A. Aleksandrov: Die innere Geometrie der konvexen Flaechen. Berlin 1955. A. Aleksandrov: Konvexe Polyeder. Berlin 1958. E. Alfsen: Compact convex sets and boundary integrals. Springer 1971. L. Asimov/A. Ellis: Convexity theory and its applications in functional analysis. Academic Press 1980. I. Bakelman: Convex analysis and nonlinear geometric elliptic equations. Springer 1994, 620p. 3-540-13620-7. DM 168. K. Ball: Cube slicing in Rn. Proc. AMS 97 (1986), 465-473. K. Ball: Logarithmically concave functions and sections of convex sets in Rn. Studia Math. 88 (1988), 69-84. K. Ball: Shadows of convex bodies. Trans. AMS 327 (1991), 891-901. K. Ball: Volume ratios and a reverse isoperimetric inequality. J. London Math. Soc. 44 (1991), 351-359. C. Bandle: Isoperimetric inequalities and applications. Pitman 1980. 20427 Imre Barany: Random points and lattice points in convex bodies. Bull. AMS July 2008, 339-365. Alexander Barvinok: A course in convexity. AMS 2002, 370p. Eur 51. 10285 Margaret Bayer/Carl Lee: Combinatorial aspects of convex polytopes. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 485-534. M. Bennett: Lattices of convex sets. Trans. AMS 234 (1977), 279-288. M. Bennett: An embedding theorem for finite lattices. J. Comb. Inf. Syst. Sci. 5 (1980), 54-57. 16651 Claude Berge: Topological spaces. Dover 1997, 270p. $9. [=2181 Claude Berge: Topological spaces. Oliver & Boyd 1963.] 2231 Marcel Berger: Convexity. Am. Math. Monthly 97 (1990), 650-678. [8194] U. Betke/J. Wills: Stetige und diskrete Funktionale konvexer Koerper. Proc. Geom. Symp. Siegen 1978, Birkhaeuser, 226-237. Gabriele Bianchi/M. Longinetti: Reconstructing plane sets from projections. Discrete Comput. Geom. 5 (1990), 223-242. L. Bieberbach: Kreis und Kugel. Chelsea. L. Billera/C. Lee: Sufficiency of McMullen's condition for f-vectors of simplicial polytopes. Bull. AMS 2 (1980), 181-185. W. Blaschke: Kreis und Kugel. Chelsea 1955. J. Bokowski/H. Hadwiger/J. Wills: Eine Ungleichung zwischen Volumen, Oberflaeche und Gitterpunktanzahl konvexer Koerper im n-dimensionalen euklidischen Raum. Math. Zeitschr. 127 (1972), 363-364. V. Boltyanski: Hilbert's third problem. Wiley 1978. 2246 V. Boltyanski: Commande optimale des systemes discrets. Mir 1976. V. Boltyanski/H. Martini/P. Soltan: Excursions into combinatorial geometry. Springer 1997, 420p. 3-540-61341-2. DM 78. T. Bonnesen/W. Fenchel: Theorie der konvexen Koerper. Springer 1974, 160p. 3-540-06234-3. DM 38. [or Chelsea] E. Bronstein: Approximation of convex sets by polytopes. J. Math. Sci. 153/6 (2008), 727-762. M. Bruckheimer/A. Arcavi: Farey series and Pick's area theorem. Math. Intell. 17/4 (1995), 64-67. Yu. Burago/V. Zalgaller: Convex sets in Riemannian spaces of non-negative curvature. Russ. Math. Surveys 32 (1977), 1-57. H. Busemann: Convex surfaces. Interscience 1958. 21123 Alberto Cambini/Laura Martein: Generalized convexity and optimization. Springer 2009, 250p. Eur 57. S.K. Chang/C.K. Chow: The reconstruction of three-dimensional objects from two orthogonal projections and its applications to cardiac cineangiography. IEEE Trans. Comput. 22 (1973), 18-28. W. Coppel: Foundations of convex geometry. Cambridge UP 1998, 220p. 0-521-63970-0. Pds. 25. H. Coxeter: Regular polytopes. Dover 1973. H. Debrunner/H. Hadwiger/V. Klee: Combinatorial geometry in the plane. Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1964. 20448 Paolo Dulio/Marco Longinetti/Carla Peri/Adriana Venturi: Sharp affine stability estimates for Hammer's problem. Adv. Appl. Math. 41 (2008), 27-51. 16291 Paul Edelman/Robert Jamison: The theory of convex geometries. Geom. Ded. 19 (1985), 247-270. H. Edelsbrunner/S. Skiena: Probing convex polygons with X-rays. SIAM J. Comput. 17 (1988), 870-882. H. Eggleston: Convexity. Cambridge UP 1966. 10284 G. Ewald: Algebraic geometry and convexity. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 603-626. G. Ewald/P. Kleinschmidt/U. Pachner/Ch. Schulz: Neuere Entwicklungen in der kombinatorischen Konvexgeometrie. Proc. Geom. Symp. Siegen 1978, Birkhaeuser, 60-76. K. Falconer: Hammer's X-ray problem and the stable manifold theorem. J. London Math. Soc. 28 (1983), 149-160. W. Funkenbusch: From Euler's formula to Pick's formula using an edge theorem. Am. Math. Monthly 81 (1974), 647-648. 6910 Richard Gardner: Geometric tomography. Notices AMS 42 (1995), 422-429. Richard Gardner: Intersection bodies and the Busemann-Petty problem. Trans. AMS 342 (1994), 435-445. Richard Gardner: On the Busemann-Petty problem concerning central sections of centrally symmetric convex bodies. Bull. AMS 30 (1994), 222-226. Richard Gardner: A positive answer to the Busemann-Petty problem in three dimensions. Annals of Math. 140 (1994), 435-447. Richard Gardner: Geometric tomography. Cambridge UP 1995, 450p. 0-521-45126-4. Pds. 45. Richard Gardner/P. Gritzmann: Successive determination and verification of polytopes by their X-rays. J. London Math. Soc. 50 (1994), 375-391. 7078 Richard Gardner/P. McMullen: On Hammer's X-ray problem. J. London Math. Soc. 21 (1980), 171-175. Richard Gardner/A. Volcic: Tomography of convex and star bodies. Adv. Math. 108 (1994), 367-399. 7259 Paolo Greghi: Sistemi di disuguaglianze convesse. Tesi, Ferrara 1995. 10280 Peter Gritzmann/Jo''rg Wills: Lattice points. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 765-797. Helmut Groemer: Continuity properties of Voronoi domains. Monatshefte Math. 75 (1971), 423-431. Helmut Groemer: Stability results for convex bodies and related spherical integral transforms. Adv. Math. 109 (1994), 45-74. 16223 Helmut Groemer: Stabilitätsprobleme in der Theorie konvexer Körper. Int. Math. Nachr. 195 (2004), 1-17. Peter Gruber: Zur Charakterisierung konvexer Koerper. ueber einen Satz von Rogers und Shephard II. Math. Annalen 184 (1970), 79-105. 6793 Peter Gruber: Seven small pearls from convexity. Math. Intell. 5/1 (1983), 16-19. 6794 Peter Gruber: Aspects of convexity and its applications. Expositiones Mathematicae 2 (1984), 47-83. 10281 Peter Gruber: The space of convex bodies. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 301-318. Peter Gruber/P. Kenderov: Approximations of convex bodies by polytopes. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 31 (1982), ... Peter Gruber/Joerg Wills (ed.): Convexity and its applications. Birkhaeuser 1983, 420p. 10279 Peter Gruber/Joerg Wills (ed.): Handbook of convex geometry. 2 volumes. North-Holland 1993, 1600p. 0-444-89598-1. $ 309. 3088 Branko Gru''nbaum: Convex polytopes. Interscience 1967. Branko Gru''nbaum/G. Shepard: Pick's theorem. Am. Math. Monthly 100 (1993), 150-161. H. Guggenheimer: Applicable geometry. Global and local convexity. Krieger 1977. Hugo Hadwiger: Minkowskische Addition und Subtraktion beliebiger Punktmengen und die Theoreme von Erhard Schmidt. Math. Zeitschrift 53 (1950), 210-218. 6953 Hugo Hadwiger: Altes und Neues ueber konvexe Koerper. Birkhaeuser 1955, 116p. 3-7643-0160-0. DM 30. 6954 Hugo Hadwiger: Vorlesungen ueber Inhalt, Oberflaeche und Isoperimetrie. Springer 1957, 310p. 3-540-02151-5. DM 88. Lars Hoermander: Notions of convexity. Birkhaeuser 1994, 430p. 3-7654 (or 7643 ?) -3799-0. The main purpose of this book is to discuss notions of convexity that are found in the theory of partial differential equations and complex analysis. V. Klee: Can the boundary of a d-dimensional convex boyd contain segments in all directions? Am. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), 408-410. V. Klee: What is a convex set? Am. Math. Monthly 78 (1971), 616-631. V. Klee: Some unsolved problems in plane geometry. Math. Magazine 52 (1979), 131-145. 16009 Vilmos Komornik: A simple proof of Farkas' lemma. Am. Math. Monthly December 1998, 949-950. D. Larman/C. Rogers: The existence of a centrally symmetric convex body with central sections that are unexpectedly small. Mathematika 22 (1975), 164-175. 2232 Kurt Leichtweiss: Konvexe Mengen. Springer 1980. 7076 Erwin Lutwak: A general isepiphanic inequality. Proc. AMS 90 (1984), 415-421. E. Lutwak: Intersection bodies and dual mixed volumes. Adv. Math. 71 (1988), 232-261. E. Lutwak: Inequalities for mixed projection bodies. Trans. AMS 339 (1993), 901-916. E. Lutwak: Selected affine isoperimetric inequalities. In Gruber/Wills 1993, 151-176. L. Lyusternik: Convex figures and polyhedra. Heath 1966. Jiri Matousek: Lectures on discrete geometry. Springer 2002, 480p. P. McMullen: A dice probability problem. Mathematika 21 (1974), 193-198. P. McMullen/G. Shephard: Convex polytopes and the upper bound conjecture. Cambridge UP 1971. Z. Melzak: Problems connected with convexity. Canadian Math. Bull 8 (1965), 565-573. Z. Melzak: More problems connected with convexity. Canadian Math. Bull. 11 (1968), 489-494. 14044 Stefan Nickel: Convex analysis. Vorlesung Univ. Kaiserslautern ca. 1998, 145p. 2341 Frantisek Nozicka/Libuse Grygarova/Klaus Lommatzsch: Geometrie konvexer Mengen und konvexe Analysis. Berlin 1988. A. Okabe/B. Boots/K. Sugihara: Spatial tessellations. Concepts and applications of Voronoi diagrams. Wiley 1992, 530p. Pds. 55. R. Osserman: The isoperimetric inequality. Bull. AMS 84 (1978), 1182-1238. Athanase Papadopoulos: Metric spaces, convexity and nonpositive curvature. EMS 2005, 300p. Eur 48. S. Papadopolou: Stabile konvexe Mengen. Jber. DMV 84 (1982), 92-106. T. Pavlidis: Algorithms for graphics and image processing. Computer Science Press 1982. L. Payne: Isoperimetric inequalities and their applications. SIAM Review 9 (1967), 453-488. 20449 Carla Peri: Hyperplane sections of convex bodies. J. Math. Analysis Appl. 343 (2008), 405-413. G. Pisier: The volume of convex bodies and Banach space geometry. Cambridge UP 1989, 250p. Pds. 30. A. Pogorelov: Extrinsic geometry of convex surfaces. AMS 1973. Walter Prenowitz: A contemporary approach to classical geometry. Am. Math. Monthly 68 (1961), 1-67. Walter Prenowitz/James Jantosciak: Geometries and join spaces. J. Reine u. angew. Math. 257 (1972), 100-128. 5813 Walter Prenowitz/James Jantosciak: Join geometries. Springer 1979. R. Rockafellar: Convex analysis. Princeton UP 1997, 450p. 0-691-01586-4 (pb). $23. B. Roth: Rigid and flexible frameworks. Am. Math. Monthly 88 (1981), 6-21. M. Rychilik: A complete solution to the equichordal point problem of Fujiwara, Blaschke, Rothe and Weizenboeck. t.a. 1995. L. Santalo': Integral geometry and geometric probability. Addison-Wesley 1976. 10286 Peter Schmitt: Problems in discrete and combinatorial geometry. In 10279 Gruber/Wills, 449-483. Rolf Schneider: Boundary structure and curvature of convex bodies. Proc. Geom. Symp. Siegen 1978, Birkhaeuser, 13-59. 20471 Rolf Schneider: Konvexgeometrie. Vorlesung Univ. Freiburg 2005, 136p. 20466 Rolf Schneider: Convex bodies - the Brunn-Minkowski theory. Cambridge UP 2008, 490p. Eur 56. I. Singer: Abstract convex analysis. Wiley 1997, 490p. Pds. 65. S. Skiena: Interactive reconstruction via geometric probing. Proc. IEEE 80 (1992), 1364-1383. R. Stanley: The number of faces of a simplicial convex polytope. Adv. Math. 35 (1980), 236-238. H. Steinhaus: Mathematical snapshots. Oxford UP 1969. 19976 A. Thompson: Dualität, Volumenprodukt und Mahlersche Ungleichungen. Math. Sb. 54 (2007), 141-153. 5670 Frederick Valentine: Konvexe Mengen. Bibl. Inst. 1968. D. Varberg: Pick's theorem revisited. Am. Math. Monthly 92 (1985), 584-587. E. Vesentini: Invariant metrics on convex cones. Ann. SNS Pisa 3 (1976), 671-696. 7077 A. Volcic: A three-point solution to Hammer's X-ray problem. J. London Math. Soc. 34 (1986), 349-359. R. Walter: Konvexität in Riemannschen Mannigfaltigkeiten. Jber. DMV 83 (1981), 1-31. Roger Webster: Convexity. Oxford UP 1994, 460p. 0-19-853147-8. W. Weil: Kinematic integral formulas for convex bodies. Proc. Geom. Symp. Siegen 1978, Birkhaeuser, 60-76. W. Weil: Stereology. A survey for geometers. In Gruber/Wills 1983, 360-421. 4389 Jo''rg Wills: Kugellagerungen und Konvexgeometrie. Jber. DMV 92 (1990), 21-46. L. Zalcman: Offbeat integral geometry. Am. Math. Monthly 87 (1980), 161-175. Gao-Yong Zhang: Intersection bodies and the four-dimensional Busemann-Petty problem. Duke Math. J. 71 (1993), 233-240. Gao-Yong Zhang: Intersection bodies and the Busemann-Petty inequalities in R4. Annals of Math. 140 (1994), 331-346. Gao-Yong Zhang: Sections of convex bodies. t.a. 1995. 8712 Günter Ziegler: Besprechung des Werkes "Handbook of convex geometry" von Gruber/Wills. Jber. DMV 98 (1996), B 40-41. Chuan-ming Zong: Strange phenomena in convex and discrete geometry. Springer 1996, 160p. 3-540-94734-5. DM 44. Self-contained with full proofs. Chuan-ming Zong: What is known about unit cubes? Bull. AMS 42/2 (2005), 181-211.