18753 Ilene Mizrachi: Genbank - the nucleotide sequence database. NCBI Handbook Ch. 1, Internet 2002, 14p. 18754 Jim Ostell: The Entrez search and retrieval system. NCBI Handbook Ch. 15, Internet 2002, 7p. 18752 Karl Sirotkin/Tatiana Tatusova/Eugene Yaschenko/Mark Cavanaugh: The processing of biological sequence data at NCBI. NCBI Handbook Ch. 13, Internet 2002, 9p. 18751 David Wheeler/.../Eugene Yaschenko: Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Nucleic Acids Res. 35 (2007), 8p. 18755 ZZ: Sample Genbank record. Internet 2007, 18p. A commented record.