29300 Allen Altman/Steven Kleiman: A term of commutative algebra. Preprint of April 2021, 450p. 20519 Enrique Arrondo: Another elementary proof of the Nullstellensatz. Am. Math. Monthly 113 (2006), 169-171. 17279 Matthias Aschenbrenner/Wai-yan Pong: Orderings of monomial ideals. Internet 2004, 39p. 3518 M. Atiyah/I. MacDonald: Introduzione all'algebra commutativa. Feltrinelli 1981. 17970 Said al-Baghdadi/Stefania Gabelli: w-divisorial domains. J. Algebra 285 (2005), 335-355. 20555 Said al-Baghdadi/Stefania Gabelli/Muhammad Zafrullah: Unique representation domains II. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212 (2008), 376-392. S. Balcerzyk/T. Jozefiak: Commutative Noetherian and Krull rings. Horwood 1989, 210p. Pds. 35. First part of a two-volume treatise. S. Balcerzyk/T. Jozefiak: Commutative rings. Dimension, multiplicity and homological methods. Horwood 1989, 200p. Pds. 35. Together with "Commutative Noetherian and Krull rings" a good and complete introduction the local algebra for algebraic geometry. 23477 Hyman Bass: On the ubiquity of Gorenstein rings. Math. Zeitschr. 82 (1963), 8-28. C. Berenstein/R. Gay/A. Vidras/A. Yger: Residue currents and Bezout identities. Birkhaeuser 1993, 180p. 3-7643-2945-9. DM 72. 26726 Gary Birkenmeier/Jin Yong Kim/Jae Keol Park: A characterization of minimal prime ideals. Glasgow Math. J. 40 (1998), 223-236. 20417 Daniel Birmajer/Juan Gil: Arithmetic in the ring of formal power series with integer coefficients. Am. Math. Monthly June 2008, 541-549. 3329 Nicolas Bourbaki: Commutative algebra. Chapters 1-7. Springer 1989. 21714 Nicolas Bourbaki: Algebre commutative. Chap. 8-9. Springer 2006, 200p. Eur 50. 20653 Nicolas Bourbaki: Algebre commutative. Chapter X. Springer 2007, 190p. Eur 28. 20587 James Brewer/Sarah Glaz/William Heinzer/Bruce Olberding (ed.): Multiplicative ideal theory in commutative algebra. A tribute to the work of Robert Gilmer. Springer 2006, 430p. 22642 James Brewer/William Heinzer/P. Montgomery/E. Rutter: Krull dimension of polynomial rings. Springer LN Math. 311 (1973), 26-45. William Brown: Matrices over commutative rings. Dekker 1993, 300p. $ 115. 1224 Rainer Brüske/Friedrich Ischebeck/Ferdinand Vogel: Kommutative Algebra. Bibl. Inst. 1989. Winfried Bruns/J. Herzog: Cohen-Macaulay rings. Cambridge UP 1998, 470p. $61. 2807 Winfried Bruns/Aron Simis (ed.): Commutative algebra. SLN Math. 1430 (1990). 25182 Dietrich Burde: Commutative algebra. Internet 2009, 90p. 17408 I. Cohen: Commutative rings with restricted minimum condition. Duke Math. J. 17 (1950), 27-42. 17423 I. Cohen: Lengths of prime ideal chains. Am. J. Math. 76 (1954), 654-668. 22443 Thierry Coquand/Henri Lombardi: A short proof for the Krull dimension of a polynomial ring. Am. Math. Monthly 112 (2005), 826-829. 22442 Thierry Coquand/Henri Lombardi/Marie-Francoise Roy: An elementary characterization of Krull dimension. Internet 2004, 5p. 22567 Thierry Coquand/Henri Lombardi/Peter Schuster: The projective spectrum as a distributive lattice. Internet ca. 2003, 6p. 22588 Thierry Coquand/Henri Lombardi/Peter Schuster: Spectral schemes as ringed lattices. Internet 2009, 24p. Y. Diers: Categories of commutative algebras. Oxford UP 1992. 4687 Jean Dieudonne': Topics in local algebra. Univ. Notre Dame Press 1967. 11998 David Eisenbud: Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry. Springer 1995, 790p. $45. 18790 David Eisenbud/Bernd Sturmfels: Binomial ideals. Duke Math. J. 84 (1996), 1-45. 22106 J. Elias/J. Giral/R. Miro'-Roig/S. Zarzuela: Six lectures on commutative algebra. Birkhäuser 2010, 400p. Eur 42. Antonio Engler/Alexander Prestel: Valued fields. Springer 2005, 210p. Eur 102. 29019 Andrea Ferretti: Commutative algebra. AMS Open Math Notes 2020, 450p. Mario Fiorentini: Collected papers. Edited by Paolo Ribenboim. Queen's UP 2000, 750p. Marco Fontana/James Huckaba/Ira Papick: Prüfer domains. Dekker 1996, 340p. 20492 Otto Forster: Über die Anzahl der Erzeugenden eines Ideals in einem Noetherschen Ring. Math. Zeitschr. 84 (1964), 80-87. 20589 Stefania Gabelli: Generalized Dedekind domains. In 20587 Brewer/ 2006, 189-206. 21837 Stefania Gabelli: Characterizing integral domains by semigroups of ideals. Internet 2010, 40p. 25796 Stefania Gabelli: Introduzione alla teoria delle valutazioni. Internet 2012, 65p. 17971 Stefania Gabelli/Evan Houston/Thomas Lucas: The t#-property for integral domains. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 194 (2004), 281-298. 22641 Robert Gilmer: Dimension theory of commutative polynomial rings. Springer LN 450 (1975), 140-154. 22458 Robert Gilmer: On polynomial and power series rings over a commutative ring. Rocky Mount. J. Math. 5/2 (1975), 157-175. 8362 Mark Green: Review of Eisenbud's "Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry". Bull. AMS 33 (1996), 367-370. 16045 Gert-Martin Greuel/Gerhard Pfister: A SINGULAR introduction to commutative algebra. Springer 2002, 600p. Eur 43. 20480 Wolfgang Gröbner: Über irreduzible Ideale in kommutativen Ringen. Math. Ann. 110 (1934), 197-222. 20479 Wolfgang Gröbner: Ein Irreduzibilitätskriterium für Primärideale in kommutativen Ringen. Monatshefte Math. 55 (1951), 138-145. 1472 Wolfgang Gröbner: Algebraische Geometrie. 2 volumes. Bibl. Inst. 1968. 22192 Melvin Hochster/Juan Velez: Diamond closure. Internet 2001, 15p. 2716 Craig Huneke: An algebraist commuting in Berkeley. Math. Intell. 11/1 (1989), 40-52. 22204 Thomas Kahle: Decompositions of binomial ideals. Internet 2010, 15p. 23133 Thomas Kahle: Decompositions of binomial ideals. J. Software Alg. Geom. 4 (2012), 1-5. 27298 Matthias Künzer: Heben von Nullstellen. Internet 2011, 32p. Calculating with Hensel's lemma. 22476 Henri Lombardi: Algebre commutative effective. Internet 2009, 97p. 2603 M.-P. Malliavin: Algebre commutative. Masson 1985. Very clear. Especially good as a foundation for algebraic number theory. Marco Fontana/Francesco Pappalardi: The prime spaces as spectral spaces. Annali mat. pura e appl. 160 (1991), 331-345. Robert Gilmer/William Heinzer: Products of commutative rings and zero-dimensionality. Trans. AMS 331 (1992), 663-680. 26725 M. Henriksen/M. Jerison: The space of minimal prime ideals of a commutative ring. Trans. AMS 115 (1965), 110-130. 3457 Melvin Hochster/Craig Huneke/Judith Sally (ed.): Commutative algebra. Springer 1989. Craig Huneke/Bernd Ulrich/Wolmer Vasconcelos: On the structure of certain normal ideals. Compos. Math. 84 (1992), 25-42. Introduces the notion of residual linkage. Irving Kaplansky: Projective modules. Ann. Math. 68 (1958), 372-377. 22645 Irving Kaplansky: Commutative rings. Chicago UP 1974. 21951 Gregor Kemper: A course in commutative algebra. Springer 2011, 250p. Eur 43. M.-A. Knus: Quadratic and hermitian forms over rings. Springer 1991, 520p. DM 198. 2025 Wolfgang Krull: Idealtheorie. Springer 1968. 1506 Ernst Kunz: Einfuehrung in die kommutative Algebra und algebraische Geometrie. Vieweg 1980. 16282 Ernst Kunz: Introduction to commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Birkhäuser 1985, 230p. $60. Translation of 1506. 2815 Herbert Kurke/G. Pfister/M. Roczen: Henselsche Ringe und algebraische Geometrie. Berlin 1975. Tsit-Yen Lam: Serre's problem on projective modules. Springer 2006, 400p. $99. 21984 Tsit-Yen Lam/Manuel Reyes: A prime ideal principle in commutative algebra. J. Algebra 319/7 (2008), 3006-3027. 22467 Henri Lombardi: Structures algebriques dynamiques, espaces topologiques sans points et programme de Hilbert. Internet 2003, 32p. 22484 Henri Lombardi/Claude Quitte': Dimension de Krull explicite - applications aux theoremes de Kronecker, Bass, Serre et Forster. Internet 2008, 29p. F. Macaulay: The algebraic theory of modular systems. Cambridge UP 1994, 150p. 0-521-45562-6 (pb). $20. 18094 Diane Maclagan: Antichains of monomial ideals are finite. Proc. AMS 129/6 (2001), 1609-1615. 20521 Marco Manetti: Nullstellensatz for everybody. Internet 2006, 13p. 23576 Alex Massarenti: Nakayama's lemma. Internet, 7p. 2460 Hideyuki Matsumura: Commutative ring theory. Cambridge UP 2002, 320p. $38. 19923 Ezra Miller/Bernd Sturmfels: Combinatorial commutative algebra. Springer 2005, 420p. Eur 40. Ezra Miller/Bernd Sturmfels/Kohji Yanagawa: Generic and cogeneric monomial ideals. J. Symb. Comp. 29/4-5 (2000), 691-708. Masayoshi Nagata: Local rings. Interscience 1962, 230p. 26931 Ivan Niven: Formal power series. Am. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), 871-889. 4688 Douglas Northcott: Ideal theory. Cambridge UP 1953. 18099 Freddy van Oystaeyen (ed.): Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Proc. of the Ferrara meeting in honor of Mario Fiorentini. Dekker 1999. 22170 Ilaria Fiorella Paglia: Ideali primi e localizzazione. Tesi LT Ferrara 2011, 59p. 22111 Dilip Patil/Uwe Storch: Introduction to algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. World Scientific 2010, 210p. Eur 29. 21975 Christian Peskine: An algebraic introduction to complex projective geometry I. Cambridge UP 2009, 230p. Eur 35. 16215 Miles Reid: Undergraduate commutative algebra. Cambridge UP 1995, 150p. $18. 5745 Heinrich Reitberger: Stellenringe. 5738 Laugwitz, 155-175. 1491 Bodo Renschuch: Elementare und praktische Idealtheorie. Berlin 1976. Paulo Ribenboim: The classical theory of valuations. Springer 1999, 420p. 22435 Claus Michael Ringel: Leitfaden zur Algebra II. Internet ca. 2002, 56p. 20566 Louis Rowen: Graduate algebra - commutative view. AMS 2006, 440p. Eur 51. J. Ruiz: The basic theory of power series. Vieweg 1993, 130p. 3-528-06525-9. DM 36. Basic power series techniques used in analytic and algebraic geometry. Nullstellensaetze, Artin's approximation theorem, Zariski's main theorem. 20535 Wolfgang Ruppert: Kommutative Algebra. Vorl. Univ. Erlangen 1995, 87p. 20536 Wolfgang Ruppert: Kommutative Algebra 2. Vorl. Univ. Erlangen 1995, 71p. 20520 Heidrun Sarges: Ein Beweis des Hilbertschen Basissatzes. J. reine angew. Math. 283/284 (1976), 436-437. 1589 Guenter Scheja/Uwe Storch: Lehrbuch der Algebra. 3 volumes. Teubner 1980. 22510 Peter Schneider: Introduction to formal commutative algebra. Internet 1992, 50p. 22456 Abraham Seidenberg: A note on the dimension theory of rings. Pac. J. Math. 3 (1953), 505-512. 22457 Abraham Seidenberg: On the dimension theory of rings II. Pac. J. Math. 4 (1954), 603-614. 21956 Rodney Sharp: Steps in commutative algebra. Cambridge UP 2000, 350p. Eur 37. 22323 Aron Simis/Bernd Ulrich/Wolmer Vasconcelos: Tangent algebras. Trans. AMS ... (2011), 24p. Loredana Sorrenti: Ideali monomiali e loro risoluzioni. Mat. Soc. Cult. Agosto 2008, 355-358. 22107 Jan Strooker: Homological questions in local algebra. Cambridge UP 2008, 310p. Eur 66. 20430 Richard Swan: Review of the book "Serre's problem on projective modules" by T. Lam. Bull. AMS July 2008, 451-457. 18791 Bernard Teissier: Monomial ideals, binomial ideals, polynomial ideals. Trends Comm. Algebra 51 (2004), 211-246. Wolmer Vasconcelos: Arithmetic of Blowup Algebras. Cambridge UP 1994, 330p. 0-521-45484-0. $34.95 17315 Wolmer Vasconcelos (ed.): Computational methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Springer 2004, 400p. $50. 1590 B. van der Waerden: Algebra. 2 volumes. Springer 1966. 22453 John Watkins: Topics in commutative ring theory. Princeton UP 2007, 210p. Eur 46. 20563 Muhammad Zafrullah: [Research in commutative ring theory.] Internet ca. 2007, 13p. 17962 Oscar Zariski: Applicazioni geometriche della teoria delle valutazioni. Rend. Mat. Appl. 13 (1954), 51-88. 3131 Oscar Zariski/Pierre Samuel: Commutative algebra. 2 volumes. Springer 1986. 19770 Andrei Zelevinsky: What is a cluster algebra? Notices AMS December 2007, 1494-1495. 23112 Eva Zerz/Sebastian Thomas: Kommutative Algebra. Vorl. WS 2005/06 RWTH Aachen, 77p.