From: Len Adleman Subject: Approx 2 months left - CALL FOR PAPERS Comments: To: To: Multiple recipients of list NMBRTHRY CALL FOR PAPERS --------------- ALGORITHMIC NUMBER THEORY SYMPOSIUM ----------------------------------- (ANTS) CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA NEW YORK May 6-9, 1994 Papers presenting original research on aspects of Algorithmic Number Theory, in the broad sense, are sought. For example, algorithmic aspects of the following topics would be among those considered appropriate: Elementary Number Theory (e.g. Primality Testing, Factoring, Polynomials) Algebraic Geometry (e.g. Elliptic Curves, Abelian Varieties) Geometry of Numbers (e.g. Lattice Reduction) Analytic Number Theory (e.g. zeta-functions, distribution of primes) Algebraic Number Theory (e.g. Cyclotomic fields, Class numbers) Computational Complexity (e.g. NP completness, Reductions) Applications (e.g. Coding theory, Cryptography, Program-checking) Abstract Submission: Authors are requested to send 10 copies (double-sided printing is preferred) of an extended abstract to: Leonard M. Adleman Department of Computer Science University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781, USA Submitted abstracts should contain each author's name, affiliation and email address. Abstracts should not exceed 10 pages in length (excluding bibliography). Authors of accepted abstracts will be expected to present their results at the symposium and must submit a camera-ready version of their paper for inclusion in the symposium proceedings. Springer-Verlag has agreed in principle to publish the proceedings in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. A version of the proceedings will be available at the symposium. Researchers interested in a short presentation at the conference may submit 10 copies of a one page abstract for consideration. Accepted abstracts for short presentations will be included in the proceedings at the option of the authors. Important Dates: Abstracts Due January 16, 1994 Notification of acceptance/rejection March 16, 1994 Camera-ready version due April 16, 1994 ANTS May 6-9, 1994 Programming Committee: Leonard Adleman (Co-Chair), Eric Bach, Ernie Brickell, Johannes Buchmann, Henri Cohen, Ming-Deh Huang (Co-Chair), Arjen Lenstra, Nelson Stephens Endorsement: Len Adleman, Eric Bach, Johannes Buchmann, Joe Buhler, Henri Cohen, Don Coppersmith, Mike Fried, Joachim von zur Gathen, Shafi Goldwasser, Dan Gordon, Ming-Deh Huang, Erich Kaltofen, Jeffery C. Lagarias, Arjen Lenstra, Hendrik W. Lenstra, Victor S. Miller, Andrew Odlyzko, Carl Pomerance, Claus Schnorr, Rene Schoof, Jeff Shallit, Dan Shanks, Hugh Williams, Horst G. Zimmer. Sponsorship: ACSyAM Organizing Committee: Leonard Adleman, Moss Sweedler Invited Speakers: Carl Pomerance: "The Least Witness For A Composite Number" Leonard Adleman: "The Function Field Sieve" ANTS email list: To be added to the ANTS email list or for other inquiries contact Leonard M. Adleman (