From DEBRA@OLN.comlink.apc.orgSat Sep 23 09:39:19 1995
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 09:04:00 +0100
From: Debra Guzman <>
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Subject: WCW: Beijing Declaration part 12

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## date       : 21.09.95

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Beijing, China
4-15 September 1995

                        * ADVANCE UNEDITED DRAFT *

                Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
         adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for
                      Equality, Development and Peace

                        Beijing, 15 September 1995

     Strategic objective F.1.   Promote women's economic
     rights and independence, including access to employment
     and appropriate working conditions and control over
     economic resources

Actions to be taken

167. By Governments:

     (a) Enact and enforce legislation to guarantee the
     rights of women and men to equal pay for equal work or
     work of equal value;

     (b) Adopt and implement laws against discrimination
     based on sex in the labour market, especially
     considering older women workers, hiring and promotion,
     the extension of employment benefits and social
     security, and working conditions;

     (c) Eliminate discriminatory practices by employers and
     take appropriate measures in consideration of women's
     reproductive role and functions, such as the denial of
     employment and dismissal due to pregnancy or
     breast-feeding, or requiring proof of contraceptive
     use, and take effective measures to ensure that
     pregnant women, women on maternity leave or women
     re-entering the labour market after childbearing are
     not discriminated against;

     (d) Devise mechanisms and take positive action to
     enable women to gain access to full and equal
     participation in the formulation of policies and
     definition of structures through such bodies as
     ministries of finance and trade, national economic
     commissions, economic research institutes and other key
     agencies, as well as through their participation in
     appropriate international bodies;

     (e) Undertake legislation and administrative reforms to
     give women equal rights with men to economic resources,
     including access to ownership and control over land and
     other properties, credit, inheritance, natural
     resources, and appropriate new technology;

     (f) Conduct reviews of national income and inheritance
     tax and social security systems to eliminate any
     existing bias against women;

     (g) Seek to develop a more comprehensive knowledge of
     work and employment through, inter alia, efforts to
     measure and better understand the type, extent and
     distribution of unremunerated work, particularly work
     in caring for dependants and unremunerated work done
     for family farms or businesses, and encourage the
     sharing and dissemination of information on studies and
     experience in this field, including the development of
     methods for assessing its value in quantitative terms,
     for possible reflection in accounts that may be
     produced separately from, but consistent with, core
     national accounts;

     (i) Review and amend laws governing the operation of
     financial institutions to ensure that they provide
     services to women and men on an equal basis;

     (j) Facilitate, at appropriate levels, more open and
     transparent budget processes;

     (k) Revise and implement national policies that support
     the traditional savings, credit and lending mechanisms
     for women;

     (l) Seek to ensure that national policies related to
     international and regional trade agreements do not
     adversely impact women's new and traditional economic

     (m) Ensure that all corporations, including
     transnational corporations, comply with national laws
     and codes, social security regulations, applicable
     international agreements, instruments and conventions,
     including those related to the environment, and other
     relevant laws;

     (n) Adjust employment policies to facilitate the
     restructuring of work patterns in order to promote the
     sharing of family responsibilities;

     (o) Establish mechanisms and other forums to enable
     women entrepreneurs and women workers to contribute to
     the formulation of policies and programmes being
     developed by economic ministries and financial

     (p) Enact and enforce equal opportunity laws, take
     positive action and ensure compliance by the public and
     private sectors through various means;

     (q) Use gender-impact analysis in the development of
     macro- and micro-economic and social policies in order
     to monitor such impact and restructure policies in
     cases where harmful impact occurs;

     (r) Promote gender-sensitive policies and measures to
     empower women as equal partners with men in technical,
     managerial and entrepreneurial fields;

     (s) Reform laws or enact national policies that support
     the establishment of labour laws to ensure the
     protection of all women workers, including safe work
     practices, the right to organize and access to justice.

     Strategic objective F.2.   Facilitate women's equal
     access to resources, employment, markets and trade

Actions to be taken

168. By Governments:

     (a) Promote and support women's self-employment and the
     development of small enterprises, and strengthen
     women's access to credit and capital on appropriate
     terms equal to those of men through the scaling-up of
     institutions dedicated to promoting women's
     entrepreneurship, including, as appropriate, non-
     traditional and mutual credit schemes, as well as
     innovative linkages with financial institutions;

     (b) Strengthen the incentive role of the State as
     employer to develop a policy of equal opportunities for
     women and men;

     (c) Enhance, at the national and local levels, rural
     women's income-generating potential by facilitating
     their equal access to and control over productive
     resources, land, credit, capital, property rights,
     development programmes and cooperative structures;

     (d) Promote and strengthen micro-enterprises, new small
     businesses, cooperative enterprises, expanded markets
     and other employment opportunities and, where
     appropriate, facilitate the transition from the
     informal to the formal sector, especially in rural

     (e) Create and modify programmes and policies that
     recognize and strengthen women's vital role in food
     security and provide paid and unpaid women producers,
     especially those involved in food production, such as
     farming, fishing and aquaculture, as well as urban
     enterprises, with equal access to appropriate
     technologies,transportation, extension services,
     marketing and credit facilities at the local and
     community levels;

     (f) Establish appropriate mechanisms and encourage
     intersectoral institutions that enable women's
     cooperatives to optimize access to necessary services;

     (g) Increase the proportion of women extension workers
     and other government personnel who provide technical
     assistance or administer economic programmes;

     (h) Review, reformulate, if necessary, and implement
     policies, including business, commercial and contract
     law and government regulations, to ensure that they do
     not discriminate against micro, small and medium-scale
     enterprises owned by women in rural and urban areas;

     (i) Analyse, advise on, coordinate and implement
     policies that integrate the needs and interests of
     employed, self-employed and entrepreneurial women into
     sectoral and inter-ministerial policies, programmes and

     (j) Ensure equal access for women to effective job
     training, retraining, counselling and placement
     services that are not limited to traditional employment

     (k) Remove policy and regulatory obstacles faced by
     women in social and development programmes that
     discourage private and individual initiative;

     (l) Safeguard and promote respect for basic workers'
     rights, including the prohibition of forced labour and
     child labour, freedom of association and the right to
     organize and bargain collectively, equal remuneration
     for men and women for work of equal value and
     non-discrimination in employment, fully implementing
     the conventions of the International Labour
     Organization in the case of States party to those
     conventions and, taking into account the principles
     embodied in the case of those countries that are not
     party to those conventions in order to achieve truly
     sustained economic growth and sustainable development.

169. By Governments, central banks and national development
banks, and private banking institutions, as appropriate:

     (a) Increase the participation of women, including
     women entrepreneurs, in advisory boards and other
     forums to enable women entrepreneurs from all sectors
     and their organizations to contribute to the
     formulation  and review of policies and programmes
     being developed by economic ministries and banking

     (b) Mobilize the banking sector to increase lending and
     refinancing through incentives and the development of
     intermediaries that serve the needs of women
     entrepreneurs and producers in both rural and
     urbanareas, and include women in their leadership,
     planning and decision-making;

     (c) Structure services to reach rural and urban women
     involved in micro, small and medium-scale enterprises,
     with special attention to young women, low-income
     women, those belonging to ethnic and racial minorities,
     and indigenous women who lack access to capital and
     assets; and expand women's access to financial markets
     by identifying and encouraging financial supervisory
     and regulatory reforms that support financial
     institutions' direct and indirect efforts to better
     meet the credit and other financial needs of the micro,
     small and medium-scale enterprises of women;

     (d) Ensure that women's priorities are included in
     public investment programmes for economic
     infrastructure, such as water and sanitation,
     electrification and energy conservation, transport and
     road construction.  Promote greater involvement of
     women beneficiaries at the project planning and
     implementation stages to ensure access to jobs and

170. By Governments and non-governmental organizations:

     (a) Pay special attention to women's needs when
     disseminating market, trade and resource information
     and provide appropriate training in these fields;

     (b) Encourage community economic development strategies
     that build on partnerships among Governments, and
     encourage members of civil society to create jobs and
     address the social circumstances of individuals,
     families and communities.

171. By multilateral funders and regional development banks,
as well as bilateral and private funding agencies, at the
international, regional and subregional levels:

     (a) Review, where necessary reformulate, and implement
     policies, programmes and projects, to ensure that a
     higher proportion of resources reach women in rural and
     remote areas;

     (b) Develop flexible funding arrangements to finance
     intermediary institutions that target women's economic
     activities, and promote self-sufficiency and increased
     capacity in and profitability of women's economic

     (c) Develop strategies to consolidate and strengthen
     their assistance to the micro, small and medium-scale
     enterprise sector, in order to enhance the
     opportunities for women to participate fully and
     equally and work together to coordinate and enhance the
     effectiveness of this sector, drawing upon expertise
     and financial resources from within their own
     organizations as well as from bilateral agencies,
     Governments and non-governmental organizations.

172. By international, multilateral and bilateral
development cooperation organizations:

         Support, through the provision of capital and/or
         resources, financial institutions that serve
         low-income, small and micro- scale women
         entrepreneurs and producers in both the formal and
         informal sectors.

173. By Governments and/or multilateral financial

         Review rules and procedures of formal national and
         international financial institutions that obstruct
         replication of the Grameen Bank prototype, which
         provides credit facilities to rural women.

174. By international organizations:

         Provide adequate support for programmes and
         projects designed to promote sustainable and
         productive entrepreneurial activities among women,
         in particular the disadvantaged.

     Strategic objective F.3.   Provide business services,
     training and access to markets, information and
     technology, particularly to low-income women

Actions to be taken

175. By Governments in cooperation with non-governmental
organizations and the private sector:

     (a) Provide public infrastructure to ensure equal
     market access for women and men entrepreneurs;

     (b) Develop programmes that provide training and
     retraining, particularly in new technologies and
     affordable services to women in business management,
     product development, financing, production and quality
     control, marketing and the legal aspects of business;

     (c) Provide outreach programmes to inform low-income
     and poor women, particularly in rural and remote areas,
     of opportunities for market and technology access, and
     provide assistance in taking advantage of such

     (d) Create non-discriminatory support services,
     including investment funds for women's businesses, and
     target women, particularly low-income women, in trade
     promotion programmes;

     (e) Disseminate information about successful women
     entrepreneurs in both traditional and non-traditional
     economic activities and the skills necessary to achieve
     success; facilitate networking and the exchange of

     (f) Take measures to ensure equal access of women to
     ongoing training in the workplace, including unemployed
     women, single parents, women re-entering the labour
     market after an extended temporary exit from employment
     owing to family responsibilities and other causes, and
     women displaced by new forms of production or by
     retrenchment, and increase incentives to enterprises to
     expand the number of vocational and training centres
     that provide training for women in non-traditional

     (g) Provide affordable support services, such as
     high-quality, flexible and affordable child-care
     services, that take into account the needs of working
     men and women.

176. By local, national, regional and international business
organizations and non-governmental organizations concerned
with women's issues:

         Advocate, at all levels, for the promotion and
         support of women's businesses and enterprises,
         including those in the informal sector, and the
         equal access of women to productive resources.

     Strategic objective F.4.   Strengthen women's economic
     capacity and commercial networks

Actions to be taken

177. By Governments:

     (a) Adopt policies that support business organizations,
     non-governmental organizations, cooperatives, revolving
     loan funds, credit unions, grass-roots organizations,
     women's self- help groups and other groups in order to
     provide services to women entrepreneurs in rural and
     urban areas;

     (b) Integrate a gender perspective into all economic
     restructuring and structural adjustment policies and
     design programmes for women who are affected by
     economic restructuring, including structural adjustment
     programmes, and for women who work in the informal

     (c) Adopt policies that create an enabling environment
     for women's self-help groups, workers' organizations
     and cooperatives through non-conventional forms of
     support and by recognizing the right to freedom of
     association and the right to organize;

     (d) Support programmes that enhance the self-reliance
     of special groups of women, such as young women, women
     with disabilities,

         elderly women and women belonging to racial and
         ethnic minorities;

     (e) Promote gender equality through the promotion of
     women's studies and through the use of the results of
     studies and gender research in all fields, inter alia,
     in the economic, scientific and technological fields;

     (f) Support the economic activities of indigenous
     women, taking into account their traditional knowledge,
     so as to improve their situation and development;

     (g) Adopt policies to extend or maintain the protection
     of labour laws and social security provisions for those
     who do paid work in the home;

     (h) Recognize and encourage the contribution of
     research by women scientists and technologists;

     (i) Ensure that policies and regulations do not
     discriminate against micro, small and medium-scale
     enterprises run by women.

178. By financial intermediaries, national training
institutes, credit unions, non-governmental organizations,
women's associations, professional organizations and the
private sector, as appropriate:

     (a) Provide, at national, regional and international
     levels, training in a variety of business-related and
     financial management and technical skills to  enable
     women, especially young women, to participate in
     economic policy-making at those levels;

     (b) Provide business services, including marketing and
     trade information, product design and innovation,
     technology transfer and quality, to women's business
     enterprises, including those in export sectors of the

     (c) Promote technical and commercial links and
     establish joint ventures among women entrepreneurs at
     the national, regional and international levels to
     support community-based initiatives;

     (d) Strengthen women's participation in production and
     marketing cooperatives by providing marketing and
     financial support, especially in rural and remote
     areas, including marginalized women;

     (e) Promote and strengthen women's micro-enterprises,
     new small businesses, cooperative enterprises, expanded
     markets and other employment opportunities and, where
     appropriate, facilitate the transition from the
     informal to the formal sector, in rural and urban

     (f) Invest capital and develop investment portfolios to
     finance women's business enterprises;

     (g) Give adequate attention to providing technical
     assistance, advisory services, training and retraining
     for women connected with the entry to the market

     (h) Support credit networks and innovative ventures,
     including traditional savings schemes;

     (i) Provide networking arrangements for entrepreneurial
     women, including opportunities for the mentoring of
     inexperienced women by the more experienced;

     (j) Encourage community organizations and public
     authorities to establish loan pools for women
     entrepreneurs, drawing on successful small-scale
     cooperative models.

179. By the private sector, including transnational and
national corporations:

     (a) Adopt policies and establish mechanisms to grant
     contracts on a non-discriminatory basis;

     (b) Recruit women for leadership, decision-making and
     management and provide training programmes, all on an
     equal basis with men;

     (c) Observe national labour, environment, consumer,
     health and safety laws, particularly those that affect

     Strategic objective F.5.   Eliminate occupational
     segregation and all forms of employment discrimination

Actions to be taken

180. By Governments, employers, employees, trade unions and
women's organizations:

     (a) Implement and enforce laws and regulations and
     encourage voluntary codes of conduct that ensure that
     international labour standards, such as International
     Labour Organization Convention 100 on equal pay and
     workers' rights, apply equally to female and male

     (b) Enact and enforce laws and introduce implementing
     measures, including means of redress and access to
     justice in cases of non-compliance, to prohibit direct
     and indirect discrimination on grounds of sex,
     including by reference to marital or family status in
     relation to access to employment, conditions of
     employment, including training, promotion, health and
     safety, as well as termination of employment and social
     security of workers, including legal protection against
     sexual and racial harassment;

     (c) Enact and enforce laws and develop workplace
     policies against gender discrimination in the labour
     market, especially considering older women workers, in
     hiring and promotion, and in the extension of
     employment benefits and social security, as well as
     regarding discriminatory working conditions and sexual
     harassment; mechanisms should be developed for the
     regular review and monitoring of such laws;

     (d) Eliminate discriminatory practices by employers on
     the basis of women's reproductive roles and functions,
     including refusal ofemployment and dismissal of women
     due to pregnancy and breast-feeding responsibilities;

     (e) Develop and promote employment programmes and
     services for women entering and/or re-entering the
     labour market, especially poor urban, rural and young
     women, the self- employed and those negatively affected
     by structural adjustment;

     (f) Implement and monitor positive public and
     private-sector employment, equity and positive action
     programmes to address systemic discrimination against
     women in the labour force, in particular women with
     disabilities and women belonging to other disadvantaged
     groups, with respect to hiring, retention and
     promotion, and vocational training of women in all

     (g) Eliminate occupational segregation, especially by
     promoting the equal participation of women in highly
     skilled jobs and senior management positions, and
     through other measures, such as counselling and
     placement, that stimulate their on-the-job career
     development and upward mobility in the labour market,
     and by stimulating the diversification of occupational
     choices by both women and men. Encourage women to take
     up non- traditional jobs, especially in science and
     technology and encourage men to seek employment in the
     social sector;

     (h) Recognize collective bargaining as a right and as
     an important mechanism for eliminating wage inequality
     for women and to improve working conditions;

     (i) Promote the election of women trade union officials
     and ensure that trade union officials elected to
     represent women are given job protection and physical
     security in connection with the discharge of their

     (j) Ensure access to and develop special programmes to
     enable women with disabilities to obtain and retain
     employment, and ensure access to education and training
     at all proper levels, in accordance with the Standard
     Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for People
     with Disabilities; 25/ adjust, to the extent possible,
     working conditions in order to suit the needs of women
     with disabilities, who should be secured legal
     protection against unfounded job loss on account of
     their disabilities;

     (k) Increase efforts to close the gap between women's
     and men's pay, take steps to implement the principle of
     equal remuneration for equal work of equal value by
     strengthening legislation, including compliance with
     international labour laws and standards, and encourage
     job evaluation schemes with gender-neutral criteria;

     (l) Establish and/or strengthen mechanisms to
     adjudicate matters relating to wage discrimination;

     (m) Set specific target dates for eliminating all forms
     of child labour that are contrary to accepted
     international standards and ensure the full enforcement
     of relevant existing laws and, where appropriate, enact
     the legislation necessary to implement the Convention
     on the Rights of the Child and International Labour
     Organization standards, ensuring the protection of
     working children, in particular, street children,
     through the provision of appropriate health, education
     and other social services;

     (n) Ensure that the strategies to eliminate child
     labour also address the excessive demands made on some
     girls for unpaid work in their household and other
     households, where practised;

     (o) Review, analyse and, where appropriate, reformulate
     the wage structures in female-dominated professions,
     such as teaching, nursing and child care, with a view
     to raising their low status and earnings;

     (p) Facilitate the productive employment of documented
     migrant women (including women who have been determined
     refugees according to the 1951 Convention relating to
     the Status of Refugees) through greater recognition of
     foreign education and credentials and by adopting an
     integrated approach to labour market training that
     incorporates language training.

     Strategic objective F.6.   Promote harmonization of
     work and family responsibilities for women and men

Actions to be taken

181. By Governments:

     (a) Adopt policies to ensure the appropriate protection
     of labour laws and social security benefits for
     part-time, temporary, seasonal and home-based workers;
     promote career development based on work conditions
     that harmonize work and family responsibilities;

     (b) Ensure that full and part-time work can be freely
     chosen by women and men on an equal basis, and consider
     appropriate protection for atypical workers in terms of
     access to employment, working conditions, and social

     (c) Ensure, through legislation, incentives and/or
     encouragement, opportunities for women and men to take
     job-protected parental leave and to have parental
     benefits.  Promote the equal sharing of
     responsibilities for the family by men and women,
     including through appropriate legislation, incentives
     and/or encouragement, and also promote the facilitation
     of breast- feeding for working mothers;

     (d) Develop policies, inter alia, in education to
     change attitudes that reinforce the division of labour
     based on gender in order to promote the concept of
     shared family responsibility for work in the home,
     particularly in relation to children and elder care;

     (e) Improve the development of, and access to,
     technologies that facilitate occupational as well as
     domestic work, encourage self-support, generate income,
     transform gender-prescribed roles within the productive
     process and enable women to move out of low-paying

     (f) Examine a range of policies and programmes,
     including social security legislation and taxation
     systems, in accordance with national priorities and
     policies, to determine how to promote gender equality
     and flexibility in the way people divide their time
     between and derive benefits from education and

         paid employment, family responsibilities, volunteer
         activity and other socially useful forms of work,
         rest and leisure.

182. By Governments, the private sector and non-
governmental organizations, trade unions and the United
Nations, as appropriate:

     (a) Adopt appropriate measures involving relevant
     governmental bodies and employers' and employees'
     associations so that women and men are able to take
     temporary leave from employment, have transferable
     employment and retirement benefits and make
     arrangements to modify work hours without sacrificing
     their prospects for development and advancement at work
     and in their careers;

     (b) Design and provide educational programmes through
     innovative media campaigns and school and community
     education programmes to raise awareness on gender
     equality and non-stereotyped gender roles of women and
     men within the family; provide support services and
     facilities, such as on-site child care at workplaces
     and flexible working arrangements;

     (c) Enact and enforce laws against sexual and other
     forms of harassment in all workplaces.

G.   Women in power and decision-making

183. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that
everyone has the right to take part in the Government of
his/her country.  The empowerment and autonomy of women and
the improvement of women's social, economic and political
status is essential for the achievement of both transparent
and accountable government and administration and
sustainable development in all areas of life. The power
relations that impede women's attainment of fulfilling lives
operate at many levels of society, from the most personal to
the highly public. Achieving the goal of equal participation
of women and men in decision-making will provide a balance
that more accurately reflects the composition of society and
is needed in order to strengthen democracy and promote its
proper functioning.  Equality in political decision-making
performs a leverage function without which it is highly
unlikely that a real integration of the equality dimension
in government policy-making is feasible. In this respect,
women's equal participation in political life plays a
pivotal role in the general process of the advancement of
women.  Women's equal participation in decision-making is
not only a demand for simple justice or democracy but can
also be seen as a necessary condition for women's interests
to be taken into account.  Without the active participation
of women and the incorporation of women's perspective at all
levels of decision-making, the goals of equality,
development and peace cannot be achieved.