1554 Ludwig Arnold: Stochastic differential equations. Wiley 1974. 6063 Ludwig Arnold: Zufa''llige dynamische Systeme. Jber. DMV 96 (1994), 85-100. F. Baudoin: Diffusion processes and stochastic calculus. EMS 2014, 280p. Eur 48. 26387 Denis Bell: The Malliavin calculus. Dover 2006, 110p. Eur 14. K. Bichteler: Stochastic integration and Lp-theory of semimartingales. Ann. Prob. 9 (1981), 49-89. J.-M. Bismut: Mecanique aleatoire. SLN Math. 866 (1981). 23225 Alessandra Borrelli: Calcolo stocastico e mercati finanziari. Internet 2012, 235p. Nicolas Bouleau/Francis Hirsch: Dirichlet forms and analysis on Wiener space. De Gruyter 1991, 320p. 3-11-012919-1. DM 128. Eine wertvolle Bereicherung des Angebots von Monographien u''ber stochastische Analysis (N. Jacob). 2060 K. Chung/R. Williams: Introduction to stochastic integration. Birkha''user 1990. N. Cong: Topological dynamics of random dynamical systems. Oxford UP 1997, 200p. 0-198-50157-9. Pds. 45. "As a differential equation determines a (smooth) dynamical system, so a stochastic differential equation generates a random dynamical system ... written very carefully ..." (EMS Newsletter) 1551 G. Da Prato: Equazioni differenziali stocastiche. Atti 11esimo Congresso UMI, Palermo 1979, 72-106. G. Da Prato: Kolmogorov equations for stochastic PDEs. Birkhäuser 2004, 180p. Eur 36. G. Da Prato/J. Zabczyk: Stochastic equations in infinite dimensions. Cambridge UP 1992. C. Dellacherie: Un survol de la theorie de l'integrale stocastique. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 10 (1980), 115-144. H. Doss: Liens entre equations differentielles stochastiques et ordinaires. Ann. Inst. Poincare' 13 (1977), 99-125. R. Durrett: Stochastic calculus. CRC 1997, 340p. $60. R. Elliott: Stochastic calculus and applications. Springer 1982. M. Emery: Stochastic calculus in manifolds. Springer 1989, 160p. DM 48. The book should be a beautiful introduction to stochastic processes on manifolds. 23226 Lawrence Evans: An introduction to stochastic differential equations. Internet, 130p. [Also AMS 2013, 150p. $34.] W. Hackenbroch/A. Thalmaier: Stochastische Analysis. Teubner 1994, 560p. DM 72. 16006 Sheng-wu He/Jia-gang Wang/Jia-an Yan: Semimartingale theory and stochastic calculus. CRC 1992, 550p. $90. 11394 P. Imkeller: Besprechung des Buchs "Stochastic integrals" von Weizsa''cker/Winkler. Jber. DMV 96 (1994), B 17-19. K. Ito: Stochastic integral. Proc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo 20 (1944), 519-524. 1493 Ioannis Karatzas/Steven Shreve: Brownian motion and stochastic calculus. Springer 1988. 5843 G. Kersting: Besprechung des Buches "Stochastic differential equations" von Sobczyk. Jber. DMV 96 (1994), B 23-24. 4284 W. Kliemann: Review of the book "Stochastic integration and differential equations" by P. Protter. Jber. DMV 94 (1992), B 7-11. P. Kloeden/E. Platen: Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations. Springer 1992, 630p. 3-540-54062-8. DM 123. P. Kloeden/E. Platen/H. Schurz: Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations through computer experiments. Springer 1994, 300p. 3-540-57074-8. DM 68. H. Kunita: Stochastic flows and stochastic differential equations. Cambridge UP 1990, 350p. Pds. 40. H. Kuo: Introduction to stochastic integration. Springer 2006, 280p. Eur 43. 11007 Paul Malliavin/Anton Thalmaier: Stochastic calculus of variations in mathematical finance. Springer 2006, 142p. Eur 65. Xuerong Mao: Stability of stochastic differential equations with respect to semi-martingales. Longman 1991, 280p. $ 40. Well written, much new material. Xuerong Mao: Stochastic differential equations and their applications. Ellis Horwood 1997, 370p. 1-898563-26-8. Pds. 30. P. Meyer: Integrales stocastiques I-IV. Springer LN Math. 39 (1967), 72-162. P. Meyer: Un cours sur les integrales stocastiques. Springer LN Math. 511 (1976), 246-400. P. Meyer: Quantum probability for probabilists. SLN Math. 1993, 290p. 3-540-56476-4. DM 62. 19576 Jan van Neerven: Stochastic evolution equations I. Internet 2007, 20p. 11015 David Nualart: Review of the book "Stochastic calculus of variations in mathematical finance" by P. Malliavin and A. Thalmaier. Bull. AMS 44/3 (2007), 487-492. Nobuaki Obata: White noise calculus and Fock space. SLN Math. 1577 (1994). 1495 Bernt Oeksendal: Stochastic differential equations. Springer 1989. 26430 Bernt Oeksendal: An introduction to Malliavin calculus with applications to economics. Internet 1997, 80p. A. Papoulis: Probability, random variables, and stochastic processes. McGraw-Hill 1991. 1496 Philip Protter: Stochastic integration and differential equations. Springer 1990. L. Rogers/D. Wiliams: Diffusions, Markov processes and martingales. 2 volumes. Wiley 1987. 19615 Walter Schachermayer/Josef Teichmann: Wie K. Ito den stochastischen Kalkül revolutionierte. Int. Math. Nachr. 205 (2007), 11-22. K. Sobczyk: Stochastic differential equations. Kluwer 1991, 400p. Dfl. 240. With many applications in engineering and physics. 22138 Wilhelm Stannat: Stochastic partial differential equations - Kolmogorov operators and invariant measures. Jber. DMV 113 (2011), 81-109. J. Sussmann: On the gap between deterministic and stochastic differential equations. Ann. Prob. 6 (1978), 19-41. 29106 Mechthild Thalhammer: Stochastische partielle Differentialgleichungen. Vorl. Univ. Innsbruck 2016, 230p. Useful. 1562 Heinrich von Weizsa''cker/Gerhard Winkler: Stochastic integrals. Vieweg 1990. 26376 Wikipedia: Malliavin calculus. Internet 2015, 3p.