Yu. Bahturin/A. Mikhalev/V. Petrogradski/M. Zaicev: Infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebras. De Gruyter 1992, 250p. DM 158. 6109 Florin Constantinescu/Hans Friedrich de Groote: Geometrische und algebraische Methoden der Physik. Supermannigfaltigkeiten und Virasoro-Algebren. Teubner 1994. Chongying Dong/J. Lepowsky: Generalized vertex algebras and relative vertex operators. Birkhäuser 1993, 210p. 3-7643-3721-4. SFR 86. V. Kac: Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. Cambridge UP 1994, 420p. 0-521-46693-8 (pb). £20. 2843 V. Kac: Infinite root systems, representations of graphs and invariant theory. Inv. Math. 56 (1980), 57-92. B. Kostant: Graded manifolds, graded Lie theory, and prequantization. SLN Math. 570 (1977), 177-306. 23990 J. Lepowsky: Lie algebras and combinatorics. Proc. ICM 1978, 6p. 3486 George Seligman: Kac-Moody modules and generalized Clifford algebras. 3253 Benkart/Osborn, 124-143. 5202 Jacques Tits: Groups and group functors attached to Kac-Moody data. SLN Math.1111 (1985), 193-223. Zhe-Xian Wan: Introduction to Kac-Moody algebras. World Scientific 1991, 160p. ISBN 981-02-0224-5 (pbk). Expository account with complete proofs.