Armand Borel a.o.: Intersection cohomology. Birkhäuser 1984. 3787 Theodor Bröcker/Klaus Jänich: Einführung in die Differentialtopologie. Springer 1973. 5020 R. Burckel: Inessential maps and classical euclidean topology. 2687 Chatterji/, 119-137. C. Camacho/A. Neto: Geometric theory of foliations. Birkhäuser 1985, 200p. DM 98. Seems to be very good. Tammo tom Dieck/I. Hambleton: Surgery theory and geometry of representations. BirkhŠuser 1988, 120p. 3-7643-2204-7. SFR 44. 24352 Dirk Ferus: Topologie. Internet 2005, 130p. 2630 Martin Golubitsky/Victor Guillemin: Stable mappings and their singularities. Springer 1973. 4220 Morris Hirsch: Differential topology. Springer 1991. M. Karoubi/C. Leruste: Algebraic topology via differential geometry. Cambridge UP 1988, 360p. 0-521-31714-2. $ 30. Michel Kervaire: A manifold which does not admit any differentiable structure. Comm. Math. Helv. 34 (1960), 257-270. J. Lee: Introduction to smooth manifolds. Springer 2003, 630p. 26696 Grisha Perelman: The entropy formula for the Ricci flow and its geometric applications. Internet 2002-2008, 39p. A. du Plessis/C. Wall: The geometry of topological stability. Oxford UP 1995, 600p. 0-19-853588-0. A. Ranicki: Algebraic L-theory and topological manifolds. Cambridge UP 1992, 360p. £40.