24001 R. Bailey/Peter Cameron/Robert Connelly: Sudoku, gerechte designs, resolutions, affine space, spreads, reguli, and Hamming codes. Internet ca. 2007, 32p. 24133 Jean-Paul Delahaye: The science behind Sudoku. Scientific American June 2006, 80-87. 18811 C. Elsholtz/A. Mütze: Sudoku im Mathematikunterricht. Math. Sember. 54 (2007), 69-93. 24035 Bertram Felgenhauer/Frazer Jarvis: Mathematics of Sudoku I. Internet 2006, 7p. 18812 Jesus Gago Vargas/Isabel Hartillo Hermoso/Jorge Martin Morales/ Jose' Maria Ucha Enriquez: Sudokus and Gröbner bases - not only a divertimento. Internet ca. 2006, 12p. 24090 Alex Griffith/Adam Parker: A Gröbner basis approach to number puzzles. Internet ca. 2009, 8p. 19958 Agnes Herzberg/M. Ram Murty: Sudoku squares and chromatic polynomials. Int. Math. Nachr. 206 (2007), 1-19. [and Notices AMS June/July 2007, 708-717.] 18000 Volker Kaibel/Thorsten Koch: Mathematik für den Volkssport. DMV-Mitt. 14/2 (2006), 93-96. 24048 John Lorch: A quick construction of mutually orthogonal sudoku solutions. Internet 2009, 5p. 24070 Michael Mepham: Solving sudoku. Internet (www.sudoku.org/pdf) 2005, 11p. 24049 Dung Viet Nguyen/Shashi Kiran Chilappagari/Michael Marcellin/Bane Vasic: LDPC codes from Latin squares free of small trapping sets. Internet 2010, 21p. 24082 Ryan Pedersen/Timothy Vis: Sets of mutually orthogonal sudoku Latin squares. College Math. J. 40/3 (2009), 174-181. 24051 Jason Rosenhouse/Laura Taalman: Taking sudoku seriously. Oxford UP 2011, 210p. Eur 18. 17936 Will Shortz: Sua maesta' il sudoku. Mondadori 2006, 290p. Eur 8. 18817 Laura Taalman: Taking Sudoku seriously. Internet ca. 2007, 6p. 24004 Wikipedia: Latin square and related topics. Internet 2013, 55p.