8058 Junior Barrera/Gerald Banon/Roberto de Alencar Lotufo: A mathematical toolbox for the Khoros system. Technical Rep. RT-MAC-9403, UE Sao Paulo, 1994. 8063 Junior Barrera/Guillermo Pablo Salas: Set operations on closed intervals and their applications to the automatic programming of mmachs. 8060 Junior Barrera/Guillermo Pablo Salas/Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto: Set operations on closed intervals and their applications to the automatic programming of mmachs. Internet, ca. 1995, 8p. 8059 Junior Barrera/Routo Terada/Flavio Soares Correa da Silva/ Nina Sumiko Tomita: Automatic programming of mmachs for OCR. Internet, ca. 1995, 8p. 8065 Junior Barrera/Nina Sumiko Tomita/Flavio Soares Correa da Silva/ Routo Terada: Automatic programming of binary morphological machines by PAC learning. Internet, ca. 1993, 12p.