back in time. In this way one has now discovered that sudden swings in the world's climate should have been the rule over many thousands of years. Linda Sohl/Nicholas Christie-Blick/Dennis Kent: [On the Neoproterozoic Elatina Formation glacial deposit in Australia.] Geol. Soc. America Bull. August 1999, ... R. Weyl: Geologie der Antillen. Borntraeger 1966. 5487 Derek York: Die Fru''hzeit der Erde. Spektrum 1993/3, 76-83. Der Zerfall radioaktiver Isotope ermo''glicht Altersbestimmungen u''ber geologische Zeitra''ume. Mit zunehmend feineren Methoden entlocken Geowissenschaftler der Erde Informationen u''ber fru''heste Ereignisse der geologischen Entwicklungsgeschichte. Besonders gut anwendbar ist die Uran-Blei-Methode, bei welcher der Zerfall von Uran-Isotopen zu Blei ausgenutzt wird. Der Acasta-Gneis, eine Formation metamorphen Gesteins im Norden Kanadas, ist mit nahezu 4 Milliarden Jahren das a''lteste bekannte Stu''ck intakter Erdkruste. Derek York: Cooling histories from Ar{40}/Ar{39} age spectra: Implications for precambrian plate tectonics. Annual Rev. of Earth and Planetary Sciences 12 (1984), 383-409.