21341 Ottmar Beucher: Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik mit Matlab. Springer 2007, 530p. Eur 44. 16672 Michael Crawley: Statistical computing. An introduction to data analysis using S-Plus. Wiley 2002, 750p. $95. Rather elementary, but useful. 27118 Richard De Veaux: Review of the book "Algorithms for data science" by Steele/Chandler/Reddy. Bull. AMS ... (2017), 7p. 16041 James Gentle: Elements of computational statistics. Springer 2002, 420p. $74. James Gentle a.o. (ed.): Numerical linear algebra for applications in statistics. Springer 1998, 230p. $74. Kenneth Lange/W. Hardle/S. Sheather (ed.): Numerical analysis for statisticians. Springer 1999. $85. 21342 Wendy Martinez/Angel Martinez: Computational statistics handbook with Matlab. Chapman & Hall 2008, 760p. Eur 65. John Monahan: Numerical methods of statistics. Cambridge UP 2001, 450p. $80. Helmut Pruscha: Angewandte Methoden der mathematischen Statistik. Teubner 1996, 410p. DM 49. Offenbar eine gut gelungene Einfuehrung in die praktische (numerische!) Statistik. 28480 Claus Weihs/Olaf Mersmann/Uwe Ligges: Foundations of statistical algorithms. CRC 2014, 470p. Eur 67. M. Wichura: Algorithm AS 241 - the percentage points of the normal distribution. Appl. Statistics 37 (1988), 477-484.