2652 M. Cowling: Rigidity for lattices in semisimple Lie groups: von Neumann algebras and ergodic actions. Rend. Sem. Mat. Torino 47 (1989), 1-37. 24175 Anton Deitmar: A first course in harmonic analysis. Springer 2006, 190p. Eur 53 (Ebook). 18816 Manfred Einsiedler: Ratner's theorem on SL(2,R)-invariant measures. Jber. DMV 108/3 (2006), 143-164. Alessandro Figa'-Talamanca/Claudio Nebbia: Harmonic analysis and representation theory for groups acting on homogeneous trees. Cambridge UP 1991, 150p. 0-521-42444-5. $30. Hartmut Führ: Abstract harmonic analysis of continuous wavelet transforms. Springer LNM 1863 (2005), 190p. $60. 2834 Kenneth Gross: On the evolution of noncommutative harmonic analysis. Am. Math. Monthly 85 (1978), 525-548. [2888] 2747 Rebecca Herb: Harish-Chandra and his work. Bull. AMS 25 (1991), 1-17. [2908] 6337 Carl Herz: Review of "Harmonic analysis and representation theory for groups acting on homogeneous trees" by Figa'-Talamanca and Nebbia. Bull. AMS 31 (1994), 271-274. 2613 Reiner Lenz: Group theoretic methods in image processing. Springer 1990. 2845 George Mackey: Harmonic analysis as the exploitation of symmetry. Bull. AMS 3 (1980), 543-698. [2888] 24220 Hans Reiter/Jan Stegeman: Classical harmonic analysis and locally compact groups. Oxford UP 2000, 330p. Eur 132. 2761 Elias Stein: Analytic continuation of group representations. Yale UP 1971. [2908] F. Williams: Lectures on the spectrum of L2(Gamma/G). Pitman 1991, 350p. Pds. 28. A very competent introduction to a central research field of harmonic analysis.