22497 Michael Artin: Grothendieck topologies. Internet 2006, 95p.

3934 Eric Friedlander: Etale homotopy of simplicial schemes.
Princeton UP 1982.

J. Jardine: Generalized etale cohomology theories.
Birkha''user 1997, 330p. 3-7643-5494-1.

2815 Herbert Kurke/G. Pfister/M. Roczen: Henselsche Ringe und algebraische Geometrie. Berlin 1975.

21722 Gerard Laumon/Laurent Moret-Bailly: Champs algebriques.
Springer 2000, 210p. Eur 104.

3620 J. Milne: Etale cohomology. Princeton UP 1980.

J. Milne: Arithmetic duality theorems. Academic Press 1986. $ 38.

G. Tamme: Introduction to etale cohomology. 
Springer 1994, 190p. 3-540-57116-7.