[For elliptic functions see number theory; for hypergeometric functions see combinatorics.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16764 Milton Abramowitz/Irene Stegun (ed.): Handbook of mathematical functions. Dover 1972, 1020p. $64. 2403 Milton Abramowitz/Irene Stegun: Pocketbook of mathematical functions. Deutsch 1984. 16758 George Andrews/Richard Askey/Ranjan Roy: Special functions. Cambridge UP 2000, 660p. $50. "Dieses großartige Werk enthält eine Fülle von Stoff, der von wichtigen wohlbekannten und auch einigen fast vergessenen alten Resultaten bis zu überaus interessanten neuen Entwicklungen führt." (J. Cigler) 23620 Sheldon Axler/Paul Bourdon/Wade Ramey: Harmonic function theory. Springer 2001. 26658 Alexandre Benoit/.../Bruno Salvy: The dynamic dictionary of mathematical functions. Springer LN CS 6327 (2010), 35-41. 24479 Frits Beukers: Hypergeometric functions, how special are they? Notices AMS January 2014, 48-56. 1712 Frank Bowman: Introduction to Bessel functions. Dover 1958. Herbert Buchholz: Die konfluente hypergeometrische Funktion. Springer 1953, 230p. 1237 Bille Chandler Carlson: Special functions of applied mathematics. Academic Press 1977. 18040 Frank Cholewinski: The finite calculus associated with Bessel functions. AMS 1988, 120p. Eur 31. 16729 Barry Cipra: A new testament for special functions? SIAM News 31/2 (1998), ... 20805 Peter Deuflhard/U. Nowak/B. Lutz-Westphal: Besselscher Irrgarten - Rundungsfehler müssen nicht klein sein. Jber. DMV 100/4 (2008), 177-193. 20678 D. Hejhal/P. Sarnak: Some commentary on Atle Selberg's mathematics. Bull. AMS 45/4 (2008), 483-487. 5002 Bernd Fritzsche/Bernd Kirstein: Schuranalysis - Umfassende Entfaltung einer mathematischen Methode. 4238 Chatterji/, 117-136. Luigi Gatteschi: Funzioni speciali. Utet 1973. Walter Gautschi (ed.): Mathematics of computation 1943-1993. Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. 48 (1994). 16761 I. Gradshteyn/I. Ryzhik: Table of integrals, series, and products. Academic Press 2000, 1140p. $89. 16626 Julian Havil: Gamma. Exploring Euler's constant. Princeton UP 2003, 260p. $21. 7893 Anna Helversen-Pasotto: Gausssche Summen ueber endlichen Koerpern und Gammafunktion. Sem. Loth. Comb. B33f (1994), 15p. 2616 Harry Hochstadt: The functions of mathematical physics. Dover 1986. 3331 Katsunori Iwasaki/Hironobu Kimura/Shun Shimomura/Masaaki Yoshida: From Gauss to Painleve'. Vieweg 1991. 3591 Jahnke/F. Emde: Tafeln hoeherer Funktionen. Teubner 1952. J. Jensen: An elementary exposition of the theory of the gamma function. Ann. Math. 17 (1915/16), 124-166. V. Kiryakova: Generalized fractional calculus and applications. Pitman 1994, 390p. 0-582-21977-9. Pds. 39. "[...] a work of immense detail [...] can be warmly recommended to applied mathematicians in general, but must be regarded as indispensable for all those with an interest in special functions or fractional calculus." R. Koekoek/Peter Lesky/R. Swarttouw: Hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analogues. Springer 2010, 580p. Erik Koelink/Tom Koornwinder: Review of the book "Representations of Lie groups and special functions" by Vilenkin/Klimyk. 1512 D. Kuznetsov: Spetsialnye funktsii. Moscow 1965. 16741 N. Lebedev: Special functions and their applications. Dover 1972, 310p. $11. 17889 Josef Lense: Reihenentwicklungen in der mathematischen Physik. De Gruyter 1953, 210p. 17890 Josef Lense: Kugelfunktionen. Geest & Portig 1954, 290p. D. Lozier/F. Olver: Numerical evaluation of special functions. In Gautschi 1994, 79-125. 16738 Willard Miller: Some applications of the representation theory of the euclidean group in three-space. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 17 (1964), 527-540. 16737 Willard Miller: The Lie theory approach to special functions. Internet 2002, 56p. Stephen Moshier: Methods and programs for special functions. Halsted 1989, 420p. 24874 Thorsten Neuschel: A new proof of Stirling's formula. Am. Math. Monthly 121/ (2014), 350-352. N. Nielsen: Handbuch der Theorie der Gammafunktion. 17891 Fritz Oberhettinger/Wilhelm Magnus: Anwendungen der elliptischen Funktionen in Physik und Technik. Springer 1949, 130p. 16768 Frank Olver: Asymptotics and special functions. Peters 1997, 570p. $69. 16742 Frank Olver: Airy and related functions. NIST Handbook, model chapter. Internet ca. 2002, 27p. S. Raizada: On a two-variable analogue of Gegenbauer polynomials. J. Indian Ac. Math. 14 (1992), 29-38. 3536 Hans-Christian Reichel: Spezielle analytische Funktionen. Vorlesung WS 1969/70. 5062 Reinhold Remmert: Was ist \pi? 1406 Ebbinghaus/, 98-122. L. Ronkin: Functions of completely regular growth. Kluwer 1992, 390p. HFL 240. 1236 Norbert Sieber/Hans-Juergen Sebastian: Spezielle Funktionen. Deutsch 1980. Sergei Yuryevitsh Slavyanov/Wolfgang Lay: Special functions. Oxford UP 2000, 310p. Pds 70. Herbert Stahl/Vilmos Totik: General orthogonal polynomials. Cambridge UP 1992, 250p. 0-521-41534-9. $ 60. 2404 Friedrich Toelke: Praktische Funktionenlehre. 6 volumes. Springer 1950. 17895 Francesco Tricomi: Funzioni ipergeometriche confluenti. Cremonese 1954, 310p. 17896 Francesco Tricomi: Vorlesungen über Orthogonalreihen. Springer 1955, 260p. 17864 Kazuo Ueno: Umbral calculus and special functions. Adv. Math. 67 (1988), 174-229. N. Vilenkin/A. Klimyk: Representations of Lie groups and special functions. 3 volumes. Kluwer 1993, 1800p. $ 800. A monumental survey of the area. And a monumental price. And many errors. 16740 G. Watson: A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions. Cambridge UP 1996, 800p. $34. 16739 E. Whittaker/G. Watson: A course of modern analysis. Cambridge UP 2003, 600p. $60. 25958 Wikipedia: Incomplete gamma function. Wikipedia 2015, 10p. Shan-jie Zhang/Jian-ming Jin: Computation of special functions. Wiley 1996, 720p.