Christopher Allday/Volker Puppe: Cohomological methods in transformation groups. Cambridge UP 1993, 490p. 0-521-35022-0. £50. 24298 Alexander Arhangelskii/Mikhail Tkachenko: Topological groups and related structures. World Scientific 2008, 790p. Eur 120. 3509 L. Auslander/L. Green/F. Hahn: Flows on homogeneous spaces. Princeton UP 1963. S. Bochner/D. Montgomery: Locally compact groups of differentiable transformations. Annals Math. 47 (1946), 639-653. G. Bredon: Introduction to compact transformation groups. Academic Press 1972. 24330 A. Di Concilio: Topologizing homeomorphism groups. J. Functions Spaces Appl. ... (2013), 14p. 2627 Tammo tom Dieck: Transformation groups. De Gruyter 1987. 24353 Jan Dijkstra: On homeomorphism groups and the compact-open topology. Am. Math. Monthly December 2005, 910-912. 24260 Robert Ellis: Continuity and homeomorphism groups. Proc. AMS 4 (1953), 969-973. 19093 Robert Ellis: A note on the continuity of the inverse. Proc. AMS 8 (1957), 372-373. 24291 Robert Ellis: Locally compact transformation groups. Duke Math. J. 24 (1957), 119-125. Katsuo Kawabuko: The theory of transformation groups. Oxford UP 1991, 340p. £ 45. The reader is led from leisurely beginnings to quite advanced topics at the end. Not easy to read. 9030 Deane Montgomery/Leo Zippin: Topological transformation groups. Interscience 1955, 290p. 24299 Warren Moors: Any semitopological group that is homeomorphic to a product of Cech-complete spaces is a topological group. Internet ca. 2012, 7p. 24355 Jiagang Ren/Xicheng Zhang: Topologies on homeomorphism spaces of certain metric spaces. J. Math. Analysis Appl. 318 (2006), 32-36. 4929 Yi-Hsiang Wu: Cohomology theory of topological transformation groups. Springer 1975.