6440 Samuel Odom/Scott McConnell/Lynette Chandler: Acceptability and feasibility of classroom-based social interaction interventions for young children with disabilities. Exceptional Children 60 (1993), 226-236. 6439 Patrick Schloss/Sandra Alper/Donna Jayne: Self-determination for persons with disabilities: Choice, risk, and dignity. Exceptional Children 60 (1993), 215-225. --- listserver travable on listserv@sjuvm.stjohns.edu The travable mailing list was formed to discuss all aspects of travel for the disabled. And is open to the disabled community, and their families, and people in the travel industry. What is appropriate for discussion on this list is: sharing travel experiences with each other, passing along any new and useful information about travel for the disabled, and to share ideas on how to make travel better for the disabled individual.