Journals Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy. ------------------------------------------------------- Books Mary Field Belenky/Blythe McVicker Clinchy/Nancy Rule Goldberger/Jill Mattuck Tarule: Women's ways of knowing: The development of self, voice, and mind. Basic Books 1986. C. Burton: The promise and the price: The struggle for equal opportunity in women's employment. 1991. Deborah Cameron: Feminism and Linguistic Theory. Mario Anke/Klaus Seisselberg: Wehr dich! Das Sicherheitsbuch fuer Frauen. Trias, Stuttgart 1993, 280p. DM 40. Ob in Parks oder Tiefgaragen, in Unterfuehrungen oder zu Hause, Maennergewalt gegen Frauen nimmt zu. Selbstverteidigungskurs fuer Frauen. Marcia Citron: Gender and the musical canon. Cambridge UP 1993. The author uses interdisciplinary and feminist theory to examine the formation of the music canon. C. Cockburn: In the way of women: Men's resistence to sex equality in organisations. 1991. Eva Cyba: Geschlecht und soziale Ungleichheit. Leske & Budrich 2000, 300p. DM 58. Mario Dederichs: Hillary Clinton und die Macht der Frauen. Knaur TB 80025, 330p. DM 15. N. Downing/K. Roush: From passive acceptance to active commitment: A model of feminist identity development for women. Counseling Psychologist 13 (1984), 695-709. This model has been measured and tested by Bargad/Hyde in Psychology of Women Quarterly 15 (1991), 181-201, and by Rickard in Sex Roles 20 (1991?), 213-227.) Hester Eisenstein: Gender shock. 1991/93. Riane Eisler: The chalice and the blade. Rita Felski: Beyond feminist aesthetics: Feminist literature and social change. Harvard UP 1989. Kathy Ferguson: Feminist case against bureacracy. 1984. Jo Freeman: Women: A feminist perspective. Mayfield 1993/94. Nanette Funk/Magda Mueller: Gender politics and post-communism: reflections from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Nancy Hartsock: Money, sex, and power. 1985. Ada Maria Isasi Diaz/Yolanda Tarango: Hispanic women: Prophetic voice in the church. 1988. A. Jones/J. May: Working in human service organisations. 1992. Gayl Jones: Corregidora. Maxine Hong Kingston: The Woman Warrior. A. Koller: An unknown woman. Bantam 1983. Catherine MacKinnon: Toward a feminist theory of the State. 1989. Tania Modleski: Feminism without women: Culture and criticism in a postfeminist age. Toni Morrison: Beloved. Rotraud Perner: Erfolg feminin. Service-Fachverlag an der Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, 1993. DM 35. Shulamit Reinharz: Feminist methods in social research_ Oxford University Press 1992. Lou Robinson/Camille Norton (ed.): Resurgent: New Writing by Women. Univ. of Illinois Press 1992. Sara Ruddick: Maternal thinking. Feminist Studies 6 (1980), 70-96. Sara Ruddick: Maternal thinking - towards a politics of peace. Beacon 1989. Sheila Ruth: Issues in feminism. C. Stivers: Gender images in public administration: Legitimacy and the administrative State. 1993. John Stoltenberg: Refusing to be a man. Susan Rubin Suleiman: Subversive Intent: Gender, Politics, and the Avant-Garde. Harvard 1990. Patricia Waugh: Feminine Fictions: Revisiting the Postmodern. Routledge 1989. A. Yeatman: Bureaucrats, technocrats, femocrats: Essays on the contemporary Australian State. 1990. Curt Weeden: How women can beat terrorism. Quadrafoil 2004, 290p. $11.