3623 W. Sidney Allen: Vox latina. Cambridge UP 1990. M. Bonioli: La pronuncia del latino nelle scuole dall'antichita' al rinascimento. 1962. Frederick Brittain: Latin in church. Episodes in the history of its pronounciation, particularly in England. Cambridge UP 1934. Frederick Brittain: Latin in church. The history of its pronounciation. Mowbray 1955. Stephen Daitz: The pronounciation and reading of classical Latin. A practical guide. The living voice of Greek and Latin literature. Norton 1984. Booklet + tape cassette. Ross Duffin: National pronounciations of Latin 1490-1600. The Journal of Musicology 4 (1985/6), 217-26. Caelestis Eichenseer: De Graecorum nominum accentu Latino. Vox Latina 30 (1994), 177-179. 9863 Caelestis Eichenseer: Phonetice Latina et pronuntiatus Latinus. Societas Latina 1995. 2 Phonodisci + libellus, 30p. H. Kelly: Pronouncing Latin words in English. Classical World 80 (1986), 33-37. Roland Kent: The sounds of latin. 1932. Reprinted by Kraus Reprints, 1979. A. Maniet: La phonetique historique du latin dans le cadre des langues indo-europeennes. 1975, 210p. J. Marouzeau, La prononciation du latin. 1955. P. Monteil: Elements de phonetique et de morphologie du latin. 1970, 410p. M. Niedermann: Precis de phonetique historique du latin. 1968, 210p. D. Norberg: Remarques sur l'histoire de la prononciation du latin. Acta Conventus Romani ... (1961), 107-114. Vera Scherr: Auffu''hrungspraxis Vokalmusik. Handbuch der lateinischen Aussprache, klassisch, italienisch, deutsch, mit ausfu''hrlicher Phonetik des Italienischen. Ba''renreiter 1991. Robert Sonkowski: Selections from Cicero, read in classical Latin. Norton 1984. Booklet + 2 cassette tapes. Robert Sonkowsky: Selections from Vergil, read in classical Latin. Norton 1985. Booklet + cassette tape. Robert Sonkowski: Selections from Catullus and Horace, read in classical Latin. Norton 1988. Booklet + 2 cassette tapes.