12177 Marco Abate: Geometria. McGraw-Hill 1996, 440p. Lire 45.000. 23492 Marco Abate: When is a linear operator diagonalizable? Internet. 9p. H. Anton: Lineare Algebra. Spektrum 1995, 670p. DM 85. An exercise book. 18963 David Arnold: Abelian groups and representations of finite partially ordered sets. Springer 2000, 240p. Eur 47. 15989 Emil Artin: Algebra geometrica. Feltrinelli 1968. 24876 Sheldon Axler: Down with determinants! Am. Math. Monthly 102 (1995), 139-154. Sheldon Axler: Linear algebra done right. Springer 1996, 250p. 3-540-94596-2 (pb). DM 42. R. Bapat/T. Raghavan: Non-negative matrices and applications. Cambridge UP 2009, 360p. Eur 50. Stephen Barnett: Matrices. Methods and applications. Oxford UP 1990, 470p. 0-19-859680-4 (pb.). Pds. 26. 22265 Iacopo Barsotti: Appunti di Geometria 2. Lezioni Univ. Padova 1972/1973, 137p. 19336 Richard Bellman: Introduction to matrix analysis. SIAM 1997, 400p. Eur 38. 19025 Yakov Ben-Haim: Art and the exponential - graphic exploration of the matrix exponential function. Leonardo 30/1 (1997), 49-52. 19038 Dennis Bernstein: Matrix mathematics. Princeton UP 2005, 730p. Eur 59. Albrecht Beutelspacher: Lineare Algebra. Vieweg 1994, 290p. DM 34. S. Bosch: Lineare Algebra. Springer 2001, 280p. Eur 24. 2710 Nicolas Bourbaki: Algebra I. Chapters 1-3. Springer 1989. 15911 Theodor Bro''cker: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie. Birkha''user 2003, 370p. Eur 28. R. Brualdi/B. Shader: Matrices of sign-solvable linear systems. Cambridge UP 1995, 300p. 0-521-48296-8. Pds. 30. 24482 Alexander Campbell/Daniel Daners: Linear algebra via complex analysis. Am. Math. Monthly 120/10 (2013), 877-892. 19252 Charles Cullen: Matrices and linear transformations. Dover 1990, 320p. Eur 11. 16823 Harm Derksen/Jerzy Weyman: Quiver representations. Notices AMS February 2005, 200-206. H. Dym: Linear algebra in action. AMS 2007, 540p. $79. Harold Edwards: Linear algebra. Birkha''user 1995, 200p. 3-7643-3731-1. SFR 58. 18316 Günther Eisenreich: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie. Akademie-Verlag 1991, 310p. Starker Bezug zur Geometrie, baryzentrische Koordinaten, projektive Geometrie, sehr gute Motivation der behandelten Themen. (G. Pilz) 20956 Abed Elhashash/Daniel Szyld: Perron-Frobenius properties of general matrices. Internet 2007, 19p. 15028 Philippe Ellia: Appunti di Geometria I. Pitagora. 16008 Miroslav Fiedler/Thomas Markham: An observation on the Hadamard product of Hermitian matrices. Lin. Alg. Appl. 215 (1995), 179-182. P. Fuhrmann: A polynomial approach to linear algebra. Springer 1996, 350p. 0-387-94643-8. DM 58. 269 Feliks Gantmacher: Matrizentheorie. Springer 1986. Peter Gabriel: Matrizen - Geometrie - lineare Algebra. Birkha''user 1996, 630p. DM 70. 15997 Hans Grauert/Hans-Christoph Grunau: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie. Oldenbourg 1999, 270p. Eur 25. W. Greub: Linear algebra. Springer. 1548 Wolfgang Groebner: Matrizenrechnung. Bibl. Institut 1966. B. Hartley/T. Hawkes: Rings, modules, and linear algebra. Chapman and Hall 1970. Roger Horn: The Hadamard product. Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. 40 (1990), 87-169. 18510 C. Huang: An efficient algorithm for computing powers of triangular matrices. Proc. ACM Conf. 1978, vol. 2, 954-957. 4502 Bertram Huppert: Angewandte lineare Algebra. De Gruyter 1990. Bertram Huppert/Wolfgang Willems: Lineare Algebra. Teubner 2006, 550p. Eur 26. Bill Jacob: Linear functions and matrix theory. Springer 1995, 330p. 3-540-94451-6. DM 36. 826 Klaus Jaenich: Lineare Algebra. Springer 1984. 3025 Dan Kalman/Abraham Ungar: Combinatorial and functional identities in one-parametermatrices. Am. Math. Monthly 94 (1987), 21-35. [3570] 16005 Irving Kaplansky: Linear algebra and geometry. A second course. Dover 2003, 150p. $11. Ott-Heinrich Keller: Analytische Geometrie und lineare Algebra. Berlin 1957. 824 Max Koecher: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie. Springer 1985. 15992 A. Kostrikin/Yu. Manin: Linear algebra and geometry. Taylor and Francis 1997, 310p. $72. Hans-Joachim Kowalsky/Gerhard Michler: Lineare Algebra. De Gruyter 1995, 400p. 3-11-014501-4 (pb). DM 44. 5004 Arnold Kraeuter: Permanenten. 4238 Chatterji/, 185-201. Kwak H./Hong S.: Linear algebra. Birkha''user 1997, 380p. 3-7643-3999-3. SFR 48. E. Lamprecht: Lineare Algebra. 2 volumes. Birkhaeuser 1992, 240+440p. 3-7643-2830-4/-2889-4. 25248 H. Lancaster: The Helmert matrices. Am. Math. Monthly 72/1 (1965), 4-12. 22740 Detlef Laugwitz: Motivations and linear algebra. Educational St. Math. 5/3 (1974), 243-254. Bernard Leclerc: On identities satisfied by minors of a matrix. Adv. Math. 100 (1993), 101-132. Falko Lorenz: Lineare Algebra. 2 volumes. Marvin Marcus/Henryk Minc: A survey of matrix theory and matrix inequalities. Dover, 180p. $13. 22516 Francisco Monteiro/Ian Wassell: Recovery of a lattice generator matrix from its Gram matrix for feedback and precoding in MIMO. Internet 2010, 6p. Herbert Muthsam: Lineare Algebra und ihre Anwendungen. Spektrum 2006, 430p. Eur 30. 2265 Eberhard Oeljeklaus/Reinhold Remmert: Lineare Algebra I. Springer 1974. P. Olver/C. Shakiban: Applied linear algebra. Springer 2018, 680p. 1944 Guenther Pickert: Lineare Algebra. Enz. math. Wiss. I/1/2, Heft 3/1. Robert Piziak/P. Odell: Matrix theory. Chapman & Hall 2007, 570p. $90. 15945 Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao/M. Bhaskara Rao: Matrix algebra and its applications to statistcs and econometrics. World Scientific 2001, 530p. $80. I. Reiner: On the number of matrices with given characteristic polynomial. Illinois J. Math. 5 (1961), 324-329. 15991 M. Rieck: Totally isotropic subspaces, complementary subspaces, and generalized inverses. Lin. Alg. Appl. 251 (1997), 239-248. 19085 Robert Rinehart: The equivalence of definitions of a matrix function. Am. Math. Monthly 62 (1955), 395-414. 15988 Steven Roman: Advanced linear algebra. Springer 1992, 360p. 3-540-97837-2. DM 102. 22513 Rudolf Scharlau: Skalarprodukte und quadratische Formen. Aus einer Vorlesung. Internet 2009, 4p. 22507 Rudolf Scharlau: Gitter - grundlegende Konzepte. Aus einer Vorlesung. Internet 2009, 5p. 22514 Rudolf Scharlau: Wichtige Beispiele von Gittern. Aus einer Vorlesung. Internet 2009, 8p. 22318 Edoardo Sernesi: Geometria 1. Bollati Boringhieri 2009, 500p. Eur 32. 19026 Wasin So: The high road to an exponential formula. Lin. Algebra Appl. 379 (2004), 69-75. Gernot Stroth: Lineare Algebra. Heldermann 1995, 400p. DM 68. Heinz Trapp: Einfuehrung in die Algebra. Vektorrechnung, algebraische Grundbegriffe, lineare Algebra. Rasch 1995, 370p. DM 48. 16007 George Visick: A quantitative version of the observation that the Hadamard product is a principal submatrix of the Kronecker product. Lin. Alg. Appl. 304 (2000), 45-68. 825 Rolf Walter: Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie. Vieweg 1985. 23557 Robert Wisbauer: Lineare Algebra. Internet, 310p. 24469 Alun Wyn-jones: Circulants. Internet 2008, 150p. Heiner Zieschang: Lineare Algebra und Geometrie. Teubner 1997, 600p. 3-519-02230-3. Der Standardstoff wird erga''nzt durch Abschnitte u''ber: Numerische Behandlung linearer Gleichungssysteme, Lineare Optimierung und Simplexverfahren, Programmierung von Aufgaben der linearen Algebra, Gruppentheorie (Klassifikation der endlich erzeugten abelschen Gruppen), Projektive Geometrie, Klassische Geometrien, Spha''rische Trigonometrie und Navigation, Grundlagen der Geometrie.