John Boswell: Christianity, social tolerance and homosexuality. Univ. of Chicago 1980. Thomas Cowan: Gay men and women who enriched the world.Mulvey 1988. John D'Emilio: Sexual politics, sexual community. University of Chicago Press 1983. Duberman/Vincinus/Chauncey (ed.): Hidden from history: Reclaiming the gay and lesbian past. Penguin 1990. Judy Grahn: Another mother tongue. Beacon Press, Boston 1984. Karen Harbeck: Coming out of the classroom closet. Haworth Press 1992. Jonathan Katz: Gay American history. Avon Books 1976. 6541 Simon Le Vay/Dean Hamer: HomosexualitŠt. Biologische Faktoren. Spektrum 1994/7, 36-43. Walter Williams: The spirit and the flesh: Sexual diversity in American indian culture. Beacon Press 1986.