14062 Hans-Georg Bartel: Mathematische Medthoden in der Chemie. Spektrum 1996, 390p. DM 88. Abstract methods for chemistry, very carefully explained: Introduction about mathematics and chemistry, sets, mappings and relations (equivalences and partial orders), graph theory (with tournament theory), finite groups with an introduction to representations, concepts of quantum theory and probability, and, in two final chapters, formal concept analysis (60 pages) and cluster analysis (46 pages, with some remarks on ultrametrics). A useful, easy to read and appealing book. L. Beineke/R. Wilson (ed.): Selected topics in graph theory. Academic Press 1978. 2092 Frank Harary/R. Norman/D. Cartwright: Structural models. An introduction to the theory of directed graphs. Wiley 1965. J. Moon: Topics on tournaments. Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1968.