Charalambos Aliprantis/Subir Chakrabarti: Games and decision making. Oxford UP 2000, 260p. $59. 4202 Guenter Bamberg/Adolf Gerhard Coenenberg: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungslehre. Vahlen 1977. 25107 Frank Bandau: Eine kritische Betrachtung des spieltheoretischen Strategiebegriffs. Internet 2006, 12p. 25108 L. Baringhaus: Spieltheorie. Internet 2012, 97p. 25951 Jozsef Beck: Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics. AMS 2009, 250p. Eur 51. E. Berlekamp/J. Conway/R. Guy: Gewinnen. Strategien fuer mathematische Spiele. 4 volumes. Vieweg 1985, together 800p. DM 180. Together expensive. 21297 Siegfried Berninghaus/Karl-Martin Ehrhart/Werner Güth: Strategische Spiele. Springer 2006, 480p. Eur 30. K. Binmore: Modelling rational players I-II. Economics and Philos. 4 (1987), 9-55, 179-214. Steven Brams: Theory of moves. Cambridge UP 1994, 250p. $24. Adam Brandenburger/Barry Nalebuff: Co-opetition. Currency 1994, 290p. $13. E. van Damme: Stability and perfection of Nash equilibrium. Springer 1987, 370p. DM 178. Seems to be a recommendable book on non-cooperative games, but DM 178 is becoming a too popular price among publishing houses. 19356 Ruchira Sreemati Datta: Algebraic methods in game theory. Ph.D. thesis Berkeley 2003, 87p. Nash equilibria can be characterized as the solutions to certain systems of polynomial equations and inequalities. This brings to bear commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and combinatorics. Every real algebraic variety is isomorphic to the set of totally mixed Nash equilibria of some game with 3 players and the problem of computing Nash equilibria is equivalent to the problem of finding the real roots of a system of polynomial equations. To compute all Nash equilibria of a game polyhedral continuation is the most available method in practice. 2300 Melvin Dresher: The mathematics of games of strategy. Dover 1981. Lee Dugatkin/Hudson Kern Reeve: Game theory and the study of animal behavior. Oxford UP 1997. 0-19509692-4. $75. 25134 Len Fisher: Rock, paper, scissors. Hay House 2008, 260p. Eur 11. 16524 Herbert Gintis: Game theory evolving. Princeton UP 2000, 530p. $37. 25135 Julio Gonzalez-Diaz/Ignacio Garcia-Jurado/M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro: An introductory course on mathematical game theory. AMS 2010, 330p. Eur 47. Werner Gueth: Spieltheorie und oekonomische (Bei-) spiele. Springer 1992. 21311 Josef Hofbauer/Karl Sigmund: Evolutionary games and population dynamics. Cambridge UP 2003, 320p. Eur 61. 21322 Manfred Holler/Gerhard Illing: Einführung in die Spieltheorie. Springer 2009, 410p. Eur 28. J. Maynard Smith: Evolution and the theory of games. Cambridge UP 1982. 7058 John Milnor: A Nobel prize for John Nash. Math. Intell. 17/3 (1995), 11-17. 21310 Roger Myerson: Game theory. Harvard UP 1997, 570p. Eur 24. John Nash: Equilibrium points in n-person games. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 36 (1950), 48-49. In 1994 (?) Nash has been awarded the Nobel prize in Economics. John Nash: The bargaining problem. Econometrica 18 (1950), 155-162. John Nash: Non-cooperative games. Annals of Math. 54 (1951), 286-295. Martin Osborne: An introduction to game theory. Oxford UP 2004, 530p. $52. 2336 Burkhard Rauhut/Norbert Schmitz/Ernst-Wilhelm Zachow: Spieltheorie. Teubner 1979. 25103 Tomas Sauer: Spieltheorie. Vorl. Univ. Gießen 2005, 110p. 2335 Georg Schrage/Rüdeger Baumann: Strategiespiele. Oldenbourg 1984. Karl Sigmund: Spielplaene. Zufall, Chaos und die Strategien der Evolution. Hoffmann und Campe 1995. 23269 Karl Sigmund: Evolutionäre Spieltheorie. Internet, 10p. Herbert Simon: A comparison of game theory and learning theory. Psychometrika 21 (1956), 267-272. 12043 Michael Springer: Warum Geben (manchmal) seliger ist als Nehmen. Spektrum 1998/9, 30-33. 12687 Ian Stewart: Spiele mit Seifenschokolade. Spektrum 1999/8, 102-103. 2334 Jeno Szep/Ferenc Forgo: Einführung in die Spieltheorie. Deutsch 1983. 25113 Johannes Waldmann: Kombinatorische Spieltheorie. Vorl. Univ. Leipzig 2002, 58p. 21312 Jörgen Weibull: Evolutionary game theory. MIT Press 1997, 260p. Eur 29.