23845 Raoul Bott: Lectures on Morse theory, old and new. Bull. AMS 7/2 (1982), 331-358. M. Goresky/R. MacPherson: Stratified Morse theory. Springer 1988, 270p. DM 148. An important advanced text. 18136 Dusa McDuff: Floer theory and low dimensional topology. Bull. AMS 43/1 (2006), 25-42. Knudson: ... J. Milnor: Morse theory. Princeton UP 1963. J. Milnor: On the Betti numbers of real varieties. Proc. AMS 15 (1964), 275-280. 27907 Liviu Nicolaescu: An invitation to Morse theory. Springer 2011, 350p. Eur 60 (Ebook). G. Rassias: Morse theory and its applications. World Scientific 1991, 400p. 9971-50-977-6. $58. 3783 Themistocles Rassias: Foundations of global nonlinear analysis. Teubner Leipzig 1986. M. Schwarz: Morse homology. Birkha''user 1993, 250p. 3-7643-2904-1. SFR 68. 2805 H. Seifert/W. Threlfall: Variationsrechnung im Gro§en. Teubner 1938. E. Witten: Supersymmetry and Morse theory. J. Diff. Geom. 17 (1982), 661-692.