Ilya Bakelman (ed.): Geometric analysis and nonlinear partial differential equations. Dekker 1993, 340p. $ 125. 5748 Edwin Beckenbach/Richard Bellman: Inequalities. Springer 1961. 16530 Edwin Beckenbach/Richard Bellman: An introduction to inequalities. MAA 1961, 130p. $10. Richard Bellman: The symmetric mean. Math. Mirror 9 (1941), 5-6. R. Bhatia: Matrix analysis. Springer 1997, 350p. 3-540-94846-5. DM 78. Yu. Burago/V. Zalgaller: Geometric inequalities. Springer 1988, 330p. 3-540-136150-0. $179. D. Cox: The arithmetic-geometric mean of Gauss. L'Ens. Math. 30 (19847, 275-330. 22978 Chunrong Feng/Liangpan Li/Jian Shen: Some inequalities in functional analysis, combinatorics, and probability theory. El. J. Comb. 17 (2010), 1-12. 5831 Godfrey Harold Hardy/J. Littlewood/G. Polya: Inequalities. Cambridge UP 1994. Edmund Hlawka: Ungleichungen. Manz 1990, 90p. 3-214-91400-6. 16529 Nicholas Kazarinoff: Geometric inequalities. MAA 1961, 130p. $12. 16532 Nicholas Kazarinoff: Analytic inequalities. Dover 2003, 90p. $9. D. Mitrinovic: D. Mitrinovic/J. Pecaric/A. Fink: Inequalities involving functions and their integrals and derivatives. Kluwer 1991, 590p. $311. Such prices are a shame and damage to the scientific community. R. Osserman: The isoperimetric inequality. Bull. AMS 84 (1978), 1182-1238. L. Payne: Isoperimetric inequalities and their applications. SIAM Review 9 (1967), 453-488. L. Saloff-Coste: Aspects of Sobolev-type inequalities. Cambridge UP 2001, 190p. Pds. 25. H. Schapira: Bemerkungen zu der Grenzfunktion algebraischer Iteration. Schlömilch Z. 32 (1887), 310-314. L. Schlesinger: Über Gauß' Jugendarbeiten zum arithmetisch-geometrischen Mittel. Deutsche Math. Ver. 20 (1911), 396-403. 16531 J. Steele: The Cauchy-Schwarz master class. Cambridge UP 2004, 300p. $29. W. Walter: Differential and integral inequalities. Springer 1970, 350p. W. Walter (ed.): General inequalities 6. Birkhäuser 1992, 500p. DM 148. "Ein sehr anregendes Buch über eine hochinteressante Tagung." (M. Hoffmann-Ostenhof). Die Tagung fand 1990 in Oberwolfach statt.