S. Alinhac: Blowup for nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Birkhaeuser 1995, 130p. 3-7643-3810-5. DM 68. J. Appell/P. Zabrejko: Nonlinear superposition operators. Cambridge UP 1990, 310p. Pds. 35. 23779 Anton Arnold: Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen. Vorl. TU Wien 2013, 100p Ilya Bakelman: Convex analysis and nonlinear geometric elliptic equations. Springer 1994, 620p. 3-540-13620-7. DM 168. T. Bartsch: Topological methods for variational problems with symmetries. SLN Math. 1560 (1993), 150p. 3-540-57378-X. DM 42. 3953 Bernhelm Booss: Topologie und Analysis. Einfuehrung in die Atiyah-Singer-Indexformel. Springer 1977. Armand Borel: Algebraic D-modules. Academic Press 1986, 370p. $ 30. 23766 Luis Caffarelli/.../Alexis Vasseur: Nonlinear partial differential equations. Birkhäuser 2012, 150p. Ebook Eur 27. 23542 Shuxing Chen: Analysis of singularities for partial differential equations. World Scientific 2011, 200p. Eur 50. B. Dacorogna/P. Marcellini: Implicit partial differential equations. Birkhaeuser 1999, 290p. 3-7643-4121-1. DM 128. P. Drabek: Solvability and bifurcations of nonlinear equations. Longman 1992, 230p. 0-582-08769-4. Pds. 25. 19237 Damiano Foschi: On the regularity of multilinear forms associated to the wave equation. PhD thesis Princeton UP 2000, 108p. Fritz Gesztesy/Helge Holden: Soliton equations and their algebro-geometric solutions I. Cambridge UP 2003, 510p. $117. 5941 Gilbert Helmberg: Laudatio fuer Doz. Dr. Michael Oberguggenberger. IMN 164 (1993), 55-58. 23788 Ansgar Jüngel: Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen. Vorl. TU Wien 2013, 107p. 20801 Ansgar Jüngel/Daniel Matthes: Entropiemethoden für nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen. IMN 209 (2008), 1-14. 15794 Sandip Kar/Suman Kumar Banik/Deb Shankar Ray: Solutions of Fisher and Burgers' equations with finite transport memory. Internet 2002, 6p. H. Kielhöfer: Bifurcation theory - an introduction with applications to PDEs. Springer 2004, 350p. Eur 80. N. Krylov: Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic operators of the second order. Reidel 1987, 480p. Dfl. 245. Peter Kuchment: Floquet theory for partial differential operators. Birkhaeuser 1993, 350p. 0-8176-2901-7. $109. 23638 Anthony Leung: Nonlinear systems of partial differential equations. World Scientific 2009, 530p. Eur 67. Michael Oberguggenberger: Der Graphensatz in lokalkonvexen topologischen Vektorraeumen. Teubner 1982. Michael Oberguggenberger: Multiplication of distributions and applications to partial differential equations. Longman 1992. Andrei Polyanin/Valentin Zaitsev: Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations. Chapman & Hall 2003, 840p. $89. 20431 Emma Previato: Review of the book "Soliton equations and their algebro-geometric solutions I" by Gesztesy/Holden. Bull. AMS June 2008, 459-467. 21944 Tomas Roubicek: Nonlinear partial differential equations with applications. Birkhäuser 2005, 400p. Eur 125. T. Runst/W. Sickel: Sobolev spaces of fractional order, Nemytskij operators, and nonlinear partial differential equations. De Gruyter 1996, 550p. DM 268. 12123 Krysztof Rybakowski: The homotopy index and partial differential equations. Springer 1987. G. Schneider/H. Uecker: Nonlinear PDEs. A dynamical systems approach. AMS 2017, 580p. USD 99. 16517 Ralph Showalter: Monotone operators in Banach spaces and nonlinear partial differential equations. AMS 1997, 280p. Free online. M. Struwe: Variational methods, applications to nonlinear partial differential equations. Springer 2008, 300p. Eur 129. A rather beautiful, advanced book with a slightly topological flavour. 22988 Eitan Tadmor: A review of numerical methods for nonlinear partial differential equations. Bull. AMS ... (2012), 48p. 20880 Terence Tao: Why are solitons stable? Bull. AMS 46/1 (2009), 1-33. Cedric Villani: Optimal transport - old and new. Springer 2009, 980p. Eur 91. Y. Xin: Geometry of harmonic maps. Birkha''user 1996, 240p. DM 140.