14696 Steven Ashley: Raketen unter Wasser. Spektrum 2001/8, 62-69. E. Battaner: Astrophysical fluid dynamics. Cambridge UP 1996, 240p. Pds. 50. A. Bertozzi/A. Majda: Vorticity and incompressible flows. Cambridge UP ca. 2001. 18177 Leopold Böswirth: Technische Strömungslehre. Vieweg 2005, 320p. Eur 30. A. Cheer a.o. (ed.): Fluid dynamics in biology. AMS 1993, 590p. Pds. 50. 4147 Alexandre Chorin/Jerrold Marsden: A mathematical introduction to fluid dynamics. Springer 1990. 19722 Demetrios Christodoulou: The Euler equations of compressible fluid flow. Bull. AMS 44/4 (2007), 581-602. 7979 Barry Cipra: A new theory of turbulence causes a stir among experts. Science 17 May 1996, 951. On a new paper of Grigory Barenblatt and Alexandre Chorin. 19723 Peter Constantin: On the Euler equations of incompressible fluids. Bull. AMS 44/4 (2007), 603-621. M. Denny: Air and water. The biology and physics of life's media. Princeton UP 1993, 340p. $40. "It is a wonderful book crammed with quantitative information and insights both intuitive and mathematical ... From bacteria to jellyfish, bats, hummingbirds and porpoises, to locusts and trees - how do they manage and utilize air and water, the fluids that are their habitat? ... There is extensive discussion of fluid mechanics, including boundary layers." (J. Kessler) P. Drazin: Introduction to hydrodynamic stability. Cambridge P 2002, 260p. Pds. 22. M. Feistauer: Mathematical models in fluid dynamics. Pitman 1993, 660p. 0-582-20988-9. Pds. 72. "The book explains the application of the theory of complex functions, integral equations and partial differential equations including the recent concepts of weak and measure-valued solutions. Furthermore, theoretical analysis and practical implementation of computational fluid dynamics, i.e. finite difference, finite element and finite volume method, are presented. ... It can be warmly recommended to students of mathematics and professional mathematicians working in applied mathematics, partial differential equationss, numerical analysis and fluid dynamics." (EMS Newsletter). M. Feistauer/J. Felcman/I. Straskraba: Mathematical and computational methods for compressible flow. Oxford UP 2003, 540p. Pds. 60. Giovanni Paolo Galdi/R. Rannacher/A. Robertson/S. Turek: Hemodynamical flows. Birkhäuser 2008, 500p. Eur 54. Dieter Hänel: Molekulare Gasdynamik. Springer 2004, 220p. Eur 60. 9464 Klaus Hannemann/Thomas Sonar: Die Berechnung reagierender Hyperschall- strömungen. Spektrum 1996/7, 72-83. 18264 Heinz Herwig: Strömungsmechanik. Springer 2006, 370p. Eur 39. K. Hutter: Fluid- und Thermodynamik. Springer 1995, 450p. 3-540-59235-0. DM 78. 2751 Horace Lamb: Hydrodynamics. Dover 1945. 6765 Daniel Joseph: Fluid dynamics of viscoelastic liquids. Springer 1990, 760p. 3-540-97155-6. DM 128. "It is a mathematically strictly written book with many examples of practical applications. Each and every term is explained either in the text or in the appendix wherein the relevant tensor algebra is given. In fact, the reader does not need any special knowledge in fluid dynamics, rheology and continuum mechanics. ... Also a large amount of graphic illustrations and photographs is worth mentioning. The book is divided into more than two hundred parts, i.e. each part is about 2 or 3 pages long. This makes the reading very convenient and reflects the author's respect for the reader." (H. Irschik). D. Joseph/Y. Renardy: Fundamentals of two-fluid dynamics. 2 volumes. Springer 1993, together 900p. Together DM 336. Robert Kee/Michael Coltrin/Peter Glarborg: Chemically reacting flow. Wiley 2003, 930p. Pds. 68. 18176 Egon Krause: Strömungslehre, Gasdynamik und aerodynamisches Laboratorium. Teubner 2003, 450p. Eur 34. O. Ladyzhenskaya: The mathematical theory of viscouos incompressible flows. Gordon & Breach 1969. 2751 Horace Lamb: Hydrodynamics. Dover 1945. J. Leray: Sur le mouvement d'un liquide visqueux emplissent l'espace. Acta Math. 63 (1934), 193-248. 9186 Karsten Löhr: Aufprall von Tropfen auf feste Oberflächen. Spektrum 1996/8, 29-31. 11711 Parviz Moin/John Kim: Modellieren von Turbulenz. Spektrum 1997/12, 92-100. 12506 Werner Nachtigall: Warum sinken kleine Plankter so langsam ab? Eine physikalisch-ökologische Betrachtung. Mikrokosmos 88 (1999), 157-166. 14435 Werner Nachtigall: Leben in der Grenzschicht - festsitzende mikroskopische Orngaimen des Fließwassers nutzen eine physikalisch-ökologische Nische. Mikrokosmos 89 (2000), 213-226. 2530 Julio Ottino: Mischen zäher Flüssigkeiten. Spektrum März 1989, 66-77. 2473 A. Paterson: A first course in fluid dynamics. Cambridge UP 1989. 2707 Joseph Pedlosky: Geophysical fluid dynamics. Springer 1987. 5855 Christoph Pöppe: Ein neuer Ansatz in der hydrodynamischen Stabilitötstheorie. Spektrum 1994/1, 30-31. 2443 Ludwig Prandtl/Klaus Oswatitsch/Karl Wieghardt: Führer durch die Strömungslehre. Vieweg 1984. K. Rajagopal/C. Truesdell: An introduction to the mechanics of fluids. Birkhäuser 1999, 300p. 3-7643-4014-2. DM 148. 11949 Christian Rühenbeck: Einige Bemerkungen zur Brownschen Bewegung. Mikrokosmos 87 (1998), 212-217. 12780 Martin Schoen/Thomas Gruhn: Extrem du''nne Flu''ssigkeiten. Spektrum 1999/9, 70-73. 4028 Joseph Spurk: Strömungslehre. Springer 1989. Michael Thompson: An introduction to astrophysical fluid dynamics. Imperial College Press 2006, 230p. D. Tritton: Physical fluid dynamics. Van Nostrand 1977. 18184 Karl Wieghardt: Theoretische Strömungslehre. Univ. Göttingen 2005, 240p. Eur 17.