15555 Alessandro Arsie: Special Lagrangian geometry in irreducible symplectic 4-folds. Internet 2000, 9p. Werner Ballmann: Lectures on Kähler manifolds. EMS 2006, 170p. Eur 38. J. Bertin/J. Demailly/L. Illusie/C. Peters: Introduction to Hodge theory. AMS 2002, 230p. $65. Lev Borisov: Towards the mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau complete intersections in Gorenstein toric Fano varieties. 6 pages, 1993. ftp publications.math.duke.edu (get alg-geom/9310001). 20006 Steven Bradlow/Oscar Garcia Prada/Peter Gothen: What is a Higgs bundle? Notices AMS September 2007, 980-981. Shiing-shen Chern: Complex manifolds without potential theory. Springer 1979. Shiing-shen Chern: An elementary proof of the existence of isothermal parameters on a surface. Proc. AMS 6 (1955), 771-782. Shiing-shen Chern/Juergen Moser: Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds. Acta Math. 133 (1974), 219-271. 22047 Herbert Clemens: Introduction to Hodge theory. SNS Pisa 1998, 70p. Eur 12. John D'Angelo: Several complex variables and the geometry of real hypersurfaces. CRC Press 1993, 280p. Pds. 48. 21500 John D'Angelo/Jeremy Tyson: An invitation to Cauchy-Riemann and sub-riemannian geometries. Notices AMS 57/2 (2010, 208-219. 1817 B. Datta/S. Subramanian: Nonexistence of almost complex structures on products of even-dimensional spheres. Top. appl. 36 (1990), 39-42. [3291] 17959 Sorin Dragomir/Giuseppe Tomassini: Differential geometry and analysis on CR manifolds. Birkhäuser 2006, 480p. Eur 89. 20096 Charles Epstein: What is a bad end? Notices AMS October 2006, 1028-1029. 8710 Helene Esnault: Recent developments on characteristic classes of flat bundles on complex algebraic manifolds. Jber. DMV 98 (1996), 182-191. James Faran/V. Faran: Non-analytic hypersurfaces in C{n}. Math. Annalen 226 (1977), 121-123. 17901 Klaus Fritzsche/Hans Grauert: From holomorphic functions to complex manifolds. Springer 2002, 390p. Graziano Gentili/Fabio Podesta'/Edoardo Vesentini: Lezioni di geometria differenziale. Bollati Boringhieri 1995. 27008 Giuliana Gigante: A remark on Brody's theorem on homogeneous complex manifolds. Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma 6 (1997), 103-109. 2207 Samuel Goldberg: Curvature and homology. Dover 1982. William Goldman: Complex hyperbolic geometry. Oxford UP 1999, 340p. Pds 73. Hans Grauert: Charakterisierung der Holomorphiegebiete durch die vollstaendige Kaehlersche Metrik. Math. Annalen 131 (1956), 38-75. 1587 Robert Greene: Complex differential geometry. 1582 Hansen, 228-288. 18038 Phillip Griffiths/Joseph Harris: Principles of algebraic geometry. Wiley 1994, 810p. Eur 94. [or 1471 Phillip Griffiths/Joseph Harris: Principles of algebraic geometry. Wiley 1978.] W. Hodge: The theory and application of harmonic integrals. Cambridge UP 1989, 280p (pb). Pds. 13. C.C. Hsiung: Almost complex and complex structures. World Scientific 1995, 220p. 981-02-1712-9. Pds. 33. 17969 Daniel Huybrechts: Complex geometry. Springer 2005, 310p. Eur 55. Alexander Isaev/Steven Krantz: Invariant distances and metrics in complex analysis. Notices AMS May 2000, ... Birger Iversen: Hyperbolic geometry. Cambridge UP 1992, 320p. 0-521-43528-5 pbk. Pds. 14. M. Jarnicki/P. Pflug: Invariant distances and metrics in complex analysis. De Gruyter 1993, 410p. 3-11-013251-6. DM 178. M. Kashiwara/P. Schapira: Sheaves on manifolds. Springer 1990, 510p. DM 168. The first third of the book is also a good introduction to general modern sheaf theory. Shoshichi Kobayashi: Hyperbolic manifolds and holomorphic mappings. Dekker 1970. Shoshichi Kobayashi: Differential geometry of complex vector bundles. Princeton UP 1987, 310p. 0-691-08467-X. $85. Shoshichi Kobayashi/H.H. Wu: Complex differential geometry. Birkhaeuser 1987, 160p. 3-7643-1494-X. SFR 38. 18036 Kunihiko Kodaira: Complex manifolds and deformation of complex structures. Springer 2005, 460p. Eur 31. 16794 Steven Krantz: Complex analysis - the geometric viewpoint. MAA 1990, 210p. $40. 17943 Herbert Kurke: Die Hodge-Vermutung. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 127-132. 1738 Serge Lang: Introduction to complex hyperbolic spaces. Springer 1987. 2713 John Milnor: Singular points of complex hypersurfaces. Princeton UP 1968. [r.] 22541 John Morgan: The algebraic topology of smooth algebraic varieties. Publ. math. IHES 48 (1978), 137-204. 22346 Andrei Moroianu: Lectures on Kähler geometry. Cambridge UP 2007, 170p. Eur 31. 12334 Henrik Pedersen/Yat Sun Poon: Hypercomplex structures on group manifolds. Aarhus LN ... (1999), 23p. Thomas Peternell/Jaroslaw A. Wisniewski: On stability of tangent bundles of Fano manifolds with b{'2}=1. 17 pages and 2 tables, plain TeX, Forschungsschwerpunkt Komplexe Mannigfaltigkeiten, Heft 174, Bayreuth 1993. ftp publications.math.duke.edu. Y.T. Siu: Lectures on hermitian-Einstein metrics for stable bundles and Kaehler-Einstein metrics. BirkhŠuser 1987, 170p. DM 48. 5277 Nancy Stanton: The Riemann mapping non-theorem. Math. Intell. 14/2 (1992), 32-36. 22360 Claire Voisin: Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry. 2 volumes. Cambridge UP 2004+2007, 320+350p. Eur 37+37. 21973 Claire Voisin: Algebraic geometry versus Kähler geometry. Milan J. Math. 78 (2010), 85-116. 22673 Raymond Wells: Differential analysis on complex manifolds. Springer 2008, 300p. Eur 52. J. Winkelmann: The classification of three-dimensional homogeneous complex manifolds. Springer LN Math. 1602 (1995), 230p. 3-540-59072-2. DM 52. 22359 Claire Voisin: Mirror symmetry. AMS 1999, 120p. Eur 27. 22375 Claire Voisin: Curriculum vitae. Internet 2011, 24p. S.-T. Yau (ed.): Essays on mirror manifolds. International Press, Hongkong 1992, 500p. 962-7670-01-4. $ 24. Written both by mathematicians and physicists.