S. Albeverio/R. Hoegh-Krohn: Mathematical theory of Feynman path integrals. SLN Math. 523 (1976). Hellmut Baumga''rtel: Operatoralgebraic methods in quantum field theory. Hellmut Baumga''rtel/Manfred Wollenberg: Causal nets of operator algebras. Akademie-Verlag 1992, 460p. DM 164. 14350 Hellmut Baumga''rtel: Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantentheorie. Vorl. Univ. Potsdam WS 1996/97, 95p. Angenehm zu lesen und gut motiviert. 16705 Reinhold Bertlmann: Anomalies in quantum field theory. Oxford UP 2000, 570p. $85. "Bertlmann's book can be warmly recommended to Ph.D. students, lecturers and researchers working in the quantum field theory and mathematical physics, since its contents are unique within the existing literature and cover, in an essential way, the developments of modern methods in this area." (EMS Newsletter) 1605 James Bjorken/Sidney Drell: Relativistische Quantenfeldtheorie. Bibl. Inst. 1984. Bogolyubov/Shirkov: Tian-yu Cao (ed.): Conceptual foundations of quantum field theory. Cambridge UP 1999, 400p. Pds. 60. 4747 Alain Connes: Noncommutative geometry. 4727 Casacuberta/Castellet, 40-58. 14410 Michael Drmota/Peter Michor: Sieben Millenniumsprobleme II. IMN 185 (2000), 13-20. Die Hodgesche Vermutung, die Poincare'sche Vermutung, Yang-Mills-Theorie, Existenz und Glattheit der Lo''sung der Differentialgleichung von Navier-Stokes. 20684 Maria Esteban/Mathieu Lewin/Eric Sere: Variational methods in relativistic quantum mechanics. Bull. AMS 45/4 (2008), 535-593. 12154 Jose' Manuel Fernandez de Labastida: Knoten in der Physik. Spektrum 1998/10, 66-72. J. Froehlich/T. Kerler: Quantum groups, quantum categories, and quantum field theory. SLN Math. 1542 (1993), 430p. DM 94. D. Fujiwara: Remarks on convergence of some Feynman path integrals. Duke Math. J. 47 (1980), 559-600. Steven Fulling: Aspects of quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Cambridge UP 1989, 300p. 0-521-37768-4 (pbk). $ 20. 1602 James Glimm/Arthur Jaffe: Quantum physics. Springer 1987. W. Greiner/J. Reinhardt: Field quantization. Springer 1996, 300p. 3-540-59179-6. E. Guadagnini: The link invariants of the Chern-Simmons field theory. De Gruyter 1993, 310p. 3-11-014028-4. DM 150. 1606 Ernest Henley/Walter Thirring: Elementare Quantenfeldtheorie. Bibl. Inst. 1975. 18020 G. Johnson/Mark Walker: Sir Michael Atiyah's Einstein lecture - "The nature of space". Notices AMS June 2006, 674-678. 4783 Vaughan Jones: Knots in mathematics in physics. 4727 Casacuberta/Castellet, 70-77. W. Lucha/F. Schöberl: Pfadintegrale in Quantenmechanik und Quantenfeldtheorie. Spektrum 1996. 5555 D. Maison: Review of O. Zavialov's book "Renormalized quantum field theory". Jber. DMV 94 (1992), B 22-24. Yuri Manin: Quantum strings and algebraic curves. Berkeley ICM talk 1986. 4224 Giuseppe Morandi: The role of topology in classical and quantum physics. Springer 1992. E. Nelson: Feynman integrals and the Schroedinger equation. J. Math. Phys. 5 (1964), 332-343. 3176 Torben Nielsen: Bose algebras: The complex and real wave representations. SLN Math. 1472 (1991). 2621 Giorgio Parisi: Statistical field theory. Addison-Wesley 1988. Giorgio Parisi (c.): Field theory, disorder and simulations. World Scientific 1992, 510p. 981-02-1356-5 (pb). Pds. 23. G. Roepstorff: Path integral approach to quantum physics. Springer 1996, 390p. DM 80. A. Schwarz: Quantum field theory and topology. Springer 1993, 280p. 3-540-54753-3. DM 138. 11883 Herbert Spohn: Ground state of a quantum particle coupled to a scalar Bose field. Lett. Math. Phys. 44 (1998), 9-16. 5437 Michael Springer [?]: Ein exakter Quanten-Fernkopierer? Spektrum 1993/6, 30. Ist Teleportation moeglich? Eine utopische Anwendung des Prinzips von Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen. 8787 Gary Taubes: To send data, physicists resort to quantum voodoo. Science 25 October 1996, 504-505. 17942 Elmar Vogt: Existenz von Quanten-Yang-Mills-Theorien mit Massenlücke. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 121-126. Steven Weinberg: The quantum theory of fields I. Foundations. Cambridge UP 1995, 640p. 0-521-55001-7. $50. 5288 Martin Weitz: Hochgenaue Vermessung des Grundzustands von Wasserstoff als Test der Quantenelektrodynamik. Spektrum 1993/9, 22-26. E. Witten: Physics and geometry. Berkeley ICM talk 1986. A beautiful introduction to quantum field theory. 2239 E. Witten: Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial. Comm. Math. Physics 121 (1989), 351-399. [3291] 12459 Georg Wolschin: Kaonen spu''ren den Zeitpfeil. Spektrum 1999/4, 14-15. Direkter Nachweis dafu''r, das'' die schwache Wechselwirkung gegen Zeitumkehr nicht invariant ist. O. Zavialov: Renormalized quantum field theory. Kluwer 1989, 560p. DFL 295. Seems to be sometimes uneven and rather difficult. 21623 Eberhard Zeidler: Quantum field theory I. Springer 2009, 1050p. Eur 94. 21629 Eberhard Zeidler: Quantum field theory II. Springer 2009, 1100p. Eur 94.