[See also Additive number theory.] -------------------------------------------------- 19276 Rudolf Ahlswede/Vladimir Blinovsky: Maximal sets of numbers not containing k+1 pairwise coprimes and having divisors from a specified set of primes. Internet ca. 1995, 9p. 19277 Rudolf Ahlswede/Vladimir Blinovsky: Maximal set of ideals without coprimes. Internet ca. 1999, 9p. 29039 Anders Björner: A cell complex in number theory. Adv. Appl. Math. 46 (2011), 71-85. John Conway/Richard Guy: The book of numbers. Copernicus. $29. 26732 Paul Erdös/Ronald Graham: Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory. ... 120p. 17706 Hillel Furstenberg/Benjamin Weiss: Topological dynamics and combinatorial number theory. J. Analyse Math. 34 (1978), 61-85. 27011 Timothy Gowers: Generalizations of Fourier analysis, and how to apply them. Bull. AMS ... (2016), 44p. 1978 Andrew Granville/Y.Zhu: Representing binomial coefficients as sums of squares. Am. Math. Monthly 97 (1990), 486-493. [3323] 17573 Neil Hindman: Ultrafilters and combinatorial number theory. In Nathanson 1979, 119-184. 24733 Clark Kimberling: Interspersions and dispersions. Proc. AMS 117/2 (1993), 313-321. 2047 L. Kinch/J. Lehel: Sum-distinct sequences and Fibonacci numbers. Periodica Math. Hung. 21 (1990), 65-71. [3323] 18909 Hendrik Lenstra: Profinite Fibonacci numbers. EMS Newsletter September 2006, 15-18. 24736 Lionel Levine: Fractal sequences and restricted nim. Internet ca. 2005, 15p. 29144 Henry Liu: Combinatorics 3 - combinatorial number theory. Internet 2012, 15p. 7613 N. Mendelsohn: Congruence relationships for integral recurrences. Can. Math. Bull. 5 (1962), 281-284. Melvyn Nathanson (ed.): Number theory Carbondale 1979. Springer LN Math. 751 (1979). A. Philippou a.o. (ed.): Fibonacci numbers and their applications. Reidel 1986. 26731 Carl Pomerance/Andras Sarközy: Combinatorial number theory. Handbook of Combinatorics I, Elsevier 1995, 967-1018. G. Raney: Generalization of the Fibonacci sequence to n dimensions. Can. J. Math. 18 (1966), 332-349. 1867 A. Rotkiewicz: Problems on Fibonacci numbers and their generalizations. In Philippou/ 1986, 241-255. [3323] 7595 N. Sloane: Some important integer sequences. Internet 1995, 9p. N. Sloane/S. Plouffe: The encyclopedia of integer sequences. Academic Press 1995, 590p. 0-12-558630-2. $45.