569 Martin Belger/Lothar Ehrenberg: Theorie und Anwendung der Symmetriegruppen. Deutsch 1981. 3343 H. Bacry: Lecons sur la theorie des groupes et les symetries des particules elementaires. Gordon and Breach 1967. J. Cornwell: Group theory in physics. Academic Press 1984. Henning Genz/Roger Decker: Symmetrie und Symmetriebrechung in der Physik. Vieweg 1991, 390p. DM 68. Ein rundum gelungenes, sehr empfehlenswertes Buch. Besprechung in Spektrum 1993/8, 108-109. H. Georgi: Lie algebras in particle physics: From isospin to unified theories. Addison-Wesley 1982. Gordon James/Martin Liebeck: Representations and characters of groups. Cambridge UP 1993, 430p. 0-521-44590-6 (pbk). Pds. 18. The final chapter contains applications of character theory to molecular vibration. 17934 Maurice Kibler: Classifying chemical elements and particles - from the atomic to the subatomic world. Internet ca. 2003, 31p. 2818 George Mackey: Unitary group representations in physics, probability, and number theory. Benjamin 1978. 20616 G. Lyubarski: Anwendungen der Gruppentheorie in der Physik. Dt. Vlg. Wiss. 1962, 330p. 2721 Willard Miller: Symmetry groups and their applications. Academic Press 1972. Dieter Rein: Die wunderbare Haendigkeit der Molekuele. Vom Ursprung des Lebens aus der Asymmetrie der Natur. Birkhaeuser 1992, 260p. DM 68. Ein spannendes und vielseitiges populaerwissenschaftliches Buch. Martin Schottenloher: Geometrie und Symmetrie in der Physik. Vieweg 1993, 300p. 3-528-06565-6. DM 42. 17056 Shlomo Sternberg: Group theory and physics. Cambridge UP 1994, 430p. 0-521-24870-1. $70. "... Sternberg interweaves group theory and physics in engaging ways ... Sternberg's book ... is written in an informal conversational style, with only a few results stated formally." (J. E. Humphreys) 1661 Wu-Ki Tung: Group theory in physics. World Scientific 1985. Very carefully written, many details. 1663 B. van der Waerden: Group theory and quantum mechanics. Springer 1980. 17835 Max Wagner: Gruppentheoretische Methoden in der Physik. Vieweg 1998, 460p. 2619 Hermann Weyl: The theory of groups and quantum mechanics. Dover 1950.