5952 A. Bitsadze: Equations of mathematical physics. Mir 1980.

23151 Alessandra Borrelli: Equazioni della fisica matematica. Internet 2011, 240p.

Richard Courant/David Hilbert: Methoden der mathematischen Physik.
2 volumes. Springer 1968.

T. Dauxois/M. Peyrard/C. Willis: Localized breather-like solution in a
discrete Klein-Gordon model and application to DNA.
Physica D 57 (1992), 267-282.

F. Gesztesy/W. Karwowski/Z. Zhao: New types of soliton solutions.
Bull. AMS 27 (1992), 266-272.

3855 Wolfgang Gro''bner/Peter Lesky: Mathematische Methoden der Physik.
2 Ba''nde. Bibl. Institut 1964.

23795 Gebhard GrĂ¼bl: Mathematische Methoden der Physik II.
Vorl. Univ. Innsbruck 2013, 230p.

1230 Gu''nter Hellwig: Differentialoperatoren der mathematischen Physik.
Springer 1964.

23199 Mimmo Iannelli: Qualche passo tra le EDP. Internet 2012, 41p.

23901 Roger Knobel: An introduction to the mathematical theory of waves.
AMS 2000, 200p. Eur 20.

23886 Joseph Krasilshchik/Alexander Verbovetsky: Homological methods in
equations of mathematical physics. Internet 1998, 160p.

H. Kreiss/J. Lorenz: Initial-boundary value problems and the Navier-Stokes
equations. Academic Press 1989, 400p. $55.

1290 Olga Ladyzhenskaya: The boundary value problems of mathematical physics.
Springer 1985.

R. Leis: Initial boundary value problems in mathematical physics.
Teubner 1986, 270p. DM 62. Seems to be a useful advanced text.

22870 Valter Moretti: Introduzione alla teoria delle equazioni alla derivate parziali
del secondo ordine. Internet 2011, 230p.

23763 Richard Palais: The symmetries of solitons. Bull. AMS 34/4 (1997), 339-403.

6752 Christoph Po''ppe: Existenzbeweis fu''r eine schwache Lo''sung -
eine starke Leistung.
Spektrum 1995/2, 21-25. Pierre-Louis Lions und die Boltzmanngleichung.

23544 Alan Rendall: Partial differential equations in general relativity.
Oxford UP 2008, 280p. Eur 28.

1286 Ernst Schmutzer: Grundlagen der theoretischen Physik. 2 volumes.
Bibl. Inst. 1989.

1289 F. Schwank: Randwertprobleme. Teubner 1951.

23597 Joel Smoller: Shock waves and reaction-diffusion equations.
Springer 1994, 630p. Eur 104.

20880 Terence Tao: Why are solitons stable? Bull. AMS 46/1 (2009), 1-33.

16806 Andrei Tikhonov/A. Samarskii: Equations of mathematical physics.
Dover 1990, 760p. $13.

564 V. Vladimirov: Equations of mathematical physics. Mir 1984.