R. Bate/D. Mueller/J. White: Fundamentals of astrodynamics. Dover 1971. 18137 Jerrold Marsden/Shane Ross: New methods in celestial mechanics and mission design. Bull. AMS 43/1 (2006), 43-73. Kenneth Meyer/Glen Hall: Introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics and the n-body problem. Springer 1992, 300p. $69. 14175 Richard Montgomery: A new solution to the three-body problem. Notices AMS May 2001, 471-481. W. Neutsch/K. Scherer: Celestial mechanics. Bibl. Inst. 1992, 790p. DM 98. 14859 Christoph Pöppe: Stabile Dreierbeziehung - die himmlische Achterbahn. Spektrum 2000/11, 15-24. 1004 Manfred Schneider: Himmelsmechanik. Bibl. Inst. 1981. Manfred Schneider: Himmelsmechanik. 4 volumes. Spektrum 1992-..., 670+730+872+... p. 3-86025-638-6, -693-9, -718-8, planned. DM 98+98+128+...