For mathematical electronic libraries see The Mathematician. ----------------------------------------------------------- 8281 ACM: ACM interim copyright policies. Comm. ACM 38/4 (1995), 104-109. 9059 G. Hartmut Altenmüller: Ein neues Konzept für Wissenschaftsinformation. Spektrum 1996/10, 112-114. P. Boyce/H. Dalterio: Electronic publishing of scientific journals. Physics Today January 1996, 42-47. 8836 David Brannan: Comments on electronic journals. Notices AMS January 1997, ... 7505 Robert Cameron: To link or to copy? Four principles for materials acquisition in Internet electronic libraries. Internet 1994, 7p. J. Chuang/M. Sirbu: The bundling and unbundling of information goods - economic incentives for the network delivery of academic journal articles. Conf. Econ. of Digital Information and Intellectual property, Harvard Univ. 1997, ... 8282 Peter Denning/Bernard Rous: The ACM electronic publishing plan. Comm. ACM 38/4 (1995), 97-103. 11830 Alan Edelson: On the future of scholarly journals. Science 17 April 1998, 359. Janet Fisher: Traditional publishers and electronic journals. In Peek/Newby 1996, ... J. Franks: The impact of electronic publication on scholarly journals. Notices AMS 40 (1993), 1200-1202. Paul Ginsparg: First steps towards electronic research communication. Proc. Gateways to Knowledge Conf., approx. 1993. Stevan Harnad: Scholarly skywriting and the prepublication continuum of scientific inquiry. Psychological Science 1 (1990), 342-343. Reprinted in Current Contents 45 (November 11, 1991), 9-13. Stevan Harnad: Implementing peer review on the Net: Scientific quality control in scholarly electronic journals. In Peek/Newby 1996, ... Stevan Harnad: The paper house of cards (and why it's taking so long to collapse). Ariadne March 1997, ... Heinz Hauffe (ed.): Die wissenschaftliche Bibliothek - Traditionen, Realitaeten, Perspektiven. Festschrift fuer Oswald Stranzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. Innsbruck 1990. Oswald Stranzinger war Vorgaenger von Walter Neuhauser als Direktor der Innsbrucker Universitaetsbibliothek. 7334 Heinz Hauffe: Die elektronische Revolution und ihre Auswirkungen auf Verlage und Bibliotheken. Beitrag zum Kolloquium "Bibliotheksnetze und elektronische Medien", Bielefeld 1994. Heinz Hauffe: Elektronisches Publizieren aus der Sicht eines Verlegers. Mitteilungen der VOEB 45/3-4 (1992), 101-103. Brian Hayes: The economic quandary of the network publisher. In Peek/Newby 1996, ... J. Hayes: The Internet's first victim? Forbes 18 December 1995, 200-201. A. Heck (ed.): Electronic publishing for physics and astronomy. Kluwer 1997. 19314 Steffan Heuer: Mash-ups für Professoren. Technology Rev. 2007/7, 3p. Offen zugängliche wissenschaftliche Literaturdatenbanken breiten sich immer mehr aus. 15066 Alice Keller/Bruno Bauer: Entwicklung und Zukunft elektronischer Zeitschriften. Medizinbibliothek-Information September 2001, 12-17. Ein Gespra''ch. D. King/D. McDonald/N. Roderer: Scientific journals in the United States - their production, use and economics. Hutchinson Ross 1981. Rob Kling/Roberta Lamb: Analyzing alternate visions of electronic publishing and digital libraries. In Peek/Newby 1996, ... 16507 Donald Knuth: Letter to the editorial board of the "Journal of Algorithms". Internet 2003, 14p. F. Lancaster: Towards a paperless information system. Academic Press 1978. 9959 Michael Lesk: Die digitale Bu''cherwelt. Spektrum 1997/5, 96-100. H. Lustig: Electronic publishingg - economic issues in a time of transition. In Heck 1997, ... 11317 Jeffrey MacKie-Mason/Juan Rivero: Economics and electronic access to scholarly information. Internet 1997, 18p. 13641 Eliot Marshall: Publish and perish in the Internet world. Science 14 July 2000, 223-225. Otto Oberhauser: Buecher des 21. Jahrhunderts. Interaktive Multimedia im Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen. Hauffe 1990, 309-321. 12861 Oliver Obst: Information at your fingertips. Deutsches A''rzteblatt/PraxisComputer 1999/6, 34-37. Andrew Odlyzko: Tragic loss or good riddance? The impending demise of traditional scholarly journals. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies ... (1995), ... A brief version appears in Notices of AMS January 1995. 11393 Andrew Odlyzko: On the road to electronic publishing. Euromath. Bull. 2/1 (1996), 49-60. 11345 Andrew Odlyzko: The economics of electronic journals. Internet 1997, 17p. 11396 Andrew Odlyzko: The slow evolution of electronic publishing. Internet 1997, 15p. 7498 Ann Okerson: Whose article is it anyway? Copyright and intellectual property issues for researchers in the 90s. Notices AMS January 1996, ... Ann Okerson (ed.): Directory of electronic journals, newsletters and academic discussion list. Association of Research Libraries, Office of Scientific and Academic Publication 1994. Ann Okerson/J. O'Donnell (ed.): Scholarly journals at the crossroads - a subversive proposal for electronic publishing. Ass. Res. Lib. 1995. Jan Olsen: Implications of electronic journal literature for scholars. PhD Thesis, Cornell University 1992. Ruth Orenstein (ed.): Fulltext sources online. Needham Heights 1994. R. Peek/G. Newby: Scholarly publishing - the electronic frontier. MIT Press 1996. 14958 Ellen Peerenboom: Blatt oder Bildschirm. Medizinbibliothekinformation September 2001, 10-11. 16012 Wiebke Ro''gener: Wissen fu''r jedermann. Internet 2003, 2p. F. Rowland: Print journals - fit for the future? Ariadne January 1997, ... 7382 Ann Schaffner: The future of scientific journals. Lessons from the past. Information Technology and Libraries, December 1995 (1994?). C. Schwartz: The rise and fall of uncitedness. C & RL January 1997, 19-29. Should be interesting. 7504 Barry Shell: Setting knowledge free. Internet, circa 1995, 4p. Richard Sietmann: Elektronisches Publizieren. Vor dem Phasensprung. Physikalische Blaetter 50 (1994), 845-847. 9960 Mark Stefik: Systeme zum Schutz des Urheberrechts. Spektrum 1997/5, 100-106. 6766 Gary Stix: Publizieren mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit. Spektrum 1995/3, 34-39. Die klassische wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift wird schnell veralten, in dieser Zukunft ist wissenschaftliche Kommunikation nicht so sehr Dokumentation des Vollendeten als vielmehr eine Art Direktuebertragung aller Gedanken zu einem Problem. [= Editoria scientifica in rete. Le Scienze Febbraio 1995, 82-87.] David Stolodsky: Archiving secure interactions. Psychological Science 1 (1990), 353-354. Gary Taubes: Publication by electronic mail takes physics by storm. Science 259 (Feb. 26, 1993), 1246-1248. Gary Taubes: Peer review in cyberspace. Science 266 (1994), 967-... C. Tenopir/D. King: Trends in scientific scholarly journal publishingg in the US. J. Schol. Publishing April 1997, ... 11314 Hal Varian: Pricing electronic journals. D-Lib Magazine June 1996, ... 11354 Hal Varian: The future of electronic journals. Internet 1997, 11p. ZZ: Survey of American research journals. Notices AMS 40 (1993), 1339-1344.