R. Abraham/F. Jas/W. Russell: The Web empowerment book. Creating the future of the Internet. Springer 3-540-94431-1. DM 39. 9622 Paul Albitz/Cricket Liu: DNS and BIND in a nutshell. O'Reilly 1994. [3rd edition: 1998, 480p. 1-56592-512-2. $33.] Paul Alpar: Kommerzielle Nutzung des Internet. Springer 1996, 300p. 3-540-60861-3. DM 68. W. Alex/G. Bernoer: Unix, C und Internet. Springer 1994, 500p. DM 68. Locker geschrieben, keinerlei Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. 7677 Jay Allen: How to read 950 e-mail messages before lunch. Linux Journal February 1996, 42-49. 9069 Flavio Allia: Marketing dei servizi editoriali - editoria elettronica ed Internet. Tesi, 1996. Frederick Avolio/Paul Vixie: Sendmail. Theory and practice. SSC 1-55558-127-7. $30. 6812 Rick Ayre/Kevin Reichard: In giro per il mondo con World-Wide-Web. PC Professionale Marzo 1995, 239-263. Rassegna di browser per il web. Steve Bang/Rick Gates/Martin More: Internet unleashed. Sams 1994, 1500p. 0672-30446-6. Includes disk. Pds. 92. Daniel Barrett: Netresearch - finding information online. O'Reilly 1997, 240p. 1-56592-245-X. $25. 7180 Stephen van den Berg: SmartList mailinglist management. Internet 1994, 12p. Tim Berners-Lee a.o.: The World-Wide Web. Comm. ACM 37 (1994), 76-82. 7106 Roger Blumberg: Ex libris. The Sciences September/October 1995, 16-19. The World-Wide Web can release students and teachers from the tyranny of the textbook - but only if they want to be free. Can sites such as http://www.netspace.org/MendelWeb/ replace the traditional textbook? Not yet. There are simply too few of them. But imagine a chain of sites tracing the history of genetics from Mendel to the molecular world of gene amplification; imagine intelligent computer simulations of experiments and links to schools all over the world, where students are replicating historical experiments and posting their data for everyone to analyze. The paperless office is a myth, but the World-Wide Web can help radically change traditional textbooks. Klaus-Peter Boden/Andreas Geenen/Joachim Kampermann/Martin Scheller: Internet. Werkzeuge und Dienste. Springer 1994. DM 49. 9281 Francesco Bollorino: Il progetto Aurora. Le Scienze Gennaio 1997, 103. Finalmente anche l'Italia si appresta a varare una rete telematica interuniversitaria ad alta velocita'. 11610 Malin Bra''nnback/Jussi Puhakainen: Redesigning the service concept for the age of the Internet. Turku Centre CS TR 156 (1998), 16p. 6813 Gareth Branwyn: Nel ciberspazio con Mosaic. Apogeo 1995, 230p. 88-7303-104-8. Lire 28.000. 7104 Peter Brown: Initial conditions. The Sciences September/October 1995, 2. It would be hard to find an artefact that is the object of more hype, more promise, more dross and more substance than the World Wide Web ... Perhaps the only thing really clear about the Web is the basic lesson of complexity theory: you can't predict it's future. 6524 Vinton Cerf: Netztechnik. Spektrum 1991/11, 68-77. Datenpakete und Uebertragungsprotokolle. Vinton Cerf: A history of the ARPANET. Connexions, the interoperability report. 480 San Antonio Road, Suite 100, Mountain View, California. 1989. Douglas Comer: Internetworking with TCP/IP. Principles, protocols, and architectures. 2 volumes. Prentice Hall. [Primo volume in italiano: 6160 Douglas Comer: Internetworking con TCP/IP. Jackson 1993.] 6199 W. Dalitz/M. Groetschel/J. Luegger/W. Sperber: New perspectives of a distributed electronic information system for mathematics I. EMS Newsletter 13 (September 1994), 6-17. P. Denning: The science of computing: Worldnet. American Scientist September-October 1989, 432-434. P. Denning: The science of computing: The ARPANET after twenty years. American Scientist November-December 1989, 530-534. Daniel Dern: The Internet Guide for New Users. McGraw-Hill 1993, 570p. 0-07-016511 (pb.). $28. A very complete introduction to the world of the Internet. Along with the obligatory topics such as telnet, FTP and Archie, the book suggests how to get an Internet account and teaches enough UNIX to survive on the net. This book is more complete and in-depth than many other Internet books: Dern's deep knowledge of all things Internet shines through, although sometimes the book is a bit too formal. The book, like Dern, is laced with dry humor and is UNIX-centric. Highly recommended. [Versione italiana = 88-386-0329-4. Lire 65.000.] 13717 Phillip Ein-Dor/Seymour Goodman/Peter Wolcott: From Via Maris to electronic highway - the Internet in Canaan. Comm. ACM 43/7 (2000), 19-23. Adam Engst/Corwin Low/Michael Simon: Internet starter kit for Macintosh. Hayden 1993. 0-56830-094-8. $30. Includes disk with free software for direct link to Internet. 5858 Roberto Fantini Perullo: Internet. M 1994/2, 70-78. Sharon Fisher-Blankenhorn: Riding the Internet highway. 1993. 056205-192-x. 7679 John Fisk: XF-Mail. Linux Journal April 1996, 12-17. 6770 Renato Fumi: Informazioni fuori controllo. Internet News Marzo 1995, 32-33. Un www-server aziendale e' molto piu' facile da installare che da controllare. James Gardner: A DOS user's guide to the Internet. Email, netnews and file transfer with UUCP. 1994. 013-106873-3. Includes disk. 6025 Gabriele Gianini: Nel ciberspazio con Internet. Apogeo 1994. Mark Gibbs-Kantor: Curious about the Internet. 1994. 0672-30459-7. Paul Gilster: Internet. Strumenti di ricerca. Apogeo 1994, 260p. Lire 28.000. Paul Gilster: Navigare con Internet. Apogeo 1994, 520p. Dischetto. Lire 58.000. 8523 Katie Hafner/Matthew Lyon: Casting the net. The Sciences September/October 1996, 32-36. The early history (1967-1969) of the Internet. 6107 Harley Hahn/Rick Stout: The Internet complete reference. McGraw-Hill 1993, 800p. 0-07-881980-6. DM 63. Harley Hahn/Rick Stout: The Internet yellow pages. McGraw-Hill 1994, 450p. $28. This is a summary book that is laid out like the phone book yellow pages, and includes descriptions of various services available on the Internet. Harrison: Internet - connessione SLIP/PPP. Apogeo 1995, 280p. 88-7303-131-5. Lire 38.000. Hellsworth/Hellsworth: Internet per le aziende. Apogeo 1994, 380p. 88-7303-120-X. Lire 48.000. Ricerche di mercato online, come far conoscere i propri prodotti, conferenze e comunicazioni aziendali, come raggiungere informazioni nelle numerose banche dati accessibili a Internet, marketing in multimedia con WWW. 13921 Bela Hertelendi: Das Internet. Europa-Lehrmittel 2000, 180p. DM 32. Brent Heslop/David Angell: The elements of e-mail style. 210p. $14 (MacTech mail order). Brent Heslop/David Angell: The instant Internet guide. 224p. $14 (MacTech mail order). Includes a primer on Unix on Internet. 12562 Astrid Hickisch: Die reale Welt beginnt das Netz aufzusaugen. Interview mit Axel Zerdick, Ulrich Lange und Ute Hoffmann. Spektrum 1999/5, 128-129. Paul Jacobson: Net law - how lawyers use the Internet. O'Reilly 1997, 250p. 1-56592-258-1. $30. D. Jennings/L. Landweber/I. Fuchs: Computer networking for scientists and engineers. Science 231 (1986), 941-950. 7681 Michael Johnson: Choosing an Internet service provider. Linux Journal April 1996, 26-31. B. Kehoe: ZEN and the art of Internet. 1994. 013-121492-6. Peter Kent: The complete idiot's guide to Internet. 1994. 056761-414-0. Includes disk. 13714 Gerhard Knolmayer/Konrad Walser: Informationen zum Supply Chain Management im Internet. Wirtschaftsinformatik 42 (2000), 359-370. 13711 Markus Konstroffer/Michael Rohrdrommel: Das Onlinekooperationsspiel Asherons Call. Wirtschaftsinformatik 42 (2000), 347-350. 13718 Dori Kornfeld: Deliberating on ICANN. Comm. ACM 43/7 (2000), 25-26. Oliver Kortendick/Thomas Franke: Internet. Sybex 1994, 160p. 3-8155-7093-X. DM 25. Martijn Kostler: Robots in the web. Threat or treat? http://web.nexor.co.uk/mak/doc/robots/threat-or-treat.html 5236 Ed Krol: The whole Internet user's guide and catalog. O'Reilly & Assoc. 1992, 400p. 8005 Robert Krten: Improving usenet news performance. Dr. Dobb's Journal May 1996, 66-70. Knews is a newsreader running under the QNX operating system. O. Kyas: Internet. Zugang - Utilities - Nutzung. Datacom 1994, 450p. DM 69. 8248 Ben Lancki/Abhijit Dixit/Vipul Gupta: Mobile-IP - transparent host migration on the Internet. Linux Journal August 1996, 10-11, 65. 12885 Lorenzo Lazzeri: Posta elettronica - ma e' davvero cosi' difficile con Linux? Linux & C Gennaio 2000, 23-25. 6816 John Levine/Carol Baroudi: Usare Internet senza fatica. McGraw-Hill 1994, 315p. 88-386-0313-8. Lire 32.500. [= Internet for dummies. IDG Books 1993. 1-56884-024-1. "Highly Recommended. Excellent exposition of the Internet for beginners" (Samuel Ko).] John Levine: More Internet for dummies. IDG Books. 7780 Todd Graham Lewis: The rough and tumble world of the Linux-based ISP. Linux Journal May 1996, 22-29. 7028 Cricket Liu/Jerry Peek/Russ Jones a.o.: Managing Internet information services. World Wide Web, gopher, ftp and more. O'Reilly 1994, 670p. 1-56592-062-7. DM 59. 6831 Ari Luotonen/Tim Berners-Lee: CERN httpd reference manual. 1994, 63p. Available via ftp from ftp.w3.org. Daniel Lynch/Marshall Rose (ed.): Internet system handbook. Addision-Wesley 1993. 0-201-56741-5 "Highly Recommended. A very good and comprehensive technical reference about the Internet System, covering the underlying technologies and the Internet infrastructure" (Samuel Ko). 5726 Gunther Maier/Andreas Wildberger: In 8 Sekunden um die Welt. Addison-Wesley 1993. 6277 Enrico Marcandalli: Superkit Internet e BBS. Apogeo 1994. Apogeo 1994, 200p. 2 dischetti. Lire 32.000. April Marine a.o.: Internet. Getting started. Prentice Hall 1993, 360p. 0-13-327933-2. $28 (pb). A broadly useful reference. 6846 Christine Maxwell/Chet Jan Grycz: New Rider's Official Internet Yellow Pages. Tecniche Nuove 1995. Lire 63.000. 6725 Nick Merritt: Datapoverty - a social ill. Internet and Comms Today March 1995, 7. As important as public access, is connecting schools and colleges into the Net. 9800 Mike Mull: Internet servers with Perl. Linux Journal May 1997, 30-35. Vivian Neou: Internet. Domain administration. Prentice Hall 1994, 300p. 013-511180-3. $36. Jakob Nielsen: Multimedia and hypertext. The Internet and beyond. Academic Press 1995. 0-12-518408-5 (pb). Tim O'Reilly/G. Todino: Managing UUCP and Usenet. O'Reilly 1992, 370p. DM 55. U. Pabrai: Unix Internetworking. Artec 1994, 200p. DM 122. Luis Pareras: Medicine and the Internet. Little & Brown 1996, 650p. DM 69. R. Perlman: Interconnections. Bridges und routers. Addison-Wesley 1994, 420p. DM 90. Dieses Buch ist ein Meilenstein in der Netzwerktechnologie: eine einfache Einfuehrung fuer den Neuling, eine Fundgrube fuer Anwender und Forscher sowie ein praktisches Nachschlagewerk fuer Experten. Es behandelt Theorie und Praxis aktueller Netzwerktechnologien. Die Beispiele sind sowohl fuer das OSI- als auch fuer das Internet-TCP/IP) Modell verwendbar. 6856 Corrado Petrucco: Internet. Il Cardo 1995. 8256 Jon Postel/J. Reynolds: Telnet protocol specification. RFC 0854 (1983), 15p. S. Rimmer: Planet Internet. McGraw-Hill 1995, 320p. 88-386-0330-8. Lire 45.000. M. Rose: The simple book. Management of TCP/IP internets. 1990. 013-812611-9. 6724 David Rothman: An internet primer. DOS World March 1995, 41-47. Nice article on Internet. Many addresses of Internet providers in the USA. David Sachs/Henry Stair: Hands on Internet. A PC user's guide. 1994. 013-056392-7. Peter Salus: Casting the net - from Arpanet to Internet and beyond. Addison-Wesley 1995. Richard Smith: Navigating the Internet. 1993. 0672-30362-0. Clifford Stoll: Silicon snake oil - second thoughts on the information highway. Doubleday 1995. "The Internet? Bah!" says the same author in Newsweek (27 February 1995). SRI Internationl: Internet. Getting started. 1993. 013-289596-x. Tolhurst/Pike/Blanton: Using the Internet. Beginning-intermediate. 1994. 056529-353-3. 6513 Paul Wallich: Piraten im Datennetz. Spektrum 1994/5, 64-71. Internet ist verwundbar. 6845 Jon Wiederspan: Your own web server - MacHTTP. MacTech Magazine Mai 1995, 67-79. Walter Willinger/Vern Paxson: Where mathematics meets the Internet. Notices AMS September 1998, ... Fractal modelling of the Internet. D. Woo/R. Cole: Webmaster. Springer 1995, 220p. 3-540-94433-8. DM 39. David Wood: Programming Internet email. O'Reilly 1999, 380p. 1-56592-479-7. $35. 6269 X. SimTel vol. 10. GigaByte (Novembre 1994), 24-28.