4167 Amnesty International: Jahresbericht 1992. Fischer TB 1992. Amnesty International: Jahresbericht 1993. Fischer TB 11690 (1993), 620p. DM 16. 13211 Brooks Hanson/Floyd Bloom: Stop censuring the Census. Science 7 April 2000, 53. The authors think one should not remove criminal penalties for failure to answer all questions of the U.S. Census. 17258 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Islam and human rights. Westview 1999, 260p. $26. 17190 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Debating the universality of human rights. Internet ca. 2000, 27p. 17192 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Not taking rights seriously. Internet ca. 2002, 48p. 17194 Ann Elizabeth Mayer: Reconsidering the human rights framework for applying islamic criminal law. Internet ca. 2005, 5p.