Colin Adams: The noncompact hyperbolic 3-manifold of minimal volume. Proc. AMS 100 (1987), 601-606. J. Alexander: An example of a simply connected surface bounding a region which is not simply connected. Proc. Nat. Ac. USA 10 (1924), 8-10. Michael Anderson: Geometrization of 3-manifolds via the Ricci flow. Notices AMS February 2004, ... 7107 Daniel Asimov: There's no space like home. The Sciences September/October 1995, 20-25. You might expect that as the number of dimensions goes up, space gets stranger and more interesting. And so it does, in the trivial sense that any space has all the lower- dimensional spaces packed inside it. From a deeper point of view, however, every Euclidean space has its own character, and as far as the number of dimensions is concerned, more is often less. 3-dimensional space is a fascinating place - it is the first Euclidean space in which it is possible to get hopelessly lost [the author refers to random walk]. By gluing, twisting and otherwise identifying segments of complex surfaces, one can build up a bewildering array of possible 3-manifolds. But by establishing classes of topologically equivalent manifolds, topologists have made remarkable progress in narrowing down the possibilities. It has been shown mathematically that, in dimensions four and up, manifolds get so complicated that no set of specifications can categorize them all. The Poincare' conjecture has been proved in every dimension except three - why is the 3-dimensional case so hard to prove? Nobody knows. In one particularly amazing and useful breakthrough, topologists have discovered that they can start with the 3-sphere and, via a process of cutting and pasting called surgery, refashion it to produce any other finite, orientable, one piece 3-manifold. 890 Michael Atiyah: The frontier between geometry and physics. Jber. DMV 91 (1989), 149-158. 17780 Laurent Bessieres: Poincare' conjecture and Ricci flow. An outline of the work of R. Hamilton and G. Perelman. EMS Newsletter March 2006, 11-15. 18006 Laurent Bessieres: Poincare' conjecture and Ricci flow. An outline of the work of R. Hamilton and G. Perelman. Part II. EMS Newsletter June 2006, 19-22. Raoul Bott: On the shape of a curve. Adv. Math. 16 (1975), 144-159. Peter Braam: Magnetic monopoles on 3-manifolds. J. Diff. Geom. 30 (1989), 425-464. 17946 Jochen Brüning: Die Vermutung von Poincare'. Elem. Math. 57 (2002), 103-108. 5020 R. Burckel: Inessential maps and classical euclidean topology. 2687 Chatterji/, 119-137. Bennett Chow/Dan Knopf: The Ricci flow - an introduction. AMS 2004, 330p. 16541 Graham Collins: Die Lösung eines Jahrhundertproblems. Spektrum 2004/9, 86-94. Grigorii Perelman ist es wahrscheinlich gelungen, die Poincaresche Vermutung zu beweisen. 4988 Simon Donaldson: On the work of Andreas Floer. Jber. DMV 95 (1993), 103-120. -5204 Simon Donaldson: 4-manifolds with indefinite intersection form. SLN Math. 1111 (1985), 309-320. Simon Donaldson: An application of gauge theory to 4-dimensional topology. J. Diff. Geom. 18 (1983), 279-315. Simon Donaldson/P. Kronheimer: The geometry of 4-manifolds. Oxford UP 1990, 440p. $ 60. Comprehensive, many insights. 14410 Michael Drmota/Peter Michor: Sieben Millenniumsprobleme II. IMN 185 (2000), 13-20. Die Hodgesche Vermutung, die Poincare'sche Vermutung, Yang-Mills-Theorie, Existenz und Glattheit der Lösung der Differentialgleichung von Navier-Stokes. 18012 John Etnyre: Review of the book "Surgery on contact 3-manifolds and Stein surfaces" by B. Ozbagci/A. Stipsicz. Bull. AMS 43/3 (2006), 429-434. Andreas Floer: Proof of the Arnold conjecture for surfaces, and generalisations for certain Kaehler manifolds. Duke Math. J. 53 (1986), 1-32. Andreas Floer: Monopoles on asymptotically Euclidean 3-manifolds. Bull. AMS 16 (1987), 125-127. Andreas Floer: Morse theory for Lagrangian intersections. J. Diff. Geom. 28 (1988), 513-547. Andreas Floer: Instanton homology and Dehn surgery. Preprint. Should be an important paper. 5870 M. Fort (ed.): Topology of 3-manifolds. Prentice-Hall 1962. Michael Freedman: The topology of 4-dimensional manifolds. J. Diff. Geom. 17 (1982), 357-453. Michael Freedman/Frank Quinn: Topology of 4-manifolds. Princeton UP 1990. 0-691-08577-3. $ 50. R. Friedman/J. Morgan: Smooth four-manifolds and complex surfaces. Springer 1994, 490p. 3-540-57058-6. DM 168. 20031 William Goldman: What is a projective structure? Notices AMS January 2007, 30-33. W. Haken: Theorie der Normalflaechen. Acta Math. 105 (1961), 245-375. W. Haken: Ueber das Homoeomorphieproblem der 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten I. Math. Zeitschr. 80 (1962), 89-120. 20501 Allen Hatcher: Notes on basic 3-manifold topology. Internet ca. 2002, 61p. Geoffrey Hemion: On the classification of homeomorphisms of 2-manifolds and the classification of 3-manifolds. Acta Math. 142 (1979), 123-155. 619 John Hempel: 3-manifolds. Princeton UP 1976. J. Hillman: The algebraic characterization of geometric 4-manifolds. Cambridge UP 1994, 170p. 0-521-46778-0. Pds. 20. "The book is well organized, pleasant to read and can be recommended anybody interested in the topic." (EMS Newsletter). 5644 Nigel Hitchin: Review of the book "The geometry of four-manifolds" by Donaldson/Kronheimer. Oxford UP 1990, 440p. 0-19-853553-8. 18135 Allyn Jackson: Conjectures no mor? Consensus forming on the proof of the Poincare' and geometrization conjectures. Notices AMS September 2006, 897-901. The Thurston geometrization conjecture includes the Poincare' conjecture as a special case; it provides a way to classify all 3-manifolds. K. Johannson: Topology and combinatorics of 3-manifolds. Springer LN Math. 1599 (1995), 450p. 3-540-59063-3. DM 108. Louis Kauffman: Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory and invariants of 3-manifolds. Princeton UP 1994, 300p. 0-691-03640-3 (pb.). $28. Ott-Heinrich Keller: Zur unmittelbaren Anschaubarkeit 4-dimensionaler Gegenstaende. Math. Nachr. 8 (1952), 179-183. 105 Robion Kirby: The topology of 4-manifolds. SLN Math. 1374 (1989). Lawson: The theory of gauge fields in 4 dimensions. 19764 Bernhard Leeb: Geometrisierung 3-dimensionaler Mannigfaltigkeiten und Ricci-Fluß - zu Perelmans Beweis der Vermutungen von Poincare' und Thurston. Mitt. DMV 14/4 (2006), 213-221. 2775 W. Lickorish: Three-manifolds and the Temperley-Lieb algebra. Math. Annalen 290 (1991), 657-670. S. Lins: Gems, computers and attractors for 3-manifolds. World Scientific 1995, 400p. 981-02-1907-5. Pds. 54. This book is about dealing 3-manifolds using computers. 4867 Albert Marden: Kleinian groups and 3-dimensional topology. 4859 Bers/Kra, 108-121. Albert Marden: The geometry of finitely generated Kleinian groups. Annals Math. 99 (1974), 383-462. 18136 Dusa McDuff: Floer theory and low dimensional topology. Bull. AMS 43/1 (2006), 25-42. 5278 Robert Meyerhoff: Geometric invariants for 3-manifolds. Math. Intell. 14/1 (1992), 37-53. Robert Meyerhoff/Walter Neumann: An asymptotic formula for the eta invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Circa 1991. Robert Meyerhoff/Daniel Ruberman: Mutation and the eta-invariant. J. Diff. Geom. 31 (1990), 101-130. John Milnor: Towards the Poincare' conjecture and the classification of 3-manifolds. Notices AMS November 2003, 1226-1233. 20914 Frank Morgan: Manifolds with density and Perelman's proof of the Poincare' conjecture. Am. Math. Monthly 116/2 (2009), 134-142. John Morgan: Recent progress on the Poincare' conjecture and the classification of 3-manifolds. Bull. AMS ... (2004), ... L. Neuwirth (ed.): Knots, groups, and 3-manifolds. Princeton UP 1975. 26696 Grisha Perelman: The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications. Internet 2002-2008, 39p. T. Petrie/J. Randall: Connections, definite forms, and 4-manifolds. Oxford UP 1990, 130p. Pds. 20. 19198 Valentin Poenaru: What is an infinite swindle? Notices AMS May 2007, 619-622. 5686 Hans Sagan: A geometrization of Lebesgue's space-filling curve. Math. Intell. 15/4 (1993), 37-43. H. Schubert: Bestimmung der Primfaktorzerlegung von Verkettungen. Math. Zeitschrift 76 (1961), 116-148. 12039 Ian Stewart: Kleinsche Flaschen aus Glas. Spektrum 1998/9, 12-14. Der Glasbla''ser Alan Bennett hat hu''bsche Modelle verfertigt. 5876 John Stillwell: Classical topology and combinatorial group theory. Springer 1980. C. Taubes: Gauge theory on asymptotically periodic 4-manifolds. J. Diff. Geom. 25 (1987), 363-430. William Thurston: The geometry and topology of 3-manifolds. Princeton UP 1977. William Thurston: Three-dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups, and hyperbolic geometry. Bull. AMS 6 (1982), 357-381. William Thurston: Three-dimensional geometry and topology. Princeton UP 1997, 310p. $40. "Hier hat ein gros''er Mathematiker ein zeitlos gu''ltiges Werk geschaffen, das tiefe Einsichten in die Mathematik und ihre vernetzten Strukturen liefert." (H. Rindler) Friedhelm Waldhausen: Recent results on sufficiently large 3-manifolds. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 32/2 (1978), 21-38. Friedhelm Waldhausen: The word problem in fundamental groups of sufficiently large irreducible 3-manifolds. Annals Math. 88 (1968), 272-280. Solution of the word problem for knot groups. Jeffrey Weeks: The shape of space. Dekker 1985, 320p. 20402 Rene' Wiegand: Von Hühnchen in der Mikrowelle und Mathematikern aus höheren Dimensionen. Mitt. DMV 16/2 (2008), 113-115. E. Witten: Supersymmetry and Morse theory. J. Diff. Geom. 17 (1982), 661-692. Tomoyoshi Yoshida: The eta invariant of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Inv. Math. 81 (1985), 473-514.