5711 Massimo Banzi: La mela pitagorica. Applicando Novembre 1993, 38-50. Theorist e soprattutto Mathematica. 6217 Nancy Blachman: Mathematica. A practical approach. [= Mathematica griffbereit. Vieweg 1993, 310p. DM 50.] Viele nuetzliche Informationen, jedem Mathematicabenutzer empfohlen. W. Burkhardt: First steps in Mathematica. Springer 1994, 130p. 3-540-19875-X. DM 36. Richard Crandall: Mathematica for the sciences. 23138 Eugene Don: Schaum's outlines Mathematica. McGraw-Hill 2009, 360p. Eur 14. Giulio Falco: Mathematica. Principi e applicazioni. Addison-Wesley. 24.000 Lire. 19313 Richard Fateman: A review of Mathematica 6.0. Internet (draft) 2007, 4p. J. Feagin: Quantum methods with Mathematica. Springer 1994, 490p. 3-540-97973-5. DM 98. R. Gaylord/S. Kamin/P. Wellin (ed.): Introduction to programming with Mathematica. Springer 1993, 300p. 3-540-94048-0. DM 72. The diskette included with this book can be read by Unix, DOS and Macintosh computers. R. Gaylord/P. Wellin: Computer simulations with Mathematica. Springer 1994, 360p. 3-540-94274-2. DM 90. 15049 Richard Gaylord/Samuel Kamin/Paul Wellin: Einfu''hrung in die Programmierung mit Mathematica. Birkha''user 1995, 320p. DM 68. R. Gaylord/P. Wellin: Computer simulations with Mathematica. Springer 1994, 360p. 3-540-94274-2. DM 89. With CD-ROM. 23913 Peter Girtler: Einführung in Mathematica. Internet, 16p. O. Gloor/B. Amrhein/R. Maeder: Illustrierte Mathematik. Birkhaeuser 1994. CD-ROM mit 64 Seiten Begleittext. DM 128. Zur Arbeit mit MathReader und Mathematica. A. Gray/M. Mezzino/M. Pinsky: Ordinary differential equations with Mathematica. Springer 1996, 500p. 3-540-94480-X. DM 72. T. Gray/J. Glynn: Exploring mathematics with Mathematica. Contains also a CD with the complete text of the book and many examples. Elkedagmar Heinrich/Hans-Dieter Janetzko: Das Mathematica-Arbeitsbuch. Vieweg 1993, 260p. 3-528-06528-1. DM 38. 15050 Elkedagmar Heinrich/Hans-Dieter Janetzko: Mathematica - vom Problem zum Programm. Vieweg 1998, 220p. DM 38. 5167 Alan Hoenig: Review of "Mathematica". Math. Intell. 12/2 (1990), 69-74. 6230 Stephan Kaufmann: Mathematica als Werkzeug. Birkhaeuser 1992, 410p. 3-7643-2832-0. DM 48. 15138 Michael Kofler/Hans-Gert Gra''be: Mathematica. Addison-Wesley 2002, 640p. Eur 55. R. Korsan: Decision support systems in Mathematica. Springer 1994, 360p. 3-540-94183-5. DM 77. J. Kripfganz/H. Perlt: Arbeiten mit Mathematica. Hanser 1994, 190p. 3-446-17649-7. DM 38. 15134 Roman Ma''der: Programming in Mathematica. Addison-Wesley 1997, 370p. Eur 43. 15135 Roman Ma''der: Computer science with Mathematica. Cambridge UP 2000, 390p. Eur 36. 4616 Mathematica. Wolfram Research 1991. 12968 Christoph Po''ppe: Besprechung der Version 4.0 von Mathematica. Spektrum 2000/2, 100-103. C. Ross: Introductory ordinary differential equations with Mathematica. Springer 1994, 400p. 3-540-94301-3. DM 79. 15041 Heikki Ruskeepa''a'': Mathematica Navigator. Academic Press 1999, 850p. R. Schaper: Grafik mit Mathematica. Addison-Wesley 1994, 350p. DM 70. 15043 Walter Strampp: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica I. Grundlagen, lineare Algebra. Vieweg 1997, 320p. DM 48. 15044 Walter Strampp: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica II. Analysis. Vieweg 1997, 330p. DM 48. 15045 Walter Strampp/Victor Ganzha/Evgenij Vorozhtsov: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica III. Differentialgleichungen und Numerik. Vieweg 1997, 320p. DM 48. 15046 Walter Strampp/Victor Ganzha/Evgenij Vorozhtsov: Ho''here Mathematik mit Mathematica IV. Funktionentheorie, Fourier- und Laplacetransformationen. Vieweg 1997, 290p. DM 48. M. Trott: The Mathematica guidebook. Springer 1994, 800p. 3-540-94282-3. With CD-ROM. DM 102. K. Stroyan: Calculus using Mathematica. Academic Press 1992, 700p. 0-12-672970-0 (pbk). A wonderful book with three disks. D. Vvedensky: Partial differential equations with Mathematica. Addison-Wesley 1992, 470p. $44. Stan Wagon: Mathematica in Aktion. Spektrum 1993, 400p. DM 78. [English at Freeman 1991. 0-7167-2202-x.] T. Wickham-Jones: Mathematica graphics. Springer 1994, 360p. 3-540-94047-2. DM 80. 4615 Stephen Wolfram: Mathematica. Addison-Wesley 1991. 15033 Stephen Wolfram: The Mathematica book. Cambridge UP 1999, 1450p. DM 125. X. Simulating neural networks with Mathematica. 350p. DM 100.