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Monthly 106/10 (1999), 889-909. 23335 Jonathan Borwein/Richard Crandall: Closed forms - what they are and why we care. Notices AMS 60/1 (2013), 50-65. 17557 Mark Braverman/Stephen Cook: Computing over the reals - foundations for scientific computing. Notices AMS March 2006, 318-329. 23023 Richard Brent/Paul Zimmermann: Modern computer arithmetic. Internet 2010, 260p. Manuel Bronstein: Symbolic integration I. Transcendental functions. Springer 2005, 330p. S. Cook: The complexity of theorem-proving procedures. Proc. 3rd ACM STOC (1983), 80-86. [Proc. 3rd ACM STOC (1989), 151-158?] 6189 D. Cordes/W. Kraemer: Vom Problem zum Einschliessungsalgorithmus. 5806 Kulisch, 167-181. D. Cox: The arithmetic-geometric mean of Gauss. L'Ens. Math. 30 (19847, 275-330. R. Crandall: Topics in advanced scientific computation. Springer 1996, 340p. 3-540-94473-7. DM 78. 22605 Tim Daly: Publishing computational mathematics. Notices AMS 59/2 (2012), 320-321. J. Davenport: On the integration of algebraic functions. SLN Computer Science 102 (1981). 12845 Hermuth Ellrich: Besprechung des Buches "Pi" von Arndt und Haenel. Spektrum 1999/10, 117-119. 4999 Hans-Christoph Fischer: Effiziente Berechnung von Ableitungswerten, Gradienten und Taylorkoeffizienten. 4238 Chatterji/, 59-73. Hans-Christoph Fischer/Guenter Schumacher/R. Haggenmueller: Evaluation of arithmetic expressions with guaranteed high accuracy. Computing Suppl. 6 (1988), 149-158. 6188 Hans-Christoph Fischer: Genaue Auswertung von Polynomen und Ausdruecken. 5806 Kulisch, 155-165. H. Friedman/K. Ko: Computational complexity of real functions. Theor. Comp. Sci. 20 (1986), 323-352. 5002 Bernd Fritzsche/Bernd Kirstein: Schuranalysis - Umfassende Entfaltung einer mathematischen Methode. 4238 Chatterji/, 117-136. Gene Golub/James Ortega: Scientific computing. Teubner 1996, 530p. 3-519-02969-3. DM 68. 25979 Hans-Gert Gräbe: Die Stellung des symbolischen Rechnens im Wissenschaftsgebäude. Internet ca. 1999, 12p. 22545 R. Gregory/E. Krishnamurthy: Methods and applications of error-free computation. Springer 1984, 190p. Andreas Griewank: On automatic differentiation. Iri/Tanabe, 83-103. Andreas Griewank/George Corliss (ed.): Automatic differentiation of algorithms: Theory, implementation, and application. SIAM 1991, 350p. 0-89871-284-x (pb). $49. Essential reading for anyone considering research in the area of automatic differentiation. 27756 Kevin Hartnett: Mathematicians discover the perfect way to multiply. Quanta, April 2019. Refers to 27755 Harvey/. 27755 David Harvey/Joris van der Hoeven: Integer multiplication in time O(n log n). Internet (hal-02070778) 2019, 43p. Cfr. 27756 Hartnett. J. Herzberger (ed.): Wissenschaftliches Rechnen. Akademi-Verlag 1995. 5017 Tim Hoff: How children accumulate numbers - or why we need a fifth floating-point operations. 4731 Chatterji/, 219-222. Manfred Hu''ttenhofer/Matthias Lesch/Norbert Peyerimhoff: Mathematik in Anwendung mit C++. UTB 1994. In Buchhandlungen noch erha''ltlich. M. Iri/K. Tanabe (ed.): Mathematical programming. Recent developments. Kluwer 1989. W. Kahan/B. Parlett: Koennen Sie sich auf Ihren Rechner verlassen? Jahrbuch Ueberblicke Math. 1978, 199-216. H. Kahrimanian: Analytic differentiation by a digital computer. MA Thesis, Temple Univ., Philadelphia 1953. R. Kalaba/L. Tesfatsion/J.L. Wang: A finite algorithm for the exact evaluation of higher order partial derivatives of functions of many variables. J. Math. Analysis and Appl. 92 (1983), 552-563. Kaltofen/Watt (ed.): Computers and mathematics. Springer 1989, 400p. 3-540-97019-3. DM 78. E. Kaucher/Ulrich Kulisch/Ch. Ullrich (Hg.): Computer arithmetic - scientific computation and programming languages.Teubner 1987, 460p. 3-519-02448-9. DM 98. 5788 Kiessling/Lowes/Paulik: Genaue Rechnerarithmetik. Intervallrechnung und Programmieren mit Pascal-SC. Teubner 1988, 190p. 3-519-00114-4. DM 20. 5808 Rudi Klatte/Ulrich Kulisch/Andreas Wiethoff/Christian Lawo/George Corliss: C-XSC. Springer 1993. 5001 Walter Kraemer: Die Berechnung von Standardfunktionen in Rechenanlagen. 4238 Chatterji/, 97-115. 5008 Walter Kraemer: Numerische Berechnung von Schranken fuer \pi. 4731 Chatterji/, 57-72. Walter Kraemer: Fehlerschranken fuer haeufig auftretende Approximationsausdruecke. Z. angew. Math. Mech. 69 (1989), 4T44-T47. 10397 Werner Krandick/Tudor Jebelean: Bidirectional exact integer division. J. Symb. Comp. 11 (1996), ... 5021 Ulrich Kulisch: Numerisches Rechnen - wie es ist und wie es sein koennte. 2687 Chatterji/, 139-160. 5016 Ulrich Kulisch: Numerik mit automatischer Ergebnisverifikation. 4731 Chatterji/, 199-218. 5806 Ulrich Kulisch (Hg.): Wissenschaftliches Rechnen mit Ergebnisverifikation. Vieweg 1989, 270p. 3-528-08943-1. DM 40. Ulrich Kulisch/Willard Miranker: Computer arithmetic in theory and practice. Academic Press 1981, 250p. 0-12-428650-X. Pds. 38. 5816 Ulrich Kulisch/Willard Miranker: The arithmetic of the digital computer. A new approach. SIAM Review 28 (1986), 1-40. Ulrich Kulisch/H. Stetter (ed.): Scientific computation with automatic result verification. Springer 1988, 250p. 3-211-82063-9. DM 128. 15055 Hans Petter Langtangen/Aslak Tveito: How should we prepare the students of science and technology for a life in the computer age? In 15031 Engquist/, 809-825. R. Lohner: Precise evaluation of polynomials in several variables. Comp. Suppl. 6 (1988), 139-148. 5773 Ruediger Loos: Introduction. 2635 Buchberger/Collins/Loos, 1-10. 20917 Stephen Lucas: Approximations to \pi derived from integrals with nonnegative integrands. Am. Math. Monthly 116/2 (2009), 166-172. 5795 Yudell Luke: Algorithms for the computation of mathematical functions. Academic Press 1977, 280p. 0-12-459940-0. Pds. 38. P. Markstein: Computation of elementary functions on the IBM RISC System/6000 processor. IBM J. Res. Dev. 34/1 (1990). 16010 Brian McCartin: Seven deadly sins of numerical computation. Am. Math. Monthly December 1998, 929-941. J. Mesirov (ed.): Very large scale computation in the 21st century. SIAM 1991, 330p. $49. Challenging items in the area of scientific computing. 6691 Marco Mezzalama/Nicola Montefusco/Paolo Prinetto: Aritmetica degli elaboratori e codifica dell'informazione. Utet 1989. W. Miranker/R. Toupin: Accurate scientific computations. Springer LN Computer Science 235 (1986). J. Moses: Symbolic integration. PhD Thesis, MIT 1967. J. Moses: Algebraic simplification. A guide for the perplexed. Comm. ACM 14 (1971), 527-537. J. Moses: Symbolic integration, the stormy decade. Comm. ACM 14 (1971), 548-560. Jean-Michel Muller: Elementary functions. Algorithms and implementation. Birkha''user 1997, 230p. 3-7643-3990-X. SFR 98. J. Nolan: Analytic differentiation on a digital computer. MA Thesis, MIT 1953. 5774 A. Norman: Integration in finite terms. 2635 Buchberger/Collins/Loos, 57-69. 13425 Michael Philippsen: JavaGrande - Hochleistungsrechnen mit Java. Informatik-Spektrum April 2000, 79-89. 9939 Christoph Po''ppe: [Wie man eine Stelle von \pi berechnet, ohne die davorliegenden zu kennen.] Spektrum 1997/5, 10-14. 5764 Marian Boykan Pour-El/Ian Richards: Computability and noncomputability in classical analysis. Trans. AMS 275 (1983), 539-560. L. Rall: Automatic differentiation. Springer LN Computer Science 120 (1981), 165p. 3-540-10861-0. DM 22. 24667 Arnold Rosenberg: The pillars of computation theory. Springer 2010, 330p. Eur 65 (Ebook). S. Rump: Wie zuverlaessig sind die Ergebnisse unserer Rechenanlagen? Jahrbuch Ueberblicke Math. 1983, 163-168. S. Rump/H. Boehm: Least significant bit evaluation of arithmetic expressions in single precision. Computing 30 (1983), 189-199. 1201 A. Schoenhage: Numerik analytischer Funktionen und Komplexitaet. Jber. DMV 92 (1990), 1-20. A. Schoenhage: Storage modification machines. SIAM J. Comp. 9 (1980), 490-508. 3231 Guenter Schumacher: Auswertung von Formeln und Nullstellenbestimmung auf Rechenanlagen. 2790 Chatterji/, 47-59. Guenter Schumacher: Verifizierende Basis-Algorithmen auf Supercomputern. Bibl. Inst. 1991, 160p. 3-411-14421-1. DM 25. 25980 Jeffrey Shallit: Review of the books "Mathematics by experiment" and "Experimentation in mathematics" by Jonathan Borwein a.o. Notices AMS September 2005, 863-865. 5892 Michael Shub: Mysteries of mathematics and computation. Math. Intell. 1994/1, 10-15. M. Singer/J. Davenport: Elementary and Liouvillian solutions of linear differential equations. J. Symb. Comp. 2 (1986), 237-260. M. Singer/B. Saunders/B. Caviness: An extension of Liouville's theorem on integration in finite terms. SIAM J. Comp. 14 (1985), 966-990. 4782 Stephen Smale: Theory of computation. 4727 Casacuberta/Castellet, 59-69. Stephen Smale: On the topology of algorithms I. J. Complexity 3 (1987), 81-89. 5763 Stephen Smale: Some remarks on the foundations of numerical analysis. SIAM Rev. 32 (1990), 211-220. V. Strassen: Die Berechnungskomplexitaet von elementarsymmetrischen Funktionen und von Interpolationskoeffizienten. Num. Math. 20 (1973), 238-251. V. Strassen: The computational complexity of continued fractions. SIAM J. Comp. 12 (1983), 1-27. 24463 Christoph Ueberhuber: Numerical computation 1. Springer 1997, 470p. Christian Ullrich/Juergen Wolff von Gudenberg (ed.): Accurate numerical algorithms. Springer 1989, 230p. 3-540-51477-5. DM 39. 6498 Ingo Wegener: Effiziente Algorithmen fuer grundlegende Funktionen. Teubner 1989, 260p. 3-519-02276-1. DM 40. 25920 Doron Zeilberger: Review of the books "Mathematics by experiments" and "Experimentation in mathematics" by Borwein, Bailey and Girgensohn. Internet 2004, 2p.